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The tariff classification of an underwater Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) from the United States
The tariff classification of candles from China.
Exception from Entry; 19 CFR 141.4
The tariff classification of two infant's sets from Thailand.
The tariff classification of a man's knit shirt from Korea.
The tariff classification of cellulose nitrate, in primary form, from
The tariff classification of the Lapboy Lap Time CountingSystem from Japan.
Coastwise; Passenger; Hovercraft; Rescue; Classification; 46 U.S.C. App. 289; 46 U.S.C. App. 883; subheading 8901.10.00, HTSUS.
Internal Advice Request; Importation, Time of; Outer Continental Shelf; Tension Leg Drilling Platform; 19 CFR 101.1(h); C.A.D. 612; C.S.D. 79-1; C.S.D. 80-235; 8905.20.00, HTSUS; 8907.90.00, HTSUS; Ruling 110808, August 20, 1990, Modified Dear Madame:
Classification of Hot Stabs; Internal Advice