2017—Subsec. (a). [Pub. L. 115–91, § 2801(b)(2)(A)], inserted heading.
Subsec. (b). [Pub. L. 115–91, § 2801(b)(2)(B)], added subsec. (b) and struck out former subsec. (b) which read as follows: “A contract to carry out a relocation of military family housing units under subsection (a) may not be awarded until (1) the Secretary concerned has notified the appropriate committees of Congress of the proposed new locations of the housing units to be relocated and the estimated cost of and source of funds for the relocation, and (2) a period of 21 days has elapsed after the notification has been received by those committees or, if over sooner, a period of 14 days has elapsed after the date on which a copy of the notification is provided in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title.”
2003—Subsec. (b)(2). [Pub. L. 108–136] inserted before period at end “or, if over sooner, a period of 14 days has elapsed after the date on which a copy of the notification is provided in an electronic medium pursuant to section 480 of this title”.
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Effective Date
For effective date and applicability of section, see [section 12(a) of Pub. L. 97–214], set out as a note under section 2801 of this title.
Conveyance to Indian Tribes of Relocatable Military Housing Units at Military Installations in the United States
[Pub. L. 114–92, div. B, title XXVIII, § 2805], Nov. 25, 2015, [129 Stat. 1171], provided that:“(a)
In this section:
Executive director.—
The term ‘Executive Director’ means the Executive Director of Walking Shield, Inc.
Indian tribe.—
The term ‘Indian tribe’ means any Indian tribe included on the list published by the Secretary of the Interior under section 104 of the Federally Recognized Indian Tribe List Act of 1994 (
25 U.S.C. 479a–1) [now
25 U.S.C. 5131].
Requests for Conveyance.—
In general.—
The Executive Director may submit to the Secretary of the military department concerned, on behalf of any Indian tribe, a request for conveyance of any relocatable military housing unit located at a military installation in the United States.
The Executive Director shall resolve any conflict among requests of Indian tribes for housing units described in paragraph (1) before submitting a request to the Secretary of the military department concerned under this subsection.
Conveyance by a Secretary.—
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, on receipt of a request under subsection (b)(1), the Secretary of the military department concerned may convey to the Indian tribe that is the subject of the request, at no cost to such military department and without consideration, any relocatable military housing unit described in subsection (b)(1) that, as determined by such Secretary, is in excess of the needs of the military.”