“Secretary of Energy” substituted in text for “Secretary of the Interior” and “Federal Power Commission” pursuant to Pub. L. 95–91, §§ 301(b), 302(a)(1)(D), which are classified to sections 7151(b) and 7152(a)(1)(D) of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare.
The Federal Power Commission was terminated, and its functions, personnel, property, funds, etc., were transferred to the Secretary of Energy (except for certain functions which were transferred to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) by sections 7151(b), 7171(a), 7172(a), 7291, and 7293 of Title 42.
Functions of Secretary of the Interior with respect to Bonneville Power Administration transferred to Secretary of Energy by section 7152(a)(1)(D), (2) of Title 42, with Bonneville Power Administration to be preserved as a distinct organizational entity within Department of Energy and headed by an Administrator.