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Applicability of partial duty exemption under subheading 9802.00.80, HTSUS, to finished hot water dispenser units; NAFTA preferential tariff treatment; General Note 12; Article 509; non-originating materials undergo applicable tariff shift
The tariff classification of Braze Tec CSH 610 from Germany.
The tariff classification of "Rustoff", "HAS 100", "HAS 400", and "HAS 600" from China.
The tariff classification of a brazing rod stick and a welding rod stick from Russia.
Reconsideration and Revocation of New York Ruling Letter888580 concerning the tariff classification of "Nocolok" Fluxfrom Germany.
The tariff classification of Nocolok Flux from Germany.
The tariff classification of a rust remover, rust converterand rust neutralizer from Australia.
Protest 3801-94-107760; Welding Wire; Universal Flux; Headings 3810, 7326, 8311; EN 38.10, 83.11
The tariff classification of Braze Skin PN 200 and TN 500 from Germany.
The tariff classification of Braze Tec CPO 600, CST 600, CSF 600, and CWT 600 from Germany.