Subsecs. (a), (c), and (d), acts [Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937], ch. II, § 405(a), (c), (d), [68 Stat. 844]; [July 8, 1955, ch. 301, § 8(d)], [69 Stat. 286]; [July 18, 1956, ch. 627, § 8(d)], [70 Stat. 558]; Aug. 14, 1957, [Pub. L. 85–141, § 8(e)], [71 Stat. 361]; June 30, 1958, [Pub. L. 85–477], ch. II, § 205(d), ch. V, § 501(13), [72 Stat. 266], 271; July 24, 1959, [Pub. L. 86–108], ch. II, § 205(e), [73 Stat. 250]; May 14, 1960, [Pub. L. 86–472], ch. II, § 204(f), [74 Stat. 137], related to movement of migrants, refugees, and escapees, and were repealed by [Pub. L. 87–510, § 6], June 28, 1962, [76 Stat. 124]. See section 2601(a), (b)(1) of this title.
Subsec. (b), [act Aug. 26, 1954, ch. 937], ch. II, § 405(b), [68 Stat. 844], which related to the use of funds to facilitate migration of persons resident in Ryukyu Island Archipelago, was repealed by [Pub. L. 87–195], pt. III, § 642(a)(2), Sept. 4, 1961, [75 Stat. 460]. See section 1945(b) of this title.