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The tariff classification of steel transfer tanks from Mexico
The tariff classification of tanks from Holland
The tariff classification of a stainless steel gravity tank from Sweden and a stainless steel oil tank from Great Britain. Correction to ruling number N162120.
Aircraft Vacuum System Lavatory Components; Vacuum System Controller; Vacuum Generator; Waste Tank Assembly; and Toilet Assembly; Legal Note 6 to chapter 90; ENs 73.10; 73.24; 84.14; heading 9032;
The tariff classification of an oil dispenser and oil draining tanks from Italy
The tariff classification of telephone maintenance equipmentfrom Canada
The tariff classification of unfinished containers from Costa Rica.
Stainless steel beer kegs; EN 73.10; 7311; EN 73.11; containers for compressed or liquefied gas
The tariff classification of plastics molding accessoriesfrom Canada.
Drums; Barrels; Tanks; Casks; Cans; Boxes; Containers; Trash Cans; Storage Bins; Clearly Suitable For Repetitive Use; GRI 5(b)