Protest 4115-94-100005; Automotive Components; Explanatory Notes 48.23, 84.21, 85.01, and 85.12; Chapter 39, Note 2(p); Chapter 90, Note 6; Section XVI, Notes 1(a) and 2; Section XVII, Notes 2(a) and (f); HQs 951279, 951976, and 954581; Intercargo Insurance Co., f/k/a International Cargo & Surety Co. (Surety for M.Genauer) v. U.S.; 3923.90.00; 3926.90.90; 4823.90.85; 5911.90.00; 7318.15.20; 7318.21.00; 7318.22.00; 7320.90.10; 8301.60.00; 8414.90.90; 8421.99.00; 8501.10.40; 8503.00.40; 8512.90.90; 8536.41.00; 9032.90.60
The tariff classification of a click spring from Japan.