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Applicability of the partial duty exemption pursuant under HTSUS subheading 9802.00.80 to coaxial attenuators processed in Mexico; eligibility for preferential NAFTA treatment
Eligibility of components for duty-free treatment under the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP); imported directly; Singapore; 19 CFR 10.175(e)
Cable-television signal-converter; remote-control device; HRL 952293; HRL 952302; HRL 952441; set; GRI 3(b); essential character; EN Rule 3(b); NAFTA; Article 509; originating good; General Note 12(b)(ii(A); change in tariff classification; non-originating materials; General Note 12(t)/85.77
Carbon Monoxide Alarm Units; Transformers; Functional Unit; GRI 1; Country of origin marking; NAFTA; Article 509; General Note 12(b)(i) and (ii)(A), and 12(t)/85.107(A)
The tariff classification of a fixed carbon resistor from Japan
United States-Canada Free-Trade Agreement; Hot water kettlepower supply cords with third country components; Originatinggoods
The tariff classification of various electrical devices from Mexico
The tariff classification of resistor networks from China Dear Mr. Murphy: