U.S Code last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024
§ 1710.
Payment of insurance
In general
Authorized claims procedures
The Secretary may, in accordance with this subsection and terms and conditions prescribed by the Secretary, pay insurance benefits to a mortgagee for any mortgage insured under section 1709 of this title through any of the following methods:
Assignment of mortgage
The Secretary may pay insurance benefits whenever a mortgage has been in a monetary default for not less than 3 full monthly installments or whenever the mortgagee is entitled to foreclosure for a nonmonetary default. Insurance benefits shall be paid pursuant to this subparagraph only upon the assignment, transfer, and delivery to the Secretary of—
all rights and interests arising under the mortgage;
all claims of the mortgagee against the mortgagor or others arising out of the mortgage transaction;
title evidence satisfactory to the Secretary; and
such records relating to the mortgage transaction as the Secretary may require.
Conveyance of title to property
The Secretary may pay insurance benefits if the mortgagee has acquired title to the mortgaged property through foreclosure or has otherwise acquired such property from the mortgagor after a default upon—
the prompt conveyance to the Secretary of title to the property which meets the standards of the Secretary in force at the time the mortgage was insured and which is evidenced in the manner provided by such standards; and
the assignment to the Secretary of all claims of the mortgagee against the mortgagor or others, arising out of mortgage transaction or foreclosure proceedings, except such claims as may have been released with the consent of the Secretary.
The Secretary may permit the mortgagee to tender to the Secretary a satisfactory conveyance of title and transfer of possession directly from the mortgagor or other appropriate grantor, and may pay to the mortgagee the insurance benefits to which it would otherwise be entitled if such conveyance had been made to the mortgagee and from the mortgagee to the Secretary.
Claim without conveyance of title
Preforeclosure sale
The Secretary may pay insurance benefits upon the sale of the mortgaged property by the mortgagor after default and the assignment to the Secretary of all claims referred to in clause (ii) of subparagraph (B), if—
the sale of the mortgaged property has been approved by the Secretary;
the mortgagee receives an amount at least equal to the fair market value of the property (with appropriate adjustments), as determined by the Secretary; and
the mortgagor has received an appropriate disclosure, as determined by the Secretary.
Payment for loss mitigation
Determination of claims procedure
Servicing of assigned mortgages
Calculation of insurance benefits
Insurance benefits shall be paid in accordance with section 1735d of this title and shall be equal to the original principal obligation of the mortgage (with such additions and deductions as the Secretary determines are appropriate) which was unpaid upon the date of—
assignment of the mortgage to the Secretary;
the institution of foreclosure proceedings;
the acquisition of the property after default other than by foreclosure; or
sale of the mortgaged property by the mortgagor.
Forbearance and recasting after default
The mortgagee may, upon such terms and conditions as the Secretary may prescribe—
extend the time for the curing of the default and the time for commencing foreclosure proceedings or for otherwise acquiring title to the mortgaged property, to such time as the mortgagee determines is necessary and desirable to enable the mortgagor to complete the mortgage payments, including an extension of time beyond the stated maturity of the mortgage, and in the event of a subsequent foreclosure or acquisition of the property by other means the Secretary may include in the amount of insurance benefits an amount equal to any unpaid mortgage interest; or
provide for a modification of the terms of the mortgage for the purpose of recasting, over the remaining term of the mortgage or over such longer period pursuant to guidelines as may be prescribed by the Secretary, the total unpaid amount then due, with the modification to become effective currently or to become effective upon the termination of an agreed-upon extension of the period for curing the default; and the principal amount of the mortgage, as modified, shall be considered the “original principal obligation of the mortgage” for purposes of paragraph (5).
Termination of premium obligation
Effect on payment of insurance benefits under section 1715u
Treatment of mortgage assignment program
Consent to release of mortgagor or property
Debentures; form and amounts
Debentures issued under this section—
shall be in such form and amounts;
shall be subject to such terms and conditions;
shall include such provisions for redemption, if any, as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury; and
may be in book entry or certificated registered form, or such other form as the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may prescribe in regulations.
Debentures; issuance; negotiability; terms; tax exemptions
Certificate of claim
Subject to paragraph (2), the certificate of claim issued by the Secretary to any mortgagee shall be for an amount which the Secretary determines to be sufficient, when added to the face value of the debentures issued and the cash adjustment paid to the mortgagee, to equal the amount which the mortgagee would have received if, at the time of the conveyance to the Secretary of the property covered by the mortgage, the mortgagor had redeemed the property and paid in full all obligations under the mortgage and a reasonable amount for necessary expenses incurred by the mortgagee in connection with the foreclosure proceedings, or the acquisition of the mortgaged property otherwise, and the conveyance thereof to the Secretary. Each such certificate of claim shall provide that there shall accrue to the holder of such certificate with respect to the face amount of such certificate, an increment at the rate of 3 per centum per annum which shall not be compounded. The amount to which the holder of any such certificate shall be entitled shall be determined as provided in subsection (f).
A certificate of claim shall not be issued and the provisions of paragraph (1) of this subsection shall not be applicable in the case of a mortgage accepted for insurance pursuant to a commitment issued on or after September 2, 1964.
Division of excess proceeds; settlement of certificates of claims and refunds to mortgagors
If, after deducting (in such manner and amount as the Secretary shall determine to be equitable and in accordance with sound accounting practice) the expenses incurred by the Secretary, the net amount realized from any property conveyed to the Secretary under this section and the claims assigned therewith exceed the face value of the debentures issued and the cash paid in exchange for such property plus all interest paid on such debentures, such excess shall be divided as follows:
If such excess is greater than the total amount payable under the certificate of claim issued in connection with such property, the Secretary shall pay to the holder of such certificate the full amount so payable, and any excess remaining thereafter shall be paid to the mortgagor of such property if the mortgage was insured under section 1709 of this title: Provided, That on and after September 2, 1964, any excess remaining after payment to the holder of the full amount of the certificate of claim, together with the accrued interest increment thereon, shall be retained by the Secretary and credited to the applicable insurance fund; and
If such excess is equal to or less than the total amount payable under such certificate of claim, the Secretary shall pay to the holder of such certificate the full amount of such excess.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, the Secretary is authorized, with respect to mortgages insured pursuant to commitments for insurance issued after August 11, 1955, and, with the consent of the mortgagee or mortgagor, as the case may be, with respect to mortgages insured pursuant to commitments issued prior to such date, to effect the settlement of certificates of claim and refunds to mortgagors at any time after the sale or transfer of title to the property conveyed to the Secretary under this section and without awaiting the final liquidation of such property for the purpose of determining the net amount to be realized therefrom: Provided, That the settlement authority created by the Housing Amendments of 1955 shall be terminated with respect to any certificates of claim outstanding as of September 2, 1964.
With the consent of the holder thereof, the Secretary is authorized, without awaiting the final liquidation of the Secretary’s interest in the property, to settle any certificate of claim issued pursuant to subsection (e), with respect to which settlement had not been effected prior to September 2, 1964, by making payment in cash to the holder thereof of such amount not exceeding the face amount of the certificate of claim, together with the accrued interest thereon, as the Secretary may consider appropriate: Provided, That in any case where the certificate of claim is settled in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph, any amounts realized after September 2, 1964, in the liquidation of the Secretary’s interest in the property, shall be retained by the Secretary and credited to the applicable insurance fund.
Handling and disposal of property; settlement of claims
Disposition of assets in revitalization areas
In general
Eligible assets
For purposes of this subsection, the term “eligible asset” means any of the following categories of assets of the Secretary, unless the Secretary determines at any time that the asset property is economically or otherwise infeasible to rehabilitate or that the best use of the asset property is as open space (including park land):
Any property that—
is designed as a dwelling for occupancy by 1 to 4 families;
is located in a revitalization area;
was previously subject to a mortgage insured under the provisions of this chapter; and
is owned by the Secretary pursuant to the payment of insurance benefits under this chapter.
Any mortgage that—
is an interest in a property that meets the requirements of clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (A);
was previously insured under the provisions of this chapter except for mortgages insured under or made pursuant to sections 1715z, 1715z–12, or 1715z–20 of this title; and
is held by the Secretary pursuant to the payment of insurance benefits under this chapter.
For purposes of this subsection, an asset under this subparagraph shall be considered to be located in a revitalization area, or in the asset control area of a preferred purchaser, if the property described in clause (i) is located in such area.
Revitalization areas
The Secretary shall designate areas as revitalization areas for purposes of this subsection. Before designation of an area as a revitalization area, the Secretary shall consult with affected units of general local government, States, and Indian tribes and interested nonprofit organizations. The Secretary may designate as revitalization areas only areas that meet one of the following requirements:
Very-low income area
The median household income for the area is less than 60 percent of the median household income for—
in the case of any area located within a metropolitan area, such metropolitan area; or
in the case of any area not located within a metropolitan area, the State in which the area is located.
High concentration of eligible assets
A high rate of default or foreclosure for single family mortgages insured under this chapter has resulted, or may result, in the area—
having a disproportionately high concentration of eligible assets, in comparison with the concentration of such assets in surrounding areas; or
being detrimentally impacted by eligible assets in the vicinity of the area.
Low home ownership rate
Preference for sale to preferred purchasers
The Secretary shall provide a preference, among prospective purchasers of eligible assets, for sale of such assets to any purchaser who—
the unit of general local government, State, or Indian tribe having jurisdiction with respect to the area in which are located the eligible assets to be sold; or
a nonprofit organization;
in making a purchase under the program under this subsection—
establishes an asset control area, which shall be an area that consists of part or all of a revitalization area; and
purchases all assets of the Secretary in the category or categories of eligible assets set forth in the sale agreement required under paragraph (7) that, at any time during the period which shall be set forth in the sale agreement—
are or become eligible for purchase under this subsection; and
are located in the asset control area of the purchaser; and
has the capacity to carry out the purchase of the category or categories of eligible assets set forth in the sale agreement under the program under this subsection and under the provisions of this paragraph.
Agreements required for purchase
Preferred purchasers
Under the program under this subsection, the Secretary may sell an eligible asset as provided in paragraph (4) to a preferred purchaser only pursuant to a binding agreement by the preferred purchaser that the eligible asset will be used in conjunction with a home ownership plan that provides as follows:
The plan has as its primary purpose the expansion of home ownership in, and the revitalization of, the asset control area, established pursuant to paragraph (4)(B)(i) by the purchaser, in which the eligible asset is located.
Under the plan, the preferred purchaser has established, and agreed to meet, specific performance goals for increasing the rate of home ownership for eligible assets in the asset control area that are under the purchaser’s control. The plan shall provide that the Secretary may waive or modify such goals or deadlines only upon a determination by the Secretary that a good faith effort has been made in complying with the goals through the homeownership plan and that exceptional neighborhood conditions prevented attainment of the goal.
Under the plan, the preferred purchaser has established rehabilitation standards that meet or exceed the standards for housing quality established under subparagraph (B)(iii) by the Secretary, and has agreed that each asset property for an eligible asset purchased will be rehabilitated in accordance with such standards.
Non-preferred purchasers
Under the program under this subsection, the Secretary may sell an eligible asset to a purchaser who is not a preferred purchaser only pursuant to a binding agreement by the purchaser that complies with the following requirements:
The purchaser has agreed to meet specific performance goals established by the Secretary for home ownership of the asset properties for the eligible assets purchased by the purchaser, except that the Secretary may, by including a provision in the sale agreement required under paragraph (7), provide for a lower rate of home ownership in sales involving exceptional circumstances.
The purchaser has agreed that each asset property for an eligible asset purchased will be rehabilitated to comply with minimum standards for housing quality established by the Secretary for purposes of the program under this subsection.
Discount for preferred purchasers
In general
The Secretary shall require that each appraisal of an eligible asset under this paragraph is based upon—
the market value of the asset property in its “as is” physical condition, which shall take into consideration age and condition of major mechanical and structural systems; and
the value of the property appraised for home ownership.
Sale agreement
The Secretary may sell an eligible asset under this subsection only pursuant to a sale agreement entered into under this paragraph with the purchaser, which shall include the following provisions:
Revitalization area and asset control area
The sale agreement shall identify—
the boundaries of the specific revitalization areas (or portions thereof) in which are located the eligible assets that are covered by the agreement; and
in the case of a preferred purchaser, the asset control area established pursuant to paragraph (4)(B)(i) that is covered by the agreement.
Binding agreements
The sale agreement shall contain binding agreements by the purchaser sufficient to comply with—
in the case of a preferred purchaser, the requirements under paragraph (5)(A), which agreements shall provide that the eligible assets purchased will be used in conjunction with a home ownership plan meeting the requirements of such paragraph, and shall set forth the terms of the homeownership plan, including—
the goals of the plan for the eligible assets purchased and for the asset control area subject to the plan;
the revitalization areas (or portions thereof) in which the homeownership plan is operating or will operate;
the specific use or disposition of the eligible assets under the plan; and
any activities to be conducted and services to be provided under the plan; or
in the case of a purchaser who is not a preferred purchaser, the requirements under paragraph (5)(B).
Purchase price and discount
Housing quality
Performance goals and sanctions
Period covered
The sale agreement shall establish—
in the case of a preferred purchaser, the time period referred to in paragraph (4)(B)(ii); and
in the case of a purchaser who is not a preferred purchaser, the time period for purchase of eligible assets that may be covered by the purchase.
Other terms
For purposes of this subsection, the following definitions shall apply:
Asset control area
Asset property
The term “asset property” means—
with respect to an eligible asset that is a property, such property; and
with respect to an eligible asset that is a mortgage, the property that is subject to the mortgage.
Eligible asset
Nonprofit organization
The term “nonprofit organization” means a private organization that—
is organized under State or local laws;
has no part of its net earnings inuring to the benefit of any member, shareholder, founder, contributor, or individual; and
complies with standards of financial responsibility that the Secretary may require.
Preferred purchaser
Unit of general local government
Indian tribe
Secretary’s discretion
Mortgagor’s or mortgagee’s interest in property or claim conveyed
Foreclosure; payment and cessation of obligation
Repealed. Pub. L. 105–276, title VI, § 601(c), Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2673
Nullification of right of redemption of single family mortgagors
Whenever the Secretary or a contract mortgagee (pursuant to its contract with the Secretary) forecloses on a Secretary-held single family mortgage in any Federal or State court or pursuant to a power of sale in a mortgage, the purchaser at the foreclosure sale shall be entitled to receive a conveyance of title to, and possession of, the property, subject to the interests senior to the interests of the Secretary or the contract mortgagee, as the case may be. Notwithstanding any State law to the contrary, there shall be no right of redemption (including in all instances any right to possession based upon any right of redemption) in the mortgagor or any other person subsequent to the foreclosure sale in connection with a Secretary-held single family mortgage. The appropriate State official or the trustee, as the case may be, shall execute and deliver a deed or other appropriate instrument conveying title to the purchaser at the foreclosure sale, consistent with applicable procedures in the jurisdiction and without regard to any such right of redemption.
The following actions shall be taken in order to verify title in the purchaser at the foreclosure sale:
In the case of a judicial foreclosure in any Federal or State court, there shall be included in the petition and in the judgment of foreclosure a statement that the foreclosure is in accordance with this subsection and that there is no right of redemption in the mortgagor or any other person.
In the case of a foreclosure pursuant to a power of sale provision in the mortgage, the statement required in subparagraph (A) shall be included in the advertisement of the sale and either in the recitals of the deed or other appropriate instrument conveying title to the purchaser at the foreclosure sale or in an affidavit or addendum to the deed.
For purposes of this subsection:
The term “contract mortgagee” means a person or entity under a contract with the Secretary that provides for the assignment of a single-family mortgage from the Secretary to the person or entity for the purpose of pursuing foreclosure.
the 6
 So in original. Probably should be capitalized.
term “mortgage” means a deed of trust, mortgage, deed to secure debt, security agreement, or any other form of instrument under which any interest in property, real, personal, or mixed, or any interest in property, including leaseholds, life estates, reversionary interests, and any other estates under applicable State law, is conveyed in trust, mortgaged, encumbered, pledged, or otherwise rendered subject to a lien, for the purpose of securing the payment of money or the performance of an obligation.
The term “Secretary-held single family mortgage” means a single-family mortgage held by the Secretary or by a contract mortgagee at the time of initiation of foreclosure that—
was formerly insured by the Secretary under any section of this subchapter; or
was taken by the Secretary as a purchase money mortgage in connection with the sale or other transfer of Secretary-owned property under any section of this subchapter.
the term “single-family mortgage” means a mortgage that covers property on which is located a 1-to-4 family residence.
(June 27, 1934, ch. 847, title II, § 204, 48 Stat. 1249; May 28, 1935, ch. 150, § 29(c), 49 Stat. 300; Feb. 19, 1937, ch. 12, 50 Stat. 20; Feb. 3, 1938, ch. 13, § 3, 52 Stat. 12; June 3, 1939, ch. 175, §§ 9, 10, 53 Stat. 806; June 28, 1941, ch. 261, § 9, 55 Stat. 365; Oct. 14, 1943, ch. 258, § 1, 57 Stat. 570; Aug. 10, 1948, ch. 832, title I, § 101(l), (q), 62 Stat. 1273, 1274; Apr. 20, 1950, ch. 94, title I, §§ 105, 122, 64 Stat. 52, 59; Sept. 1, 1951, ch. 378, title VI, § 604(a), 65 Stat. 314; Aug. 2, 1954, ch. 649, title I, §§ 111, 112(a), 113, 68 Stat. 593, 594; Aug. 11, 1955, ch. 783, title I, § 102(a), 69 Stat. 635; Pub. L. 85–104, title I, §§ 107, 108(a), July 12, 1957, 71 Stat. 297; Pub. L. 86–372, title I, §§ 114(b), 117, Sept. 23, 1959, 73 Stat. 662, 664; Pub. L. 87–70, title VI, § 612(b), (c), June 30, 1961, 75 Stat. 180; Pub. L. 88–560, title I, §§ 104(a), 105(a), Sept. 2, 1964, 78 Stat. 769, 770; Pub. L. 89–117, title XI, § 1108(d), Aug. 10, 1965, 79 Stat. 504; Pub. L. 90–19, § 1(a)(2), (3), (4), (d), May 25, 1967, 81 Stat. 17, 18; Pub. L. 98–181, title I [title IV, § 426], Nov. 30, 1983, 97 Stat. 1218; Pub. L. 100–242, title V, § 569, Feb. 5, 1988, 101 Stat. 1948; Pub. L. 100–628, title X, § 1064(a), (b), Nov. 7, 1988, 102 Stat. 3275; Pub. L. 101–235, title I, § 136, Dec. 15, 1989, 103 Stat. 2028; Pub. L. 102–550, title V, § 516(a), Oct. 28, 1992, 106 Stat. 3790; Pub. L. 104–99, title IV, § 407(a), Jan. 26, 1996, 110 Stat. 45; Pub. L. 104–134, title I, § 101(e) [title II, § 221(a)], Apr. 26, 1996, 110 Stat. 1321–257, 1321–290; renumbered title I, Pub. L. 104–140, § 1(a), May 2, 1996, 110 Stat. 1327; Pub. L. 105–276, title VI, §§ 601(a), (c), (d), 602, Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2670, 2673, 2674; Pub. L. 108–447, div. I, title II, § 221, Dec. 8, 2004, 118 Stat. 3320; Pub. L. 111–22, div. A, title II, § 203(c), May 20, 2009, 123 Stat. 1644.)
cite as: 12 USC 1710