The National and Community Service Act of 1990, referred to in subsec. (a)(3), is Pub. L. 101–610,
Section was formerly classified to section 2756a of Title 42, The Public Health and Welfare, prior to transfer to this section.
A prior section 447 of Pub. L. 89–329, title IV, as added Pub. L. 92–318, title I, § 135F,
Provisions similar to this section were contained in section 1087–58 of this title prior to the general revision of this part by Pub. L. 99–498.
2008—Pub. L. 110–315 redesignated existing provisions as subsec. (a), inserted heading, and added subsec. (b).
1992—Pub. L. 102–325 amended section catchline generally, struck out subsecs. (a) and (b) which related to purpose and definitions, respectively, struck out subsec. (c) designation and heading before “Each institution participating”, substituted “up to 10 percent of the funds made available under section 1096(a) of this title and attributable to the amount of the institution’s expenditures under this part” for “funds made available under the last sentence of section 1096(a) of this title”, and inserted “, and programs assisted under the National and Community Service Act of 1990” after “nonprofit agencies”.
Amendment by Pub. L. 102–325 effective
Section applicable to periods of enrollment beginning on or after