§ 209.
Whoever receives any salary, or any contribution to or supplementation of salary, as compensation for his services as an officer or employee of the executive branch of the United States Government, of any independent agency of the United States, or of the District of Columbia, from any source other than the Government of the United States, except as may be contributed out of the treasury of any State, county, or municipality; or
Whoever, whether an individual, partnership, association, corporation, or other organization pays, makes any contribution to, or in any way supplements, the salary of any such officer or employee under circumstances which would make its receipt a violation of this subsection—
Shall be subject to the penalties set forth in section 216 of this title.
Nothing herein prevents an officer or employee of the executive branch of the United States Government, or of any independent agency of the United States, or of the District of Columbia, from continuing to participate in a bona fide pension, retirement, group life, health or accident insurance, profit-sharing, stock bonus, or other employee welfare or benefit plan maintained by a former employer.
This section does not apply to a special Government employee or to an officer or employee of the Government serving without compensation, whether or not he is a special Government employee, or to any person paying, contributing to, or supplementing his salary as such.
This section does not prohibit the payment of actual relocation expenses incident to participation, or the acceptance of same by a participant in an executive exchange or fellowship program in an executive agency: Provided, That such program has been established by statute or Executive order of the President, offers appointments not to exceed three hundred and sixty-five days, and permits no extensions in excess of ninety additional days or, in the case of participants in overseas assignments, in excess of three hundred and sixty-five days.
(Added [Pub. L. 87–849, § 1(a)], Oct. 23, 1962, [76 Stat. 1125]; amended [Pub. L. 96–174], Dec. 29, 1979, [93 Stat. 1288]; [Pub. L. 97–171], Apr. 13, 1982, [96 Stat. 67]; [Pub. L. 99–514, § 2], Oct. 22, 1986, [100 Stat. 2095]; [Pub. L. 99–646, § 70], Nov. 10, 1986, [100 Stat. 3617]; [Pub. L. 101–194, title IV, § 406], Nov. 30, 1989, [103 Stat. 1753]; [Pub. L. 101–647, title XXXV, § 3510], Nov. 29, 1990, [104 Stat. 4922]; [Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330008(7)], Sept. 13, 1994, [108 Stat. 2143]; [Pub. L. 107–273, div. A, title III, § 302(3)], Nov. 2, 2002, [116 Stat. 1781]; [Pub. L. 107–347, title II, § 209(g)(2)], Dec. 17, 2002, [116 Stat. 2932]; [Pub. L. 108–375, div. A, title VI, § 663], Oct. 28, 2004, [118 Stat. 1974]; [Pub. L. 118–159, div. A, title V, § 568(b)], Dec. 23, 2024, [138 Stat. 1906].)