§ 213.
Before a passport is issued to any person by or under authority of the United States such person shall subscribe to and submit a written application which shall contain a true recital of each and every matter of fact which may be required by law or by any rules authorized by law to be stated as a prerequisite to the issuance of any such passport. If the applicant has not previously been issued a United States passport, the application shall be duly verified by his o
([June 15, 1917, ch. 30], title IX, § 1, [40 Stat. 227]; [Pub. L. 90–428, § 3], July 26, 1968, [82 Stat. 446]; [Pub. L. 118–159, div. G, title LXXVII, § 7706(b)], Dec. 23, 2024, [138 Stat. 2555].)