Broad and balanced representation
In appointing the members of a Recreation Resource Advisory Committee, the Secretary shall provide for a balanced and broad representation from the recreation community that shall include the following:
Five persons who represent recreation users and that include, as appropriate, persons representing the following:
Winter motorized recreation, such as snowmobiling.
Winter non-motorized recreation, such as snowshoeing, cross country and down hill skiing, and snowboarding.
Summer motorized recreation, such as motorcycles, boaters, and off-highway vehicles.
Summer nonmotorized recreation, such as backpacking, horseback riding, mountain biking, canoeing, and rafting.
Hunting and fishing.
Four persons who represent interest groups that include, as appropriate, the following:
Motorized outfitters and guides.
Non-motorized outfitters and guides.
Local environmental groups.
Veterans organizations, as such term is defined in
section 8471 of this title.
Three persons, as follows:
State tourism official to represent the State.
A person who represents affected Indian tribes.
A person who represents affected local government interests.