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U.S Code last checked for updates: Mar 09, 2025
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Title 41
Subtitle IV
Chapter 85
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§ 8503. Duties and powers of the...
U.S. Code
§ 8502.
Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled
There is a Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled.
The Committee consists of 15 members appointed by the President as follows:
One officer or employee from each of the following, nominated by the head of the department or agency:
The Department of Agriculture.
The Department of Defense.
The Department of the Army.
The Department of the Navy.
The Department of the Air Force.
The Department of Education.
The Department of Commerce.
The Department of Veterans Affairs.
The Department of Justice.
The Department of Labor.
The General Services Administration.
One member from individuals who are not officers or employees of the Federal Government and who are conversant with the problems incident to the employment of the blind.
One member from individuals who are not officers or employees of the Federal Government and who are conversant with the problems incident to the employment of other severely disabled individuals.
One member from individuals who are not officers or employees of the Federal Government and who represent blind individuals employed in qualified nonprofit agencies for the blind.
One member from individuals who are not officers or employees of the Federal Government and who represent severely disabled individuals (other than blind individuals) employed in qualified nonprofit agencies for other severely disabled individuals.
Terms of Office
Members appointed under paragraph (2), (3), (4), or (5) of subsection (b) shall be appointed for terms of 5 years and may be reappointed if the member meets the qualifications prescribed by those paragraphs.
The members of the Committee shall elect one of the members to be Chairman.
Manner in which filled
A vacancy in the membership of the Committee shall be filled in the manner in which the original appointment was made.
Unfulfilled term
A member appointed under paragraph (2), (3), (4), or (5) of subsection (b) to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which the predecessor was appointed shall be appointed only for the remainder of the term. The member may serve after the expiration of a term until a successor takes office.
Pay and Travel Expenses.—
Amount to which members are entitled
Except as provided in paragraph (2), members of the Committee are entitled to receive the daily equivalent of the maximum annual rate of basic pay payable for level IV of the Executive Schedule for each day (including travel-time) during which they perform services for the Committee. A member is entitled to travel expenses, including a per diem allowance instead of subsistence, as provided under
section 5703 of title 5
Officers or employees of the federal government
Members who are officers or employees of the Federal Government may not receive additional pay because of their service on the Committee.
Appointment and compensation
Subject to rules the Committee may adopt and to chapters 33 and 51 and subchapter III of chapter 53 of title 5, the Chairman may appoint and fix the pay of personnel the Committee determines are necessary to assist it in carrying out this chapter.
Personnel from other entities
On request of the Committee, the head of an entity of the Federal Government may detail, on a reimbursable basis, any personnel of the entity to the Committee to assist it in carrying out this chapter.
Obtaining Official Information
The Committee may secure directly from an entity of the Federal Government information necessary to enable it to carry out this chapter. On request of the Chairman, the head of the entity shall furnish the information to the Committee.
Administrative Support Services
The Administrator of General Services shall provide to the Committee, on a reimbursable basis, administrative support services the Committee requests.
Annual Report
Not later than December 31 of each year, the Committee shall transmit to the President a report that includes the names of the Committee members serving in the prior fiscal year, the dates of Committee meetings in that year, a description of the activities of the Committee under this chapter in that year, and any recommendations for changes in this chapter which the Committee determines are necessary.
Pub. L. 111–350, § 3
Jan. 4, 2011
124 Stat. 3835
cite as:
41 USC 8502
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