U.S Code last checked for updates: Mar 08, 2025
§ 2685.
Lead abatement and measurement
Program to promote lead exposure abatement
Standards for environmental sampling laboratories
The Administrator shall establish protocols, criteria, and minimum performance standards for laboratory analysis of lead in paint films, soil, and dust. Within 2 years after October 28, 1992, the Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, shall establish a program to certify laboratories as qualified to test substances for lead content unless the Administrator determines, by the date specified in this paragraph, that effective voluntary accreditation programs are in place and operating on a nationwide basis at the time of such determination. To be certified under such program, a laboratory shall, at a minimum, demonstrate an ability to test substances accurately for lead content.
Not later than 24 months after October 28, 1992, and annually thereafter, the Administrator shall publish and make available to the public a list of certified or accredited environmental sampling laboratories.
If the Administrator determines under paragraph (1) that effective voluntary accreditation programs are in place for environmental sampling laboratories, the Administrator shall review the performance and effectiveness of such programs within 3 years after such determination. If, upon such review, the Administrator determines that the voluntary accreditation programs are not effective in assuring the quality and consistency of laboratory analyses, the Administrator shall, not more than 12 months thereafter, establish a certification program that meets the requirements of paragraph (1).
Exposure studies
The Secretary of Health and Human Services (hereafter in this subsection referred to as the “Secretary”), acting through the Director of the Centers for Disease Control,1
 So in original. The comma probably should not appear.
(CDC), and the Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, shall jointly conduct a study of the sources of lead exposure in children who have elevated blood lead levels (or other indicators of elevated lead body burden), as defined by the Director of the Centers for Disease Control.
The Secretary, in consultation with the Director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, shall conduct a comprehensive study of means to reduce hazardous occupational lead abatement exposures. This study shall include, at a minimum, each of the following—
Surveillance and intervention capability in the States to identify and prevent hazardous exposures to lead abatement workers.
Demonstration of lead abatement control methods and devices and work practices to identify and prevent hazardous lead exposures in the workplace.
Evaluation, in consultation with the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, of health effects of low and high levels of occupational lead exposures on reproductive, neurological, renal, and cardiovascular health.
Identification of high risk occupational settings to which prevention activities and resources should be targeted.
A study assessing the potential exposures and risks from lead to janitorial and custodial workers.
The studies described in paragraphs (1) and (2) shall, as appropriate, examine the relative contributions to elevated lead body burden from each of the following:
Drinking water.
Lead-based paint and dust from lead-based paint.
Exterior sources such as ambient air and lead in soil.
Occupational exposures, and other exposures that the Secretary determines to be appropriate.
Not later than 30 months after October 28, 1992, the Secretary shall submit a report to the Congress concerning the studies described in paragraphs (1) and (2).
Public education
The Administrator, in conjunction with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, acting through the Director of the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, and in conjunction with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, shall sponsor public education and outreach activities to increase public awareness of—
the scope and severity of lead poisoning from household sources;
potential exposure to sources of lead in schools and childhood day care centers;
the implications of exposures for men and women, particularly those of childbearing age;
the need for careful, quality, abatement and management actions;
the need for universal screening of children;
other components of a lead poisoning prevention program;
the health consequences of lead exposure resulting from lead-based paint hazards;
risk assessment and inspection methods for lead-based paint hazards; and
measures to reduce the risk of lead exposure from lead-based paint.
The activities described in paragraph (1) shall be designed to provide educational services and information to—
health professionals;
the general public, with emphasis on parents of young children;
homeowners, landlords, and tenants;
consumers of home improvement products;
the residential real estate industry; and
the home renovation industry.
In implementing the activities described in paragraph (1), the Administrator shall assure coordination with the President’s Commission on Environmental Quality’s education and awareness campaign on lead poisoning.
The Administrator, in consultation with the Chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, shall develop information to be distributed by retailers of home improvement products to provide consumers with practical information related to the hazards of renovation and remodeling where lead-based paint may be present.
Technical assistance
Not later than 6 months after October 28, 1992, the Administrator shall establish, in consultation with the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and the Director of the Centers for Disease Control, a National Clearinghouse on Childhood Lead Poisoning (hereinafter in this section referred to as “Clearinghouse”). The Clearinghouse shall—
collect, evaluate, and disseminate current information on the assessment and reduction of lead-based paint hazards, adverse health effects, sources of exposure, detection and risk assessment methods, environmental hazards abatement, and clean-up standards;
maintain a rapid-alert system to inform certified lead-based paint activities contractors of significant developments in research related to lead-based paint hazards; and
perform any other duty that the Administrator determines necessary to achieve the purposes of this chapter.
Products for lead-based paint activities
(Pub. L. 94–469, title IV, § 405, as added Pub. L. 102–550, title X, § 1021(a), Oct. 28, 1992, 106 Stat. 3917.)
cite as: 15 USC 2685