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The tariff classification of an adjustable lockout hasp from China.
The tariff classification of stainless steel wire shock cord from New Zealand
The tariff classification of a set of 2 steel braided cables, 4 anchor shackles, and 2 turnbuckles, and a box of steel C-links from China.
The tariff classification of a polywire from New Zealand.
The country of origin marking of wire rope articles.
Application for further review of Protest No. 5301-97-100166; 19 C.F.R. 191.141; 19 C.F.R. 191.52; 19 U.S.C. 1313 (j)(1); Unused merchandisedrawback; C.S.D. 82-38; HQ 222431; HQ 227421
Protest 5301-99-100246; Spelter Sockets; Turnbuckles
The tariff classification of coated steel belts from Germany.
The tariff classification of Stainless Steel Wire Strand from Japan.
Commercial Trolling Line on Reels; Stranded Wire Fitted With Fittings; Fishing Line Processed in Canada from Stainless Steel Stranded Wire of Korean Origin; Substantial Transformation