Pg. 1 of 99 • 990 results

The tariff classification of cartridge filters and pleat packs from Canada.

The tariff classification of a heart-shaped paperboard with trim from China.

The tariff classification of paperboard inserts from Mexico

Government Procurement; Country of Origin of Electric Vehicles; Substantial Transformation

The tariff classification of a “Disney Fairies Tinker Bell’s Beauty Bouquet” from China.

Request for binding ruling; Tariff Classification of PDQ display units imported with a “Hugger with Throw” product.

The tariff classification of a doilies, pop sticks, cookie sticks and lollipop sticks from China.

The tariff classification of chipboard letters, numbers, and punctuation from China

The tariff classification of paper flowers from China

The tariff classification of a "Cupcake Kit" from China

Pg. 1 of 99 • 990 results