U.S Code last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024
§ 1637.
Open end consumer credit plans
Required disclosures by creditor
Before opening any account under an open end consumer credit plan, the creditor shall disclose to the person to whom credit is to be extended each of the following items, to the extent applicable:
The conditions under which a finance charge may be imposed, including the time period (if any) within which any credit extended may be repaid without incurring a finance charge, except that the creditor may, at his election and without disclosure, impose no such finance charge if payment is received after the termination of such time period. If no such time period is provided, the creditor shall disclose such fact.
The method of determining the balance upon which a finance charge will be imposed.
The method of determining the amount of the finance charge, including any minimum or fixed amount imposed as a finance charge.
Where one or more periodic rates may be used to compute the finance charge, each such rate, the range of balances to which it is applicable, and the corresponding nominal annual percentage rate determined by multiplying the periodic rate by the number of periods in a year.
Identification of other charges which may be imposed as part of the plan, and their method of computation, in accordance with regulations of the Bureau.
In cases where the credit is or will be secured, a statement that a security interest has been or will be taken in (A) the property purchased as part of the credit transaction, or (B) property not purchased as part of the credit transaction identified by item or type.
A statement, in a form prescribed by regulations of the Bureau of the protection provided by sections 1666 and 1666i of this title to an obligor and the creditor’s responsibilities under sections 1666a and 1666i of this title. With respect to one billing cycle per calendar year, at intervals of not less than six months or more than eighteen months, the creditor shall transmit such statement to each obligor to whom the creditor is required to transmit a statement pursuant to subsection (b) for such billing cycle.
In the case of any account under an open end consumer credit plan which provides for any extension of credit which is secured by the consumer’s principal dwelling, any information which—
is required to be disclosed under section 1637a(a) of this title; and
the Bureau determines is not described in any other paragraph of this subsection.
Statement required with each billing cycle
The creditor of any account under an open end consumer credit plan shall transmit to the obligor, for each billing cycle at the end of which there is an outstanding balance in that account or with respect to which a finance charge is imposed, a statement setting forth each of the following items to the extent applicable:
The outstanding balance in the account at the beginning of the statement period.
The amount and date of each extension of credit during the period, and a brief identification, on or accompanying the statement of each extension of credit in a form prescribed by the Bureau sufficient to enable the obligor either to identify the transaction or to relate it to copies of sales vouchers or similar instruments previously furnished, except that a creditor’s failure to disclose such information in accordance with this paragraph shall not be deemed a failure to comply with this part or this subchapter if (A) the creditor maintains procedures reasonably adapted to procure and provide such information, and (B) the creditor responds to and treats any inquiry for clarification or documentation as a billing error and an erroneously billed amount under section 1666 of this title. In lieu of complying with the requirements of the previous sentence, in the case of any transaction in which the creditor and seller are the same person, as defined by the Bureau, and such person’s open end credit plan has fewer than 15,000 accounts, the creditor may elect to provide only the amount and date of each extension of credit during the period and the seller’s name and location where the transaction took place if (A) a brief identification of the transaction has been previously furnished, and (B) the creditor responds to and treats any inquiry for clarification or documentation as a billing error and an erroneously billed amount under section 1666 of this title.
The total amount credited to the account during the period.
The amount of any finance charge added to the account during the period, itemized to show the amounts, if any, due to the application of percentage rates and the amount, if any, imposed as a minimum or fixed charge.
Where one or more periodic rates may be used to compute the finance charge, each such rate, the range of balances to which it is applicable, and, unless the annual percentage rate (determined under section 1606(a)(2) of this title) is required to be disclosed pursuant to paragraph (6), the corresponding nominal annual percentage rate determined by multiplying the periodic rate by the number of periods in a year.
Where the total finance charge exceeds 50 cents for a monthly or longer billing cycle, or the pro rata part of 50 cents for a billing cycle shorter than monthly, the total finance charge expressed as an annual percentage rate (determined under section 1606(a)(2) of this title), except that if the finance charge is the sum of two or more products of a rate times a portion of the balance, the creditor may, in lieu of disclosing a single rate for the total charge, disclose each such rate expressed as an annual percentage rate, and the part of the balance to which it is applicable.
The balance on which the finance charge was computed and a statement of how the balance was determined. If the balance is determined without first deducting all credits during the period, that fact and the amount of such payments shall also be disclosed.
The outstanding balance in the account at the end of the period.
The date by which or the period (if any) within which, payment must be made to avoid additional finance charges, except that the creditor may, at his election and without disclosure, impose no such additional finance charge if payment is received after such date or the termination of such period.
The address to be used by the creditor for the purpose of receiving billing inquiries from the obligor.
A written statement in the following form: “Minimum Payment Warning: Making only the minimum payment will increase the amount of interest you pay and the time it takes to repay your balance.”, or such similar statement as is established by the Bureau pursuant to consumer testing.
Repayment information that would apply to the outstanding balance of the consumer under the credit plan, including—
the number of months (rounded to the nearest month) that it would take to pay the entire amount of that balance, if the consumer pays only the required minimum monthly payments and if no further advances are made;
the total cost to the consumer, including interest and principal payments, of paying that balance in full, if the consumer pays only the required minimum monthly payments and if no further advances are made;
the monthly payment amount that would be required for the consumer to eliminate the outstanding balance in 36 months, if no further advances are made, and the total cost to the consumer, including interest and principal payments, of paying that balance in full if the consumer pays the balance over 36 months; and
a toll-free telephone number at which the consumer may receive information about accessing credit counseling and debt management services.
Subject to clause (ii), in making the disclosures under subparagraph (B), the creditor shall apply the interest rate or rates in effect on the date on which the disclosure is made until the date on which the balance would be paid in full.
If the interest rate in effect on the date on which the disclosure is made is a temporary rate that will change under a contractual provision applying an index or formula for subsequent interest rate adjustment, the creditor shall apply the interest rate in effect on the date on which the disclosure is made for as long as that interest rate will apply under that contractual provision, and then apply an interest rate based on the index or formula in effect on the applicable billing date.
All of the information described in subparagraph (B) shall—
be disclosed in the form and manner which the Bureau shall prescribe, by regulation, and in a manner that avoids duplication; and
be placed in a conspicuous and prominent location on the billing statement.
In the regulations prescribed under subparagraph (D), the Bureau shall require that the disclosure of such information shall be in the form of a table that—
contains clear and concise headings for each item of such information; and
provides a clear and concise form stating each item of information required to be disclosed under each such heading.
In prescribing the form of the table under subparagraph (E), the Bureau shall require that—
all of the information in the table, and not just a reference to the table, be placed on the billing statement, as required by this paragraph; and
the items required to be included in the table shall be listed in the order in which such items are set forth in subparagraph (B).
In prescribing the form of the table under subparagraph (D), the Bureau shall employ terminology which is different than the terminology which is employed in subparagraph (B), if such terminology is more easily understood and conveys substantially the same meaning.
Requirements relating to late payment deadlines and penalties.—
Late payment deadline required to be disclosed.—
In the case of a credit card account under an open end consumer credit plan under which a late fee or charge may be imposed due to the failure of the obligor to make payment on or before the due date for such payment, the periodic statement required under subsection (b) with respect to the account shall include, in a conspicuous location on the billing statement, the date on which the payment is due or, if different, the date on which a late payment fee will be charged, together with the amount of the fee or charge to be imposed if payment is made after that date.
Disclosure of increase in interest rates for late payments.—
If 1 or more late payments under an open end consumer credit plan may result in an increase in the annual percentage rate applicable to the account, the statement required under subsection (b) with respect to the account shall include conspicuous notice of such fact, together with the applicable penalty annual percentage rate, in close proximity to the disclosure required under subparagraph (A) of the date on which payment is due under the terms of the account.
Payments at local branches.—
If the creditor, in the case of a credit card account referred to in subparagraph (A), is a financial institution which maintains branches or offices at which payments on any such account are accepted from the obligor in person, the date on which the obligor makes a payment on the account at such branch or office shall be considered to be the date on which the payment is made for purposes of determining whether a late fee or charge may be imposed due to the failure of the obligor to make payment on or before the due date for such payment.
Disclosure in credit and charge card applications and solicitations
Direct mail applications and solicitations
Information in tabular format
Any application to open a credit card account for any person under an open end consumer credit plan, or a solicitation to open such an account without requiring an application, that is mailed to consumers shall disclose the following information, subject to subsection (e) and section 1632(c) of this title:
Annual percentage rates
Each annual percentage rate applicable to extensions of credit under such credit plan.
Where an extension of credit is subject to a variable rate, the fact that the rate is variable, the annual percentage rate in effect at the time of the mailing, and how the rate is determined.
Where more than one rate applies, the range of balances to which each rate applies.
Annual and other fees
Any annual fee, other periodic fee, or membership fee imposed for the issuance or availability of a credit card, including any account maintenance fee or other charge imposed based on activity or inactivity for the account during the billing cycle.
Any minimum finance charge imposed for each period during which any extension of credit which is subject to a finance charge is outstanding.
Any transaction charge imposed in connection with use of the card to purchase goods or services.
Grace period
The date by which or the period within which any credit extended under such credit plan for purchases of goods or services must be repaid to avoid incurring a finance charge, and, if no such period is offered, such fact shall be clearly stated.
If the length of such “grace period” varies, the card issuer may disclose the range of days in the grace period, the minimum number of days in the grace period, or the average number of days in the grace period, if the disclosure is identified as such.
Balance calculation method
The name of the balance calculation method used in determining the balance on which the finance charge is computed if the method used has been defined by the Bureau, or a detailed explanation of the balance calculation method used if the method has not been so defined.
In prescribing regulations to carry out this clause, the Bureau shall define and name not more than the 5 balance calculation methods determined by the Bureau to be the most commonly used methods.
Other information
In addition to the information required to be disclosed under subparagraph (A), each application or solicitation to which such subparagraph applies shall disclose clearly and conspicuously the following information, subject to subsections (e) and (f):
Cash advance fee
Late fee
Over-the-limit fee
Telephone solicitations
In general
Subparagraph (A) shall not apply to any telephone solicitation if—
the credit card issuer—
does not impose any fee described in paragraph (1)(A)(ii)(I); or
does not impose any fee in connection with telephone solicitations unless the consumer signifies acceptance by using the card;
the card issuer discloses clearly and conspicuously in writing the information described in paragraph (1) within 30 days after the consumer requests the card, but in no event later than the date of delivery of the card; and
the card issuer discloses clearly and conspicuously that the consumer is not obligated to accept the card or account and the consumer will not be obligated to pay any of the fees or charges disclosed unless the consumer elects to accept the card or account by using the card.
Applications and solicitations by other means
In general
Specific information
An application or solicitation described in subparagraph (A) meets the requirement of this subparagraph if such application or solicitation contains—
the information—
described in paragraph (1)(A) in the form required under section 1632(c) of this title, subject to subsection (e), and
described in paragraph (1)(B) in a clear and conspicuous form, subject to subsections (e) and (f);
a statement, in a conspicuous and prominent location on the application or solicitation, that—
the information is accurate as of the date the application or solicitation was printed;
the information contained in the application or solicitation is subject to change after such date; and
the applicant should contact the creditor for information on any change in the information contained in the application or solicitation since it was printed;
a clear and conspicuous disclosure of the date the application or solicitation was printed; and
a disclosure, in a conspicuous and prominent location on the application or solicitation, of a toll free telephone number or a mailing address at which the applicant may contact the creditor to obtain any change in the information provided in the application or solicitation since it was printed.
General information without any specific term
An application or solicitation described in subparagraph (A) meets the requirement of this subparagraph if such application or solicitation—
contains a statement, in a conspicuous and prominent location on the application or solicitation, that—
there are costs associated with the use of credit cards; and
the applicant may contact the creditor to request disclosure of specific information of such costs by calling a toll free telephone number or by writing to an address, specified in the application;
contains a disclosure, in a conspicuous and prominent location on the application or solicitation, of a toll free telephone number and a mailing address at which the applicant may contact the creditor to obtain such information; and
does not contain any of the items described in paragraph (1).
Applications or solicitations containing subsection (a) disclosures
An application or solicitation meets the requirement of this subparagraph if it contains, or is accompanied by—
the disclosures required by paragraphs (1) through (6) of subsection (a);
the disclosures required by subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1) of this subsection included clearly and conspiciously 1
 So in original. Probably should be “conspicuously”.
(except that the provisions of section 1632(c) of this title shall not apply); and
a toll free telephone number or a mailing address at which the applicant may contact the creditor to obtain any change in the information provided.
Prompt response to information requests
Charge card applications and solicitations
In general
Any application or solicitation to open a charge card account shall disclose clearly and conspicuously the following information in the form required by section 1632(c) of this title, subject to subsection (e):
Any annual fee, other periodic fee, or membership fee imposed for the issuance or availability of the charge card, including any account maintenance fee or other charge imposed based on activity or inactivity for the account during the billing cycle.
Any transaction charge imposed in connection with use of the card to purchase goods or services.
A statement that charges incurred by use of the charge card are due and payable upon receipt of a periodic statement rendered for such charge card account.
Other information
In addition to the information required to be disclosed under subparagraph (A), each written application or solicitation to which such subparagraph applies shall disclose clearly and conspicuously the following information, subject to subsections (e) and (f):
Cash advance fee
Late fee
Over-the-limit fee
Applications and solicitations by other means
Any application to open a charge card account, and any solicitation to open such an account without requiring an application, that is made available to the public or contained in catalogs, magazines, or other publications shall contain—
the information—
described in subparagraph (A) in the form required under section 1632(c) of this title, subject to subsection (e), and
described in subparagraph (B) in a clear and conspicuous form, subject to subsections (e) and (f);
a statement, in a conspicuous and prominent location on the application or solicitation, that—
the information is accurate as of the date the application or solicitation was printed;
the information contained in the application or solicitation is subject to change after such date; and
the applicant should contact the creditor for information on any change in the information contained in the application or solicitation since it was printed;
a clear and conspicuous disclosure of the date the application or solicitation was printed; and
a disclosure, in a conspicuous and prominent location on the application or solicitation, of a toll free telephone number or a mailing address at which the applicant may contact the creditor to obtain any change in the information provided in the application or solicitation since it was printed.
Issuers of charge cards which provide access to open end consumer credit plans
If a charge card permits the card holder to receive an extension of credit under an open end consumer credit plan, which is not maintained by the charge card issuer, the charge card issuer may provide the information described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) in the form required by such subparagraphs in lieu of the information required to be provided under paragraph (1), (2), or (3) with respect to any credit extended under such plan, if the charge card issuer discloses clearly and conspicuously to the consumer in the application or solicitation that—
the charge card issuer will make an independent decision as to whether to issue the card;
the charge card may arrive before the decision is made with respect to an extension of credit under an open end consumer credit plan; and
approval by the charge card issuer does not constitute approval by the issuer of the extension of credit.
The information required to be disclosed under paragraph (1) shall be provided to the charge card holder by the creditor which maintains such open end consumer credit plan before the first extension of credit under such plan.
Charge card defined
Regulatory authority of the Bureau
Additional notice concerning “introductory rates”
In general
Except as provided in subparagraph (B), an application or solicitation to open a credit card account and all promotional materials accompanying such application or solicitation for which a disclosure is required under paragraph (1), and that offers a temporary annual percentage rate of interest, shall—
use the term “introductory” in immediate proximity to each listing of the temporary annual percentage rate applicable to such account, which term shall appear clearly and conspicuously;
if the annual percentage rate of interest that will apply after the end of the temporary rate period will be a fixed rate, state in a clear and conspicuous manner in a prominent location closely proximate to the first listing of the temporary annual percentage rate (other than a listing of the temporary annual percentage rate in the tabular format described in section 1632(c) of this title), the time period in which the introductory period will end and the annual percentage rate that will apply after the end of the introductory period; and
if the annual percentage rate that will apply after the end of the temporary rate period will vary in accordance with an index, state in a clear and conspicuous manner in a prominent location closely proximate to the first listing of the temporary annual percentage rate (other than a listing in the tabular format prescribed by section 1632(c) of this title), the time period in which the introductory period will end and the rate that will apply after that, based on an annual percentage rate that was in effect within 60 days before the date of mailing the application or solicitation.
Conditions for introductory rates
An application or solicitation to open a credit card account for which a disclosure is required under paragraph (1), and that offers a temporary annual percentage rate of interest shall, if that rate of interest is revocable under any circumstance or upon any event, clearly and conspicuously disclose, in a prominent manner on or with such application or solicitation—
a general description of the circumstances that may result in the revocation of the temporary annual percentage rate; and
if the annual percentage rate that will apply upon the revocation of the temporary annual percentage rate—
will be a fixed rate, the annual percentage rate that will apply upon the revocation of the temporary annual percentage rate; or
will vary in accordance with an index, the rate that will apply after the temporary rate, based on an annual percentage rate that was in effect within 60 days before the date of mailing the application or solicitation.
In this paragraph—
the terms “temporary annual percentage rate of interest” and “temporary annual percentage rate” mean any rate of interest applicable to a credit card account for an introductory period of less than 1 year, if that rate is less than an annual percentage rate that was in effect within 60 days before the date of mailing the application or solicitation; and
the term “introductory period” means the maximum time period for which the temporary annual percentage rate may be applicable.
Relation to other disclosure requirements
Internet-based solicitations
In general
In any solicitation to open a credit card account for any person under an open end consumer credit plan using the Internet or other interactive computer service, the person making the solicitation shall clearly and conspicuously disclose—
the information described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1); and
the information described in paragraph (6).
Form of disclosure
The disclosures required by subparagraph (A) shall be—
readily accessible to consumers in close proximity to the solicitation to open a credit card account; and
updated regularly to reflect the current policies, terms, and fee amounts applicable to the credit card account.
For purposes of this paragraph—
the term “Internet” means the international computer network of both Federal and non-Federal interoperable packet switched data networks; and
the term “interactive computer service” means any information service, system, or access software provider that provides or enables computer access by multiple users to a computer server, including specifically a service or system that provides access to the Internet and such systems operated or services offered by libraries or educational institutions.
Applications from underage consumers
Prohibition on issuance
Application requirements
An application to open a credit card account by a consumer who has not attained the age of 21 as of the date of submission of the application shall require—
the signature of a cosigner, including the parent, legal guardian, spouse, or any other individual who has attained the age of 21 having a means to repay debts incurred by the consumer in connection with the account, indicating joint liability for debts incurred by the consumer in connection with the account before the consumer has attained the age of 21; or
submission by the consumer of financial information, including through an application, indicating an independent means of repaying any obligation arising from the proposed extension of credit in connection with the account.
Safe harbor
Disclosure prior to renewal
In general
A card issuer that has changed or amended any term of the account since the last renewal that has not been previously disclosed or that imposes any fee described in subsection (c)(1)(A)(ii)(I) or (c)(4)(A)(i) shall transmit to a consumer at least 30 days prior to the scheduled renewal date of the consumer’s credit or charge card account a clear and conspicuous disclosure of—
the date by which, the month by which, or the billing period at the close of which, the account will expire if not renewed;
the information described in subsection (c)(1)(A) or (c)(4)(A) that would apply if the account were renewed, subject to subsection (e); and
the method by which the consumer may terminate continued credit availability under the account.
Short-term renewals
Other rules for disclosures under subsections (c) and (d)
Fees determined on the basis of a percentage
Disclosure only of fees actually imposed
Disclosure of range of certain fees which vary by State allowed
Insurance in connection with certain open end credit card plans
Change in insurance carrier
Notice of new insurance coverage
Right to discontinue guarantee or insurance
No preemption of State law
Bureau definition of substantial decrease in coverage or service
Prohibition on certain actions for failure to incur finance charges
Advance notice of rate increase and other changes required
Advance notice of increase in interest rate required
Advance notice of other significant changes required
Notice of right to cancel
Rule of construction
Prohibition on penalties for on-time payments
Prohibition on double-cycle billing and penalties for on-time payments
Except as provided in paragraph (2), a creditor may not impose any finance charge on a credit card account under an open end consumer credit plan as a result of the loss of any time period provided by the creditor within which the obligor may repay any portion of the credit extended without incurring a finance charge, with respect to—
any balances for days in billing cycles that precede the most recent billing cycle; or
any balances or portions thereof in the current billing cycle that were repaid within such time period.
Paragraph (1) does not apply to—
any adjustment to a finance charge as a result of the resolution of a dispute; or
any adjustment to a finance charge as a result of the return of a payment for insufficient funds.
Opt-in required for over-the-limit transactions if fees are imposed
In general
Disclosure by creditor
Form of election
Time of election
The Bureau shall prescribe regulations—
governing disclosures under this subsection; and
that prevent unfair or deceptive acts or practices in connection with the manipulation of credit limits designed to increase over-the-limit fees or other penalty fees.
Rule of construction
Restriction on fees charged for an over-the-limit transaction
Limit on fees related to method of payment
Use of term “fixed rate”
Standards applicable to initial issuance of subprime or “fee harvester” cards
In general
Rule of construction
Due dates for credit card accounts
In general
Weekend or holiday due dates
Parental approval required to increase credit lines for accounts for which parent is jointly liable
 So in original. No subsec. (q) has been enacted.
College card agreements
For purposes of this subsection, the following definitions shall apply:
College affinity card
The term “college affinity card” means a credit card issued by a credit card issuer under an open end consumer credit plan in conjunction with an agreement between the issuer and an institution of higher education, or an alumni organization or foundation affiliated with or related to such institution, under which such cards are issued to college students who have an affinity with such institution, organization and—
the creditor has agreed to donate a portion of the proceeds of the credit card to the institution, organization, or foundation (including a lump sum or 1-time payment of money for access);
the creditor has agreed to offer discounted terms to the consumer; or
the credit card bears the name, emblem, mascot, or logo of such institution, organization, or foundation, or other words, pictures, or symbols readily identified with such institution, organization, or foundation.
College student credit card account
College student
Institution of higher education
Reports by creditors
In general
Details of report
The information required to be reported under subparagraph (A) includes—
any memorandum of understanding between or among a creditor, an institution of higher education, an alumni association, or foundation that directly or indirectly relates to any aspect of any agreement referred to in such subparagraph or controls or directs any obligations or distribution of benefits between or among any such entities;
the amount of any payments from the creditor to the institution, organization, or foundation during the period covered by the report, and the precise terms of any agreement under which such amounts are determined; and
the number of credit card accounts covered by any such agreement that were opened during the period covered by the report, and the total number of credit card accounts covered by the agreement that were outstanding at the end of such period.
Aggregation by institution
Initial report
Reports by Bureau
(Pub. L. 90–321, title I, § 127, May 29, 1968, 82 Stat. 153; Pub. L. 93–495, title III, §§ 304, 305, title IV, §§ 411, 415, Oct. 28, 1974, 88 Stat. 1511, 1519, 1521; Pub. L. 96–221, title VI, § 613(a)–(e), Mar. 31, 1980, 94 Stat. 176, 177; Pub. L. 100–583, §§ 2(a), 6, Nov. 3, 1988, 102 Stat. 2960, 2968; Pub. L. 100–709, § 2(b), Nov. 23, 1988, 102 Stat. 4729; Pub. L. 109–8, title XIII, §§ 1301(a), 1303(a), 1304(a), 1305(a), 1306(a), Apr. 20, 2005, 119 Stat. 204, 209, 211, 212; Pub. L. 111–24, title I, §§ 101(a)(1), 102(a), 103, 105, 106(a), title II, §§ 201(a), 202, 203, title III, §§ 301, 303, 305(a), May 22, 2009, 123 Stat. 1735, 1738, 1741–1743, 1745–1749; Pub. L. 111–203, title X, § 1100A(2), July 21, 2010, 124 Stat. 2107.)
cite as: 15 USC 1637