§ 657b.
Associate Administrator for Veterans Business Development
The Associate Administrator—
shall be an appointee in the Senior Executive Service;
shall be responsible for the formulation, execution, and promotion of policies and programs of the Administration that provide assistance to small business concerns owned and controlled by veterans and small business concerns owned and controlled by service-disabled veterans. The Associate Administrator shall act as an ombudsman for full consideration of veterans in all programs of the Administration; and
shall report to and be responsible directly to the Administrator.
Women veterans business training
The Associate Administrator shall—
compile information on existing resources available to women veterans for business training, including resources for—
vocational and technical education;
general business skills, such as marketing and accounting; and
business assistance programs targeted to women veterans; and
disseminate the information compiled under paragraph (1) through Veteran Business Outreach Centers and women’s business centers.
Authorization of appropriations
There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section—
$1,500,000 for fiscal year 2005; and
$2,000,000 for fiscal year 2006.
Boots to Business Program
Covered individual defined
In this subsection, the term “covered individual” means—
an individual who is participating in the Transition Assistance Program established under
section 1144 of title 10, subject to an availability determination by the Secretary of the military department concerned;
a servicemember in the National Guard or Reserves not on active duty.
an individual who—
served on active duty in any branch of the Armed Forces, including the National Guard or Reserves; and
was discharged or released from such service under conditions other than dishonorable; or
a spouse or dependent of an individual described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C).
The goals of the Boots to Business Program are to—
provide assistance and in-depth training to covered individuals interested in business ownership; and
provide covered individuals with the tools, skills, and knowledge necessary to identify a business opportunity, draft a business plan, identify sources of capital, connect with local resources for small business concerns, and start up a small business concern.
Program components
In general
The Boots to Business Program may include—
a presentation providing exposure to the considerations involved in self-employment and ownership of a small business concern;
an online, self-study course focused on the basic skills of entrepreneurship, the language of business, and the considerations involved in self-employment and ownership of a small business concern;
an in-person classroom instruction component providing an introduction to the foundations of self-employment and ownership of a small business concern; and
in-depth training delivered through online instruction, including an online course that leads to the creation of a business plan.
The Administrator may—
collaborate with public and private entities to develop course curricula for the Boots to Business Program; and
modify program components in coordination with entities participating in a Warriors in Transition program, as defined in section 738(e) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 (
10 U.S.C. 1071 note).
Use of resource partners and district offices
In general
The Administrator shall—
ensure that Veteran Business Outreach Centers regularly participate, on a nationwide basis, in the Boots to Business Program; and
to the maximum extent practicable, use district offices of the Administration and a variety of other resource partners and entities in administering the Boots to Business Program.
Availability to Department of Defense and the Department of Labor
Availability to Department of Veterans Affairs
In consultation with the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, the Administrator shall make available for distribution and display on the website of the Department of Veterans Affairs and at local facilities of the Department of Veterans Affairs outreach materials regarding the Boots to Business Program, which shall, at a minimum—
describe the Boots to Business Program and the services provided; and
include eligibility requirements for participating in the Boots to Business Program.
Availability to other participating agencies
Competitive bidding procedures
Publication of notice of funding opportunity
Not later than 180 days after December 23, 2024, and not less frequently than annually thereafter, the Administrator shall submit to the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship of the Senate and the Committee on Small Business of the House of Representatives a report on the performance and effectiveness of the Boots to Business Program, which—
may be included as part of another report submitted to such committees by the Administrator related to the Office of Veterans Business Development; and
shall summarize available information relating to—
grants awarded under paragraph (4)(C);
the total cost of the Boots to Business Program;
the number of program participants using each component of the Boots to Business Program;
the completion rates for each component of the Boots to Business Program;
to the extent possible—
the demographics of program participants, to include gender, age, race, ethnicity, and relationship to military;
the number of program participants that connect with a district office of the Administration, a Veteran Business Outreach Center, or another resource partner of the Administration;
the number of program participants that start a small business concern;
the results of the Boots to Business and Boots to Business Reboot course quality surveys conducted by the Office of Veterans Business Development before and after attending each of those courses, including a summary of any comments received from program participants;
the results of the Boots to Business Program outcome surveys conducted by the Office of Veterans Business Development, including a summary of any comments received from program participants; and
the results of other germane participant satisfaction surveys;
an evaluation of the overall effectiveness of the Boots to Business Program based on each geographic region covered by the Administration during the most recent fiscal year;
an assessment of additional performance outcome measures for the Boots to Business Program, as identified by the Administrator;
any recommendations of the Administrator for improvement of the Boots to Business Program, which may include expansion of the types of individuals who are covered individuals;
an explanation of how the Boots to Business Program has been integrated with other transition programs and related resources of the Administration and other Federal agencies; and
any additional information the Administrator determines necessary.
([Pub. L. 85–536, § 2[32]], as added [Pub. L. 106–50, title II, § 201(b)(2)], Aug. 17, 1999, [113 Stat. 235]; amended [Pub. L. 108–447, div. K, title I, § 145], Dec. 8, 2004, [118 Stat. 3455]; [Pub. L. 110–186, title I], §§ 102, 104, Feb. 14, 2008, [122 Stat. 624], 625; [Pub. L. 115–416, § 2], Jan. 3, 2019, [132 Stat. 5436]; [Pub. L. 118–159, div. A, title VIII, § 873(a)], Dec. 23, 2024, [138 Stat. 2008].)