U.S Code last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024
§ 1023.
Annual reports
Publication and filing
An annual report shall be published with respect to every employee benefit plan to which this part applies. Such report shall be filed with the Secretary in accordance with section 1024(a) of this title, and shall be made available and furnished to participants in accordance with section 1024(b) of this title.
The annual report shall include the information described in subsections (b) and (c) and where applicable subsections (d), (e), (f), and (g) and shall also include—
a financial statement and opinion, as required by paragraph (3) of this subsection, and
an actuarial statement and opinion, as required by paragraph (4) of this subsection.
If some or all of the information necessary to enable the administrator to comply with the requirements of this subchapter is maintained by—
an insurance carrier or other organization which provides some or all of the benefits under the plan, or holds assets of the plan in a separate account,
a bank or similar institution which holds some or all of the assets of the plan in a common or collective trust or a separate trust, or custodial account, or
a plan sponsor as defined in section 1002(16)(B) of this title,
such carrier, organization, bank, institution, or plan sponsor shall transmit and certify the accuracy of such information to the administrator within 120 days after the end of the plan year (or such other date as may be prescribed under regulations of the Secretary).
Except as provided in subparagraph (C), the administrator of an employee benefit plan shall engage, on behalf of all plan participants, an independent qualified public accountant, who shall conduct such an examination of any financial statements of the plan, and of other books and records of the plan, as the accountant may deem necessary to enable the accountant to form an opinion as to whether the financial statements and schedules required to be included in the annual reports by subsection (b) of this section are presented fairly in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Such examination shall be conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and shall involve such tests of the books and records of the plan as are considered necessary by the independent qualified public accountant. The independent qualified public accountant shall also offer his opinion as to whether the separate schedules specified in subsection (b)(3) of this section and the summary material required under section 1024(b)(3) of this title present fairly, and in all material respects the information contained therein when considered in conjunction with the financial statements taken as a whole. The opinion by the independent qualified public accountant shall be made a part of the annual report. In a case where a plan is not required to file an annual report, the requirements of this paragraph shall not apply. In a case where by reason of section 1024(a)(2) of this title a plan is required only to file a simplified annual report, the Secretary may waive the requirements of this paragraph.
In offering his opinion under this section the accountant may rely on the correctness of any actuarial matter certified to by an enrolled actuary, if he so states his reliance.
The opinion required by subparagraph (A) need not be expressed as to any statements required by subsection (b)(3)(G) prepared by a bank or similar institution or insurance carrier regulated and supervised and subject to periodic examination by a State or Federal agency if such statements are certified by the bank, similar institution, or insurance carrier as accurate and are made a part of the annual report.
For purposes of this subchapter, the term “qualified public accountant” means—
a person who is a certified public accountant, certified by a regulatory authority of a State;
a person who is a licensed public accountant licensed by a regulatory authority of a State; or
a person certified by the Secretary as a qualified public accountant in accordance with regulations published by him for a person who practices in States where there is no certification or licensing procedure for accountants.
The administrator of an employee pension benefit plan subject to the reporting requirement of subsection (d) of this section shall engage, on behalf of all plan participants, an enrolled actuary who shall be responsible for the preparation of the materials comprising the actuarial statement required under subsection (d) of this section. In a case where a plan is not required to file an annual report, the requirement of this paragraph shall not apply, and, in a case where by reason of section 1024(a)(2) of this title, a plan is required only to file a simplified report, the Secretary may waive the requirement of this paragraph.
The enrolled actuary shall utilize such assumptions and techniques as are necessary to enable him to form an opinion as to whether the contents of the matters reported under subsection (d) of this section—
are in the aggregate reasonably related to the experience of the plan and to reasonable expectations; and
represent his best estimate of anticipated experience under the plan.
The opinion by the enrolled actuary shall be made with respect to, and shall be made a part of, each annual report.
For purposes of this subchapter, the term “enrolled actuary” means an actuary enrolled under subtitle C of subchapter II of this chapter.
In making a certification under this section the enrolled actuary may rely on the correctness of any accounting matter under subsection (b) to which any qualified public accountant has expressed an opinion, if he so states his reliance.
Financial statement
An annual report under this section shall include a financial statement containing the following information:
With respect to an employee welfare benefit plan: a statement of assets and liabilities; a statement of changes in fund balance; and a statement of changes in financial position. In the notes to financial statements, disclosures concerning the following items shall be considered by the accountant: a description of the plan including any significant changes in the plan made during the period and the impact of such changes on benefits; a description of material lease commitments, other commitments, and contingent liabilities; a description of agreements and transactions with persons known to be parties in interest; a general description of priorities upon termination of the plan; information concerning whether or not a tax ruling or determination letter has been obtained; and any other matters necessary to fully and fairly present the financial statements of the plan.
With respect to an employee pension benefit plan: a statement of assets and liabilities, and a statement of changes in net assets available for plan benefits which shall include details of revenues and expenses and other changes aggregated by general source and application. In the notes to financial statements, disclosures concerning the following items shall be considered by the accountant: a description of the plan including any significant changes in the plan made during the period and the impact of such changes on benefits; the funding policy (including policy with respect to prior service cost), and any changes in such policies during the year; a description of any significant changes in plan benefits made during the period; a description of material lease commitments, other commitments, and contingent liabilities; a description of agreements and transactions with persons known to be parties in interest; a general description of priorities upon termination of the plan; information concerning whether or not a tax ruling or determination letter has been obtained; and any other matters necessary to fully and fairly present the financial statements of such pension plan.
With respect to all employee benefit plans, the statement required under paragraph (1) or (2) shall have attached the following information in separate schedules:
a statement of the assets and liabilities of the plan aggregated by categories and valued at their current value, and the same data displayed in comparative form for the end of the previous fiscal year of the plan;
a statement of receipts and disbursements during the preceding twelve-month period aggregated by general sources and applications;
a schedule of all assets held for investment purposes aggregated and identified by issuer, borrower, or lessor, or similar party to the transaction (including a notation as to whether such party is known to be a party in interest), maturity date, rate of interest, collateral, par or maturity value, cost, and current value;
a schedule of each transaction involving a person known to be party in interest, the identity of such party in interest and his relationship or that of any other party in interest to the plan, a description of each asset to which the transaction relates; the purchase or selling price in case of a sale or purchase, the rental in case of a lease, or the interest rate and maturity date in case of a loan; expense incurred in connection with the transaction; the cost of the asset, the current value of the asset, and the net gain (or loss) on each transaction;
a schedule of all loans or fixed income obligations which were in default as of the close of the plan’s fiscal year or were classified during the year as uncollectable and the following information with respect to each loan on such schedule (including a notation as to whether parties involved are known to be parties in interest): the original principal amount of the loan, the amount of principal and interest received during the reporting year, the unpaid balance, the identity and address of the obligor, a detailed description of the loan (including date of making and maturity, interest rate, the type and value of collateral, and other material terms), the amount of principal and interest overdue (if any) and an explanation thereof;
a list of all leases which were in default or were classified during the year as uncollectable; and the following information with respect to each lease on such schedule (including a notation as to whether parties involved are known to be parties in interest): the type of property leased (and, in the case of fixed assets such as land, buildings, leasehold, and so forth, the location of the property), the identity of the lessor or lessee from or to whom the plan is leasing, the relationship of such lessors and lessees, if any, to the plan, the employer, employee organization, or any other party in interest, the terms of the lease regarding rent, taxes, insurance, repairs, expenses, and renewal options; the date the leased property was purchased and its cost, the date the property was leased and its approximate value at such date, the gross rental receipts during the reporting period, expenses paid for the leased property during the reporting period, the net receipts from the lease, the amounts in arrears, and a statement as to what steps have been taken to collect amounts due or otherwise remedy the default;
if some or all of the assets of a plan or plans are held in a common or collective trust maintained by a bank or similar institution or in a separate account maintained by an insurance carrier or a separate trust maintained by a bank as trustee, the report shall include the most recent annual statement of assets and liabilities of such common or collective trust, and in the case of a separate account or a separate trust, such other information as is required by the administrator in order to comply with this subsection; and
a schedule of each reportable transaction, the name of each party to the transaction (except that, in the case of an acquisition or sale of a security on the market, the report need not identify the person from whom the security was acquired or to whom it was sold) and a description of each asset to which the transaction applies; the purchase or selling price in case of a sale or purchase, the rental in case of a lease, or the interest rate and maturity date in case of a loan; expenses incurred in connection with the transaction; the cost of the asset, the current value of the asset, and the net gain (or loss) on each transaction. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term “reportable transaction” means a transaction to which the plan is a party if such transaction is—
a transaction involving an amount in excess of 3 percent of the current value of the assets of the plan;
any transaction (other than a transaction respecting a security) which is part of a series of transactions with or in conjunction with a person in a plan year, if the aggregate amount of such transactions exceeds 3 percent of the current value of the assets of the plan;
a transaction which is part of a series of transactions respecting one or more securities of the same issuer, if the aggregate amount of such transactions in the plan year exceeds 3 percent of the current value of the assets of the plan; or
a transaction with or in conjunction with a person respecting a security, if any other transaction with or in conjunction with such person in the plan year respecting a security is required to be reported by reason of clause (i).
The Secretary may, by regulation, relieve any plan from filing a copy of a statement of assets and liabilities (or other information) described in paragraph (3)(G) if such statement and other information is filed with the Secretary by the bank or insurance carrier which maintains the common or collective trust or separate account.
Information to be furnished by administrator
The administrator shall furnish as a part of a report under this section the following information:
The number of employees covered by the plan.
The name and address of each fiduciary.
Except in the case of a person whose compensation is minimal (determined under regulations of the Secretary) and who performs solely ministerial duties (determined under such regulations), the name of each person (including but not limited to, any consultant, broker, trustee, accountant, insurance carrier, actuary, administrator, investment manager, or custodian who rendered services to the plan or who had transactions with the plan) who received directly or indirectly compensation from the plan during the preceding year for services rendered to the plan or its participants, the amount of such compensation, the nature of his services to the plan or its participants, his relationship to the employer of the employees covered by the plan, or the employee organization, and any other office, position, or employment he holds with any party in interest.
An explanation of the reason for any change in appointment of trustee, accountant, insurance carrier, enrolled actuary, administrator, investment manager, or custodian.
Such financial and actuarial information including but not limited to the material described in subsections (b) and (d) of this section as the Secretary may find necessary or appropriate.
Actuarial statement
With respect to an employee pension benefit plan (other than (A) a profit sharing, savings, or other plan, which is an individual account plan, (B) a plan described in section 1081(b) of this title, or (C) a plan described both in section 1321(b) of this title and in paragraph (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), or (7) of section 1081(a) of this title) an annual report under this section for a plan year shall include a complete actuarial statement applicable to the plan year which shall include the following:
The date of the plan year, and the date of the actuarial valuation applicable to the plan year for which the report is filed.
The date and amount of the contribution (or contributions) received by the plan for the plan year for which the report is filed and contributions for prior plan years not previously reported.
The following information applicable to the plan year for which the report is filed: the normal costs or target normal costs, the accrued liabilities or funding target, an identification of benefits not included in the calculation; a statement of the other facts and actuarial assumptions and methods used to determine costs, and a justification for any change in actuarial assumptions or cost methods; and the minimum contribution required under section 1082 of this title.
The number of participants and beneficiaries, both retired and nonretired, covered by the plan.
The current value of the assets accumulated in the plan, and the present value of the assets of the plan used by the actuary in any computation of the amount of contributions to the plan required under section 1082 of this title and a statement explaining the basis of such valuation of present value of assets.
Information required in regulations of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation with respect to:
the current value of the assets of the plan,
the present value of all nonforfeitable benefits for participants and beneficiaries receiving payments under the plan,
the present value of all nonforfeitable benefits for all other participants and beneficiaries,
the present value of all accrued benefits which are not nonforfeitable (including a separate accounting of such benefits which are benefit commitments, as defined in section 1301(a)(16) of this title), and
the actuarial assumptions and techniques used in determining the values described in subparagraphs (A) through (D).
A certification of the contribution necessary to reduce the minimum required contribution determined under section 1083 of this title, or the accumulated funding deficiency determined under section 1084 of this title, to zero.
A statement by the enrolled actuary—
that to the best of his knowledge the report is complete and accurate, and
the applicable requirements of sections 1083(h), 1084(c)(3), and 1085a(c)(3) of this title (relating to reasonable actuarial assumptions and methods) have been complied with.
A copy of the opinion required by subsection (a)(4).
A statement by the actuary which discloses—
any event which the actuary has not taken into account, and
any trend which, for purposes of the actuarial assumptions used, was not assumed to continue in the future,
but only if, to the best of the actuary’s knowledge, such event or trend may require a material increase in plan costs or required contribution rates.
If the current value of the assets of the plan is less than 70 percent of—
in the case of a single-employer plan, the funding target (as defined in section 1083(d)(1) of this title) of the plan, or
in the case of a multiemployer plan, the current liability (as defined in section 1084(c)(6)(D) of this title) under the plan,
the percentage which such value is of the amount described in subparagraph (A) or (B).
A statement explaining the actuarial assumptions and methods used in projecting future retirements and forms of benefit distributions under the plan.
Such other information regarding the plan as the Secretary may by regulation require.
Such other information as may be necessary to fully and fairly disclose the actuarial position of the plan.
Such actuary shall make an actuarial valuation of the plan for every third plan year, unless he determines that a more frequent valuation is necessary to support his opinion under subsection (a)(4) of this section.
Statement from insurance company, insurance service, or other similar organizations which sell or guarantee plan benefits
the premium rate or subscription charge and the total premium or subscription charges paid to each such carrier, insurance service, or other similar organization and the approximate number of persons covered by each class of such benefits; and
the total amount of premiums received, the approximate number of persons covered by each class of benefits, and the total claims paid by such company, service, or other organization; dividends or retroactive rate adjustments, commissions, and administrative service or other fees or other specific acquisition costs paid by such company, service, or other organization; any amounts held to provide benefits after retirement; the remainder of such premiums; and the names and addresses of the brokers, agents, or other persons to whom commissions or fees were paid, the amount paid to each, and for what purpose. If any such company, service, or other organization does not maintain separate experience records covering the specific groups it serves, the report shall include in lieu of the information required by the foregoing provisions of this paragraph (A) a statement as to the basis of its premium rate or subscription charge, the total amount of premiums or subscription charges received from the plan, and a copy of the financial report of the company, service, or other organization and (B) if such company, service, or organization incurs specific costs in connection with the acquisition or retention of any particular plan or plans, a detailed statement of such costs.
Additional information with respect to defined benefit plans
Liabilities under 2 or more plans
In general
Funded percentage
For purposes of this paragraph, the term “funded percentage”—
in the case of a single-employer plan, means the funding target attainment percentage, as defined in section 1083(d)(2) of this title, and
in the case of a multiemployer plan, has the meaning given such term in section 1085(i)(2) of this title.
Additional information for multiemployer plans
With respect to any defined benefit plan which is a multiemployer plan, an annual report under this section for a plan year shall include, in addition to the information required under paragraph (1), the following, as of the end of the plan year to which the report relates:
The number of employers obligated to contribute to the plan.
A list of the employers that contributed more than 5 percent of the total contributions to the plan during such plan year.
The number of participants under the plan on whose behalf no contributions were made by an employer as an employer of the participant for such plan year and for each of the 2 preceding plan years.
The ratios of—
the number of participants under the plan on whose behalf no employer had an obligation to make an employer contribution during the plan year, to
the number of participants under the plan on whose behalf no employer had an obligation to make an employer contribution during each of the 2 preceding plan years.
Whether the plan received an amortization extension under section 1084(d) of this title or section 431(d) of title 26 for such plan year and, if so, the amount of the difference between the minimum required contribution for the year and the minimum required contribution which would have been required without regard to the extension, and the period of such extension.
Whether the plan used the shortfall funding method (as such term is used in section 1085 of this title) for such plan year and, if so, the amount of the difference between the minimum required contribution for the year and the minimum required contribution which would have been required without regard to the use of such method, and the period of use of such method.
Whether the plan was in critical or endangered status under section 1085 of this title for such plan year, and if so, a summary of any funding improvement or rehabilitation plan (or modification thereto) adopted during the plan year, and the funded percentage of the plan.
The number of employers that withdrew from the plan during the preceding plan year and the aggregate amount of withdrawal liability assessed, or estimated to be assessed, against such withdrawn employers.
In the case of a multiemployer plan that has merged with another plan or to which assets and liabilities have been transferred, the actuarial valuation of the assets and liabilities of each affected plan during the year preceding the effective date of the merger or transfer, based upon the most recent data available as of the day before the first day of the plan year, or other valuation method performed under standards and procedures as the Secretary may prescribe by regulation.
Additional information with respect to pooled employer and multiple employer plans
An annual report under this section for a plan year shall include—
with respect to any plan to which section 1060(a) of this title applies (including a pooled employer plan), a list of employers in the plan and a good faith estimate of the percentage of total contributions made by such employers during the plan year and the aggregate account balances attributable to each employer in the plan (determined as the sum of the account balances of the employees of such employer (and the beneficiaries of such employees)); and
with respect to a pooled employer plan, the identifying information for the person designated under the terms of the plan as the pooled plan provider.
(Pub. L. 93–406, title I, § 103, Sept. 2, 1974, 88 Stat. 841; Pub. L. 96–364, title III, § 307, Sept. 26, 1980, 94 Stat. 1295; Pub. L. 99–272, title XI, § 11016(b)(1), Apr. 7, 1986, 100 Stat. 272; Pub. L. 100–203, title IX, § 9342(a)(1), Dec. 22, 1987, 101 Stat. 1330–371; Pub. L. 101–239, title VII, § 7881(j)(1), Dec. 19, 1989, 103 Stat. 2442; Pub. L. 109–280, title I, § 108(a)(2), (3), formerly § 107(a)(2), (3), title V, § 503(a)(1), (b), Aug. 17, 2006, 120 Stat. 818, 942, 943, renumbered Pub. L. 111–192, title II, § 202(a), June 25, 2010, 124 Stat. 1297; Pub. L. 110–458, title I, § 101(d)(1)(A), Dec. 23, 2008, 122 Stat. 5098; Pub. L. 113–97, title I, §§ 102(b)(5), 104(c), Apr. 7, 2014, 128 Stat. 1116, 1121; Pub. L. 116–94, div. O, title I, § 101(d)(1), Dec. 20, 2019, 133 Stat. 3145.)
cite as: 29 USC 1023