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The tariff classification of Avacor Bordeaux BM, Avacor Red Brown TN, Avacor Red VBS, Avacor Grey LL and Avacor Orange KL from Germany
The tariff classification of Avalan Fast Navy R Conc, Avacor Black TT, Avalan Fast Red Brown AHL, Avalan Fast Brown ALH, and Avacor Brown ENT from Germany.
The tariff classification of five dyes from India.
The tariff classification of Avacor Brown CFG, Avacor Red Brown CSR, Avalan Beige C-BE, Avalan Yellow C-G, and Avalan Red C-R from Germany.
The tariff classification of five acid dyes from India.
The tariff classification of Special Fast Blue G Uncut (CAS#25826-34- 0) from Germany.
The tariff classification of six leather dyes fromArgentina.
The tariff classification of Solvent Violet 8 (CAS# 52080-58-7), Acid Red 87 (CAS# 17372-87-1), Acid Red 18 (CAS# 2611-52-7), Acid Violet 17 (CAS# 4129-84-4) and Acid Red 52 (CAS# 3520-42-1) from India.
The tariff classification of an isomeric mixture of ortho and para toluene sulfonamide from China, acid black 194, hippuric acid and sulfo tobias acid from India.