U.S Code last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024
§ 1268.
Great Lakes
Findings, purpose, and definitions
The Congress finds that—
the Great Lakes are a valuable national resource, continuously serving the people of the United States and other nations as an important source of food, fresh water, recreation, beauty, and enjoyment;
the United States should seek to attain the goals embodied in the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978, as amended by the Water Quality Agreement of 1987 and any other agreements and amendments, with particular emphasis on goals related to toxic pollutants; and
the Environmental Protection Agency should take the lead in the effort to meet those goals, working with other Federal agencies and State and local authorities.
For purposes of this section, the term—
“Agency” means the Environmental Protection Agency;
“Great Lakes” means Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Huron (including Lake St. Clair), Lake Michigan, and Lake Superior, and the connecting channels (Saint Mary’s River, Saint Clair River, Detroit River, Niagara River, and Saint Lawrence River to the Canadian Border);
“Great Lakes System” means all the streams, rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water within the drainage basin of the Great Lakes;
“Program Office” means the Great Lakes National Program Office established by this section;
“Research Office” means the Great Lakes Research Office established by subsection (d);
“area of concern” means a geographic area located within the Great Lakes, in which beneficial uses are impaired and which has been officially designated as such under Annex 2 of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement;
“Great Lakes States” means the States of Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin;
“Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement” means the bilateral agreement, between the United States and Canada which was signed in 1978 and amended by the Protocol of 1987;
“Lakewide Management Plan” means a written document which embodies a systematic and comprehensive ecosystem approach to restoring and protecting the beneficial uses of the open waters of each of the Great Lakes, in accordance with article VI and Annex 2 of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement;
“Remedial Action Plan” means a written document which embodies a systematic and comprehensive ecosystem approach to restoring and protecting the beneficial uses of areas of concern, in accordance with article VI and Annex 2 of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement;
“site characterization” means a process for monitoring and evaluating the nature and extent of sediment contamination in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s guidance for the assessment of contaminated sediment in an area of concern located wholly or partially within the United States; and
“potentially responsible party” means an individual or entity that may be liable under any Federal or State authority that is being used or may be used to facilitate the cleanup and protection of the Great Lakes.
Great Lakes National Program Office
Great Lakes management
The Program Office shall—
in cooperation with appropriate Federal, State, tribal, and international agencies, and in accordance with section 1251(e) of this title, develop and implement specific action plans to carry out the responsibilities of the United States under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978, as amended by the Water Quality Agreement of 1987 and any other agreements and amendments,; 1
 So in original.
establish a Great Lakes system-wide surveillance network to monitor the water quality of the Great Lakes, with specific emphasis on the monitoring of toxic pollutants;
serve as the liaison with, and provide information to, the Canadian members of the International Joint Commission and the Canadian counterpart to the Agency;
coordinate actions of the Agency (including actions by headquarters and regional offices thereof) aimed at improving Great Lakes water quality; and
coordinate actions of the Agency with the actions of other Federal agencies and State and local authorities, so as to ensure the input of those agencies and authorities in developing water quality strategies and obtain the support of those agencies and authorities in achieving the objectives of such agreement.
Great Lakes water quality guidance
By June 30, 1991, the Administrator, after consultation with the Program Office, shall publish in the Federal Register for public notice and comment proposed water quality guidance for the Great Lakes System. Such guidance shall conform with the objectives and provisions of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, shall be no less restrictive than the provisions of this chapter and national water quality criteria and guidance, shall specify numerical limits on pollutants in ambient Great Lakes waters to protect human health, aquatic life, and wildlife, and shall provide guidance to the Great Lakes States on minimum water quality standards, antidegradation policies, and implementation procedures for the Great Lakes System.
By June 30, 1992, the Administrator, in consultation with the Program Office, shall publish in the Federal Register, pursuant to this section and the Administrator’s authority under this chapter, final water quality guidance for the Great Lakes System.
Within two years after such Great Lakes guidance is published, the Great Lakes States shall adopt water quality standards, antidegradation policies, and implementation procedures for waters within the Great Lakes System which are consistent with such guidance. If a Great Lakes State fails to adopt such standards, policies, and procedures, the Administrator shall promulgate them not later than the end of such two-year period. When reviewing any Great Lakes State’s water quality plan, the agency shall consider the extent to which the State has complied with the Great Lakes guidance issued pursuant to this section.
Remedial Action Plans
For each area of concern for which the United States has agreed to draft a Remedial Action Plan, the Program Office shall ensure that the Great Lakes State in which such area of concern is located—
submits a Remedial Action Plan to the Program Office by June 30, 1991;
submits such Remedial Action Plan to the International Joint Commission by January 1, 1992; and
includes such Remedial Action Plans within the State’s water quality plan by January 1, 1993.
For each area of concern for which Canada has agreed to draft a Remedial Action Plan, the Program Office shall, pursuant to subparagraph (c)(1)(C) of this section, work with Canada to assure the submission of such Remedial Action Plans to the International Joint Commission by June 30, 1991, and to finalize such Remedial Action Plans by January 1, 1993.
For any area of concern designated as such subsequent to November 16, 1990, the Program Office shall (i) if the United States has agreed to draft the Remedial Action Plan, ensure that the Great Lakes State in which such area of concern is located submits such Plan to the Program Office within two years of the area’s designation, submits it to the International Joint Commission no later than six months after submitting it to the Program Office, and includes such Plan in the State’s water quality plan no later than one year after submitting it to the Commission; and (ii) if Canada has agreed to draft the Remedial Action Plan, work with Canada, pursuant to subparagraph (c)(1)(C) of this section, to ensure the submission of such Plan to the International Joint Commission within two years of the area’s designation and the finalization of such Plan no later than eighteen months after submitting it to such Commission.
The Program Office shall compile formal comments on individual Remedial Action Plans made by the International Joint Commission pursuant to section 4(d) of Annex 2 of the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement and, upon request by a member of the public, shall make such comments available for inspection and copying. The Program Office shall also make available, upon request, formal comments made by the Environmental Protection Agency on individual Remedial Action Plans.
Not later than 1 year after November 27, 2002, the Administrator shall submit to Congress a report on such actions, time periods, and resources as are necessary to fulfill the duties of the Agency relating to oversight of Remedial Action Plans under—
this paragraph; and
the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
Lakewide Management Plans
The Administrator, in consultation with the Program Office shall—
by January 1, 1992, publish in the Federal Register a proposed Lakewide Management Plan for Lake Michigan and solicit public comments;
by January 1, 1993, submit a proposed Lakewide Management Plan for Lake Michigan to the International Joint Commission for review; and
by January 1, 1994, publish in the Federal Register a final Lakewide Management Plan for Lake Michigan and begin implementation.
Nothing in this subparagraph 2
 So in original. Probably should be “paragraph”.
shall preclude the simultaneous development of Lakewide Management Plans for the other Great Lakes.
Spills of oil and hazardous materials
5-year plan and program
Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
Focus areas
In carrying out the Initiative, the Administrator shall prioritize programs and projects, to be carried out in coordination with non-Federal partners, that address the priority areas described in the Initiative Action Plan, including—
the remediation of toxic substances and areas of concern;
the prevention and control of invasive species and the impacts of invasive species;
the protection and restoration of nearshore health and the prevention and mitigation of nonpoint source pollution;
habitat and wildlife protection and restoration, including wetlands restoration and preservation; and
accountability, monitoring, evaluation, communication, and partnership activities.
In general
In carrying out the Initiative, the Administrator shall collaborate with other Federal partners, including the Great Lakes Interagency Task Force established by Executive Order No. 13340 (69 Fed. Reg. 29043), to select the best combination of programs and projects for Great Lakes protection and restoration using appropriate principles and criteria, including whether a program or project provides—
the ability to achieve strategic and measurable environmental outcomes that implement the Initiative Action Plan and the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement;
the feasibility of—
prompt implementation;
timely achievement of results; and
resource leveraging; and
the opportunity to improve interagency, intergovernmental, and interorganizational coordination and collaboration to reduce duplication and streamline efforts.
Harmful algal bloom coordinator
Implementation of projects
In general
Subject to subparagraph (J)(ii), funds made available to carry out the Initiative shall be used to strategically implement—
Federal projects;
projects carried out in coordination with States, Indian tribes, municipalities, institutions of higher education, and other organizations; and
operations and activities of the Program Office, including remediation of sediment contamination in areas of concern.
Transfer of funds
With amounts made available for the Initiative each fiscal year, the Administrator may—
transfer not more than the total amount appropriated under subparagraph (J)(i) for the fiscal year to the head of any Federal department or agency, with the concurrence of the department or agency head, to carry out activities to support the Initiative and the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement; and
enter into an interagency agreement with the head of any Federal department or agency to carry out activities described in subclause (I).
Agreements with non-Federal entities
In general
Qualified non-Federal entity
In general
Projects may be carried out under the Initiative on multiple levels, including—
Great Lakes-wide; or
Great Lakes basin-wide.
No funds made available to carry out the Initiative may be used for any water infrastructure activity (other than a green infrastructure project that improves habitat and other ecosystem functions in the Great Lakes) for which financial assistance is received—
from a State water pollution control revolving fund established under subchapter VI;
from a State drinking water revolving loan fund established under section 300j–12 of title 42; or
pursuant to the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act of 2014 (33 U.S.C. 3901 et seq.).
Activities by other Federal agencies
Each relevant Federal department or agency shall, to the maximum extent practicable—
maintain the base level of funding for the Great Lakes activities of that department or agency without regard to funding under the Initiative; and
identify new activities and projects to support the environmental goals of the Initiative.
Revision of Initiative Action Plan
In general
Monitoring and reporting
The Administrator shall—
establish and maintain a process for monitoring and periodically reporting to the public on the progress made in implementing the Initiative Action Plan;
make information about each project carried out under the Initiative Action Plan available on a public website; and
provide to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public Works of the Senate a yearly detailed description of the progress of the Initiative and amounts transferred to participating Federal departments and agencies under subparagraph (D)(ii).
Initiative Action Plan defined
In general
There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this paragraph—
$300,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2017 through 2021;
$375,000,000 for fiscal year 2022;
$400,000,000 for fiscal year 2023;
$425,000,000 for fiscal year 2024;
$450,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; and
$475,000,000 for fiscal year 2026.
Nothing in this paragraph creates, expands, or amends the authority of the Administrator to implement programs or projects under—
this section;
the Initiative Action Plan; or
the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement.
Administrator’s responsibility
The Administrator shall ensure that the Program Office enters into agreements with the various organizational elements of the Agency involved in Great Lakes activities and the appropriate State agencies specifically delineating—
the duties and responsibilities of each such element in the Agency with respect to the Great Lakes;
the time periods for carrying out such duties and responsibilities; and
the resources to be committed to such duties and responsibilities.
Budget item
Confined disposal facilities
The Administrator, in consultation with the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works, shall develop and implement, within one year of November 16, 1990, management plans for every Great Lakes confined disposal facility.
The plan shall provide for monitoring of such facilities, including—
water quality at the site and in the area of the site;
sediment quality at the site and in the area of the site;
the diversity, productivity, and stability of aquatic organisms at the site and in the area of the site; and
such other conditions as the Administrator deems appropriate.
The plan shall identify the anticipated use and management of the site over the following twenty-year period including the expected termination of dumping at the site, the anticipated need for site management, including pollution control, following the termination of the use of the site.
The plan shall identify a schedule for review and revision of the plan which shall not be less frequent than five years after adoption of the plan and every five years thereafter.
Remediation of sediment contamination in areas of concern
In general
Eligible projects
A project meets the requirements of this subparagraph if the project is to be carried out in an area of concern located wholly or partially in the United States and the project—
monitors or evaluates contaminated sediment;
subject to subparagraph (D), implements a plan to remediate contaminated sediment, including activities to restore aquatic habitat that are carried out in conjunction with a project for the remediation of contaminated sediment; or
prevents further or renewed contamination of sediment.
In selecting projects to carry out under this paragraph, the Administrator shall give priority to a project that—
constitutes remedial action for contaminated sediment;
has been identified in a Remedial Action Plan submitted under paragraph (3); and
is ready to be implemented;
will use an innovative approach, technology, or technique that may provide greater environmental benefits, or equivalent environmental benefits at a reduced cost; or
includes remediation to be commenced not later than 1 year after the date of receipt of funds for the project.
The Administrator may not carry out a project under this paragraph for remediation of contaminated sediments located in an area of concern—
if an evaluation of remedial alternatives for the area of concern has not been conducted, including a review of the short-term and long-term effects of the alternatives on human health and the environment;
if the Administrator determines that the area of concern is likely to suffer significant further or renewed contamination from existing sources of pollutants causing sediment contamination following completion of the project;
unless each non-Federal sponsor for the project has entered into a written project agreement with the Administrator under which the party agrees to carry out its responsibilities and requirements for the project; or
unless the Administrator provides assurance that the Agency has conducted a reasonable inquiry to identify potentially responsible parties connected with the site.
Non-Federal share
In general
In-kind contributions
In general
Work performed before project agreement
Credit authorized under this clause for a project carried out under this paragraph—
shall not exceed the non-Federal share of the cost of the project; and
shall not exceed the actual and reasonable costs of the materials and services provided by the non-Federal sponsor, as determined by the Administrator.
Inclusion of certain contributions
Treatment of credit between projects
Non-Federal share
The non-Federal share of the cost of a project carried out under this paragraph—
may include monies paid pursuant to, or the value of any in-kind contribution performed under, an administrative order on consent or judicial consent decree; but
may not include any funds paid pursuant to, or the value of any in-kind contribution performed under, a unilateral administrative order or court order.
Operation and maintenance
Site characterization
In general
Authorization of appropriations
In general
Allocation of funds
Public information program
In general
Authorization of appropriations
Great Lakes research
Establishment of Research Office
Identification of issues
Research exchange
Research program
Research and management coordination
Joint plan
Contents of plan
Each plan prepared under paragraph (1) shall—
identify all proposed research dedicated to activities conducted under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement of 1978, as amended by the Water Quality Agreement of 1987 and any other agreements and amendments,; 1
include the Agency’s assessment of priorities for research needed to fulfill the terms of such Agreement; and
identify all proposed research that may be used to develop a comprehensive environmental data base for the Great Lakes System and establish priorities for development of such data base.
Health research report
Not later than September 30, 1994, the Program Office, in consultation with the Research Office, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, and Great Lakes States shall submit to the Congress a report assessing the adverse effects of water pollutants in the Great Lakes System on the health of persons in Great Lakes States and the health of fish, shellfish, and wildlife in the Great Lakes System. In conducting research in support of this report, the Administrator may, where appropriate, provide for research to be conducted under cooperative agreements with Great Lakes States.
There is authorized to be appropriated to the Administrator to carry out this section not to exceed $3,000,000 for each of fiscal years 1992, 1993, and 1994.
Interagency cooperation
Relationship to existing Federal and State laws and international treaties
Nothing in this section shall be construed—
to affect the jurisdiction, powers, or prerogatives of any department, agency, or officer of the Federal Government or of any State government, or of any tribe, nor any powers, jurisdiction, or prerogatives of any international body created by treaty with authority relating to the Great Lakes; or
to affect any other Federal or State authority that is being used or may be used to facilitate the cleanup and protection of the Great Lakes.
Authorizations of Great Lakes appropriations
There are authorized to be appropriated to the Administrator to carry out this section not to exceed—
$11,000,000 per fiscal year for the fiscal years 1987, 1988, 1989, and 1990, and $25,000,000 for fiscal year 1991;
such sums as are necessary for each of fiscal years 1992 through 2003; and
$25,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2004 through 2008.
(June 30, 1948, ch. 758, title I, § 118, as added Pub. L. 100–4, title I, § 104, Feb. 4, 1987, 101 Stat. 11; amended Pub. L. 100–688, title I, § 1008, Nov. 18, 1988, 102 Stat. 4151; Pub. L. 101–596, title I, §§ 101–106, Nov. 16, 1990, 104 Stat. 3000–3004; Pub. L. 107–303, title I, §§ 102–105, Nov. 27, 2002, 116 Stat. 2355–2358; Pub. L. 110–365, §§ 2, 3, Oct. 8, 2008, 122 Stat. 4021; Pub. L. 113–188, title VII, § 701, Nov. 26, 2014, 128 Stat. 2019; Pub. L. 114–113, div. G, title IV, § 426, Dec. 18, 2015, 129 Stat. 2581; Pub. L. 114–322, title IV, § 5005, Dec. 16, 2016, 130 Stat. 1889; Pub. L. 116–294, § 2, Jan. 5, 2021, 134 Stat. 4899.)
cite as: 33 USC 1268