See References in Text note below.
relating to rights of way over certain parks, reservations, and other lands, and other sections concerning rights of way over public lands. In the grant of any right-of-way for railway purposes across the lands placed under this measure within the Sierra National Forest it shall be stipulated that no logs or timber shall be hauled over the same without the consent of the Secretary of the Interior and under regulations to be promulgated by him.
Editorial Notes
References in Text

The Act approved February fifteenth, nineteen hundred and one, referred to in text, is act Feb. 15, 1901, ch. 372, 31 Stat. 790, which is classified to section 959 of Title 43, Public Lands. The Act, insofar as it related to National Park System units, was repealed and restated as section 100902(a) of Title 54, National Park Service and Related Programs, by Pub. L. 113–287, §§ 3, 7, Dec. 19, 2014, 128 Stat. 3094, 3272.


Section is derived from the second paragraph of section 1 of the Resolution of June 11, 1906. The second paragraph, aforesaid, originally began with the following words omitted here “The south and west boundary lines of the Yosemite National Park are hereby changed as follows:” The first portion of this section before the colon was derived from a later portion of the original section reading as follows: “And all that portion of the Yosemite National Park lying between the boundary line last above mentioned and the present boundary line of said national park is excluded from said park; and the said lands so excluded, and all thereof, are added to and made a part of the Sierra Forest Reserve, and shall hereafter form a part of said Sierra Forest Reserve, and shall be subject to all of the Acts of Congress with relation thereto:” The words of the first sentence of this section “described in section 46 of this title” replace the words “present boundary line” hereinbefore quoted.

For the first paragraph of the Resolution of June 11, 1906, see section 48 of this title.

“Sierra National Forest” substituted in text for “Sierra Forest Reserve” on authority of act Mar. 4, 1907, ch. 2907, 34 Stat. 1269, which provided that forest reserves shall hereafter be known as national forests.