Historical and Revision Notes | ||
Pub. L. 105–225 | ||
Revised Section | Source (U.S. Code) | Source (Statutes at Large) |
152903 | 36:2903. | Oct. 30, 1984, Pub. L. 98–561, § 3, 98 Stat. 2910. |
Before clause (1), the words “objects” and “for which the corporation is organized” are omitted as unnecessary.
Clauses (6)–(8) restate 36:2903(6) as 3 clauses for clarity.
This amends section 152903(8) of title 36 to correct an inconsistency in the revised title.
1998—Par. (8). Pub. L. 105–354 substituted “corporation” for “Corporation”.