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The tariff classification of "Alpha Blend #4" from Canada.
The tariff classification of Diluent M Solvent, CAS # 56539-66-3, imported in bulk form, from Japan
The tariff classification of Product Codes 417, 420C, 420, 827A, 827, and 831 from Canada.
The tariff classification of Product Numbers 407, 407A, 404B, 405, 405B and 405C from Japan.
The tariff classification of Cleaners from Germany
The tariff classification of 402A, 405C, 413A-400g, 409B-340g, and 408A-250ml from Japan.
The tariff classification of various formulations of chemical products containing n-propyl bromide from Israel
The tariff classification of a “Starter Kit Super Remover” from Canada
The tariff classification of Product Codes 801B and 835 from Canada.
The tariff classification of 409B, 413A, 414, 414B, and 414C from Japan.