Pg. 1 of 22 • 218 results

Request for Internal Advice on Classification of an Air Fryer

The tariff classification of a blanket warmer from China.

The tariff classification of a USB air freshener unit from China

The tariff classification of a candle plate warmer from China

The tariff classification of a portable clothes dryer from China

The tariff classification of a rechargeable Li-ion (Lithium-ion) battery and silicone (flexible) keyboard from China, a bag sealer from Taiwan, and a screw-unscrew cap for bags from Colombia and South America or Taiwan

The tariff classification of a ribbon curler from China

The tariff classification of an exfoliating/cleansing facial brush from China

The tariff classification of an electric warming pad from China

Revocation of HQ 963001, dated July 22, 1999; Classification of Electrically-Heated Throws and Seat Pads for Automotive Use

Pg. 1 of 22 • 218 results