§ 8733.
Any oil, gas, gasoline or other substance accruing to the United States as royalty from any lease under this chapter shall be delivered to the United States, or shall be paid for in money, as the Secretary elects.
([Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041], [70A Stat. 461], § 7433; [Pub. L. 87–796, § 1(9)], Oct. 11, 1962, [76 Stat. 905]; [Pub. L. 94–258, title II, § 201(14)], (15), Apr. 5, 1976, [90 Stat. 313]; renumbered § 8733, [Pub. L. 115–232, div. A, title VIII, § 807(d)(5)], Aug. 13, 2018, [132 Stat. 1836].)