So in original. Probably should be “activities”.
and functions are subsumed under and subject to the Fund, and the requirements of 31 USC 2
So in original. Probably should be “U.S.C.”
5134(c)(4), (c)(5)(B), and (d) and (e) 3
See References in Text note below.
of the Numismatic Public Enterprise Fund shall apply to the Fund: References in Text
Section 5134(c) of this title, referred to in text, was amended by [Pub. L. 108–15, title I, § 103(d)(2)], Apr. 23, 2003, [117 Stat. 619], which struck out par. (4) and redesignated par. (5) as (4).
[Section 522 of Pub. L. 104–52], which directed the amendment of subchapter III of chapter 51 of this title by adding at the end thereof a new section, but had the ending quotation marks following the section catchline, was executed by adding this section as set out above, to reflect the probable intent of Congress.