§ 184.
Limitations on leases held, owned or controlled by persons, associations or corporations
Sodium leases or permits, acreage
No person, association, or corporation, except as otherwise provided in this subsection, shall take, hold, own, or control at one time, whether acquired directly from the Secretary under this chapter, or otherwise, sodium leases or permits on an aggregate of more than five thousand one hundred and twenty acres in any one State.
The Secretary may, in his discretion, where the same is necessary in order to secure the economic mining of sodium compounds leasable under this chapter, permit a person, association, or corporation to take or hold sodium leases or permits on up to 30,720 acres in any one State.
Association or stockholder interests, conditions; combined interests
No person, association, or corporation shall take, hold, own or control at one time any interest as a member of an association or as a stockholder in a corporation holding a lease, option, or permit under the provisions of this chapter which, together with the area embraced in any direct holding, ownership or control by him of such a lease, option, or permit or any other interest which he may have as a member of other associations or as a stockholder in other corporations holding, owning or controlling such leases, options, or permits for any kind of minerals, exceeds in the aggregate an amount equivalent to the maximum number of acres of the respective kinds of minerals allowed to any one lessee, optionee, or permittee under this chapter, except that no person shall be charged with his pro rata share of any acreage holdings of any association or corporation unless he is the beneficial owner of more than 10 per centum of the stock or other instruments of ownership or control of such association or corporation, and except that within three years after September 2, 1960 no valid option in existence prior to September 2, 1960 held by a corporation or association on September 2, 1960 shall be chargeable to any stockholder of such corporation or to a member of such association so long as said option shall be so held by such corporation or association under the provisions of this chapter.
No contract for development and operation of any lands leased under this chapter, whether or not coupled with an interest in such lease, and no lease held, owned, or controlled in common by two or more persons, associations, or corporations shall be deemed to create a separate association under the preceding paragraph of this subsection between or among the contracting parties or those who hold, own or control the lease in common, but the proportionate interest of each such party shall be charged against the total acreage permitted to be held, owned or controlled by such party under this chapter. The total acreage so held, owned, or controlled in common by two or more parties shall not exceed, in the aggregate, an amount equivalent to the maximum number of acres of the respective kinds of minerals allowed to any one lessee, optionee, or permittee under this chapter.
Cancellation, forfeiture, or disposal of interests for violation; bona fide purchasers and other valid interests; sale by Secretary; record of proceedings
If any interest in any lease is owned, or controlled, directly or indirectly, by means of stock or otherwise, in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter, the lease may be canceled, or the interest so owned may be forfeited, or the person so owning or controlling the interest may be compelled to dispose of the interest, in any appropriate proceeding instituted by the Attorney General. Such a proceeding shall be instituted in the United States district court for the district in which the leased property or some part thereof is located or in which the defendant may be found.
The right to cancel or forfeit for violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall not apply so as to affect adversely the title or interest of a bona fide purchaser of any lease, interest in a lease, option to acquire a lease or an interest therein, or permit which lease, interest, option, or permit was acquired and is held by a qualified person, association, or corporation in conformity with those provisions, even though the holdings of the person, association, or corporation from which the lease, interest, option, or permit was acquired, or of his predecessor in title (including the original lessee of the United States) may have been canceled or forfeited or may be or may have been subject to cancellation or forfeiture for any such violation. If, in any such proceeding, an underlying lease, interest, option, or permit is canceled or forfeited to the Government and there are valid interests therein or valid options to acquire the lease or an interest therein which are not subject to cancellation, forfeiture, or compulsory disposition, the underlying lease, interest, option, or permit shall be sold by the Secretary to the highest responsible qualified bidder by competitive bidding under general regulations subject to all outstanding valid interests therein and valid options pertaining thereto. Likewise if, in any such proceeding, less than the whole interest in a lease, interest, option, or permit is canceled or forfeited to the Government, the partial interests so canceled or forfeited shall be sold by the Secretary to the highest responsible qualified bidder by competitive bidding under general regulations. If competitive bidding fails to produce a satisfactory offer the Secretary may, in either of these cases, sell the interest in question by such other method as he deems appropriate on terms not less favorable to the Government than those of the best competitive bid received.
The commencement and conclusion of every proceeding under this subsection shall be promptly noted on the appropriate public records of the Bureau of Land Management.
Rules and regulations; notice to and consultation with Attorney General; application of antitrust laws; definitions
At each stage in the formulation and promulgation of rules and regulations concerning coal leasing pursuant to this chapter, and at each stage in the issuance, renewal, and readjustment of coal leases under this chapter, the Secretary of the Interior shall consult with and give due consideration to the views and advice of the Attorney General of the United States.
No coal lease may be issued, renewed, or readjusted under this chapter until at least thirty days after the Secretary of the Interior notifies the Attorney General of the proposed issuance, renewal, or readjustment. Such notification shall contain such information as the Attorney General may require in order to advise the Secretary of the Interior as to whether such lease would create or maintain a situation inconsistent with the antitrust laws. If the Attorney General advises the Secretary of the Interior that a lease would create or maintain such a situation, the Secretary of the Interior may not issue such lease, nor may he renew or readjust such lease for a period not to exceed one year, as the case may be, unless he thereafter conducts a public hearing on the record in accordance with subchapter II of chapter 5 of title 5 and finds therein that such issuance, renewal, or readjustment is necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapter, that it is consistent with the public interest, and that there are no reasonable alternatives consistent with this chapter, the antitrust laws, and the public interest.
Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to convey to any person, association, corporation, or other business organization immunity from civil or criminal liability, or to create defenses to actions, under any antitrust law.
As used in this subsection, the term “antitrust law” means—
the Act entitled “An Act to protect trade and commerce against unlawful restraints and monopolies”, approved
July 2, 1890 (
15 U.S.C. 1 et seq.), as amended;
the Act entitled “An Act to supplement existing laws against unlawful restraints and monopolies, and for other purposes”, approved
October 15, 1914 (
15 U.S.C. 12 et seq.), as amended;
the Federal Trade Commission Act (
15 U.S.C. 41 et seq.), as amended;
sections 73 and 74 of the Act entitled “An Act to reduce taxation, to provide revenue for the Government, and for other purposes”, approved
August 27, 1894 (
15 U.S.C. 8 and 9), as amended; or
the Act of
June 19, 1936, chapter 592 (
15 U.S.C. 13, 13a, 13b, and 21a).
([Feb. 25, 1920, ch. 85, § 27], [41 Stat. 448]; [Apr. 30, 1926, ch. 197], [44 Stat. 373]; [July 3, 1930, ch. 854, § 1], [46 Stat. 1007]; [Mar. 4, 1931, ch. 506], [46 Stat. 1524]; [Aug. 8, 1946, ch. 916, § 6], [60 Stat. 954]; [June 1, 1948, ch. 365], [62 Stat. 285]; [June 3, 1948, ch. 379, § 6], [62 Stat. 291]; [Aug. 2, 1954, ch. 650], [68 Stat. 648]; [Pub. L. 85–122], Aug. 13, 1957, [71 Stat. 341]; [Pub. L. 85–698], Aug. 21, 1958, [72 Stat. 688]; [Pub. L. 86–294, § 1], Sept. 21, 1959, [73 Stat. 571]; [Pub. L. 86–391, § 1(c)], Mar. 18, 1960, [74 Stat. 8]; [Pub. L. 86–705, § 3], Sept. 2, 1960, [74 Stat. 785]; [Pub. L. 88–526, § 1], Aug. 31, 1964, [78 Stat. 710]; [Pub. L. 88–548], Aug. 31, 1964, [78 Stat. 754]; [Pub. L. 94–377], §§ 11, 15, Aug. 4, 1976, [90 Stat. 1090], 1091; [Pub. L. 97–78, § 1(2)], (5), Nov. 16, 1981, [95 Stat. 1070]; [Pub. L. 106–191, § 2], Apr. 28, 2000, [114 Stat. 232]; [Pub. L. 106–463, § 3], Nov. 7, 2000, [114 Stat. 2011]; [Pub. L. 109–58, title III, § 352], Aug. 8, 2005, [119 Stat. 714].)