§ 1274.
In general
The Administrator, in coordination with the States, may provide technical assistance and grants to a municipality or municipal entity to carry out pilot projects relating to the following areas:
Watershed management of wet weather discharges
Stormwater best management practices
Watershed partnerships
Integrated water resource plan
Municipality-wide stormwater management planning
Increased resilience of treatment works
([June 30, 1948, ch. 758], title I, § 122, formerly § 121, as added [Pub. L. 106–554, § 1(a)(4) [div. B, title I, § 112(b)]], Dec. 21, 2000, [114 Stat. 2763], 2763A–225; renumbered § 122, [Pub. L. 109–392, § 2], Dec. 12, 2006, [120 Stat. 2703]; amended [Pub. L. 113–121, title V, § 5011], June 10, 2014, [128 Stat. 1327].)