1982—[Pub. L. 97–241] substituted “person in the employ” for “citizen of the United States in the employ”, “Director of the United States Information Agency” for “Secretary”, and “Director finds” for “Secretary finds”.
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Transfer of Functions
United States Information Agency (other than Broadcasting Board of Governors and International Broadcasting Bureau) abolished and functions transferred to Secretary of State, see sections 6531 and 6532 of this title.
References to Act May 25, 1938
[Act Jan. 27, 1948, ch. 36, title X, § 1004(c)], [62 Stat. 14], provided that: “Any reference in the Foreign Service Act of 1946 ([60 Stat. 999]) [section 801 et seq. of this title], or in any other law, to provisions of such Act of May 25, 1938, as amended [section 118e of former Title 5, Executive Departments and Government Officers and Employees], shall be construed to be applicable to the appropriate provisions of titles III and IX of this Act [sections 1451 to 1453, 1478, and 1479 of this title].”
Effectiveness of Executive Orders and Regulations Under [Act May 25, 1938, Ch. 277], [52 Stat. 442]
[Act Jan. 27, 1948, ch. 36, title X, § 1004(b)], [62 Stat. 14], provided that: “Existing Executive orders and regulations pertaining to the administration of such Act of May 25, 1938, as amended [former section 118e of former Title 5, Executive Departments and Government Officers and Employees], shall remain in effect until superseded by regulations prescribed under the provisions of this Act [this chapter].”