This Act, referred to in text, means Pub. L. 89–669,
The Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, referred to in par. (5)(B), is act July 22, 1937, ch. 517, 50 Stat. 522. Title III of the Act is classified generally to subchapter III (§ 1010 et seq.) of chapter 33 of Title 7, Agriculture. For complete classification of this Act to the Code, see Short Title note set out under section 1000 of Title 7 and Tables.
1997—Pub. L. 105–57 inserted section catchline and amended text generally. Prior to amendment, text read as follows:
“(a) The term ‘person’ as used in this Act means any individual, partnership, corporation, or association.
“(b) The terms ‘take’ or ‘taking’ or ‘taken’ as used in this Act mean to pursue, hunt, shoot, capture, collect, kill, or attempt to pursue, hunt, shoot, capture, collect, or kill.
“(c) The terms ‘State’ and the ‘United States’ as used in this Act mean the several States of the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, and Guam.”