Salaries paid to employees appointed upon recommendation of a Senator-elect under subsection (a) shall be charged against the amount of compensation which may be paid to employees in his office under
section 4575(d) of this title (hereinafter referred to as the “clerk-hire allowance”), for the fiscal year in which his service as a Senator commences. The total amount of salaries paid to employees so appointed upon recommendation of a Senator-elect shall be charged against his clerk-hire allowance for each month in such fiscal year beginning with the month in which his service as a Senator commences (until the total amount has been charged) by whichever of the following amounts is greater: (1) one-ninth of the amount of salaries so paid, or (2) the amount by which the aggregate amount of his clerk-hire allowance which may be paid as of the close of such month under
section 4575(d)(1)(B) of this title exceeds the aggregate amount of his clerk-hire allowance actually paid as of the close of such month.