§ 5007.
Cross references
For authority of the Secretary to make determinations and assessments of internal revenue taxes and penalties, see section 6201(a).
For authority to assess tax on distilled spirits not bonded, see section 5006(c).
For provisions relating to payment of tax, under certain conditions, on distilled spirits withdrawn free of tax, denatured distilled spirits, articles, and volatile fruit-flavor concentrates, see section 5001(a)(4), (5), and (6).
(Added [Pub. L. 85–859, title II, § 201], Sept. 2, 1958, [72 Stat. 1322]; amended [Pub. L. 94–455, title XIX], §§ 1905(b)(2)(A), 1906(b)(13)(A), Oct. 4, 1976, [90 Stat. 1822], 1834; [Pub. L. 96–39, title VIII, § 807(a)(5)], July 26, 1979, [93 Stat. 280]; [Pub. L. 103–465, title I, § 136(c)(3)], (4), Dec. 8, 1994, [108 Stat. 4841], 4842.)