§ 1395bbb.
Conditions of participation; protection of individual rights; notification of State entities; use of home health aides; medical equipment; individual’s plan of care; compliance with Federal, State, and local laws and regulations
The conditions of participation that a home health agency is required to meet under this subsection are as follows:
The agency protects and promotes the rights of each individual under its care, including each of the following rights:
The right to be fully informed in advance about the care and treatment to be provided by the agency, to be fully informed in advance of any changes in the care or treatment to be provided by the agency that may affect the individual’s well-being, and (except with respect to an individual adjudged incompetent) to participate in planning care and treatment or changes in care or treatment.
The right to voice grievances with respect to treatment or care that is (or fails to be) furnished without discrimination or reprisal for voicing grievances.
The right to confidentiality of the clinical records described in section 1395x(o)(3) of this title.
The right to have one’s property treated with respect.
The right to be fully informed orally and in writing (in advance of coming under the care of the agency) of—
all items and services furnished by (or under arrangements with) the agency for which payment may be made under this subchapter,
the coverage available for such items and services under this subchapter, subchapter XIX, and any other Federal program of which the agency is reasonably aware,
any charges for items and services not covered under this subchapter and any charges the individual may have to pay with respect to items and services furnished by (or under arrangements with) the agency, and
any changes in the charges or items and services described in clause (i), (ii), or (iii).
The right to be fully informed in writing (in advance of coming under the care of the agency) of the individual’s rights and obligations under this subchapter.
The agency notifies the State entity responsible for the licensing or certification of the agency of a change in—
the corporation, association, or other company responsible for the management of the agency.
Such notice shall be given at the time of the change and shall include the identity of each new person or company described in the previous sentence.
The agency must not use as a home health aide (on a full-time, temporary, per diem, or other basis), any individual to provide items or services described in
section 1395x(m) of this title on or after
January 1, 1990, unless the individual—
has completed a training and competency evaluation program, or a competency evaluation program, that meets the minimum standards established by the Secretary under subparagraph (D), and
is competent to provide such items and services.
For purposes of clause (i), an individual is not considered to have completed a training and competency evaluation program, or a competency evaluation program if, since the individual’s most recent completion of such a program, there has been a continuous period of 24 consecutive months during none of which the individual provided items and services described in
section 1395x(m) of this title for compensation.
The agency must provide, with respect to individuals used as a home health aide by the agency as of July 1, 1989, for a competency evaluation program (as described in subparagraph (A)(i)) and such preparation as may be necessary for the individual to complete such a program by January 1, 1990.
The agency must provide such regular performance review and regular in-service education as assures that individuals used to provide items and services described in
section 1395x(m) of this title are competent to provide those items and services.
The agency must not permit an individual, other than in a training and competency evaluation program that meets the minimum standards established by the Secretary under subparagraph (D), to provide items or services of a type for which the individual has not demonstrated competency.
The Secretary shall establish minimum standards for the programs described in subparagraph (A) by not later than October 1, 1988.
Such standards shall include the content of the curriculum, minimum hours of training, qualification of instructors, and procedures for determination of competency.
Such standards may permit approval of programs offered by or in home health agencies, as well as outside agencies (including employee organizations), and of programs in effect on December 22, 1987; except that they may not provide for the approval of a program offered by or in a home health agency which, within the previous 2 years—
has been determined to be out of compliance with subparagraph (A), (B), or (C);
has been subject to an extended (or partial extended) survey under subsection (c)(2)(D);
has been assessed a civil money penalty described in subsection (f)(2)(A)(i) of not less than $5,000; or
has been subject to the remedies described in subsection (e)(1) or in clauses (ii) or (iii) of subsection (f)(2)(A).
Such standards shall permit a determination that an individual who has completed (before July 1, 1989) a training and competency evaluation program or a competency evaluation program shall be deemed for purposes of subparagraph (A) to have completed a program that is approved by the Secretary under the standards established under this subparagraph if the Secretary determines that, at the time the program was offered, the program met such standards.
In this paragraph, the term “home health aide” means any individual who provides the items and services described in
section 1395x(m) of this title, but does not include an individual—
who is a licensed health professional (as defined in subparagraph (F)), or
who volunteers to provide such services without monetary compensation.
In this paragraph, the term “licensed health professional” means a physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, physical, speech, or occupational therapist, physical or occupational therapy assistant, registered professional nurse, licensed practical nurse, or licensed or certified social worker.
The agency includes an individual’s plan of care required under
section 1395x(m) of this title as part of the clinical records described in section 1395x(
o)(3) of this title.
The agency operates and provides services in compliance with all applicable Federal, State, and local laws and regulations (including the requirements of
section 1320a–3 of this title) and with accepted professional standards and principles which apply to professionals providing items and services in such an agency.
The agency complies with the requirement of
section 1395cc(f) of this title (relating to maintaining written policies and procedures respecting advance directives).
If the Secretary determines on the basis of a standard, extended, or partial extended survey or otherwise, that a home health agency that is certified for participation under this subchapter is no longer in compliance with the requirements specified in or pursuant to section 1395x(
If the Secretary determines on the basis of a standard, extended, or partial extended survey or otherwise, that a home health agency that is certified for participation under this subchapter is no longer in compliance with the requirements specified in or pursuant to section 1395x(o) of this title or subsection (a) and determines that the deficiencies involved do not immediately jeopardize the health and safety of the individuals to whom the agency furnishes items and services, the Secretary may (for a period not to exceed 6 months) impose intermediate sanctions developed pursuant to subsection (f), in lieu of terminating the certification of the agency. If, after such a period of intermediate sanctions, the agency is still no longer in compliance with the requirements specified in or pursuant to section 1395x(o) of this title or subsection (a), the Secretary shall terminate the certification of the agency.
If the Secretary determines that a home health agency that is certified for participation under this subchapter is in compliance with the requirements specified in or pursuant to section 1395x(o) of this title or subsection (a) but, as of a previous period, did not meet such requirements, the Secretary may provide for a civil money penalty under subsection (f)(2)(A)(i) for the days in which it finds that the agency was not in compliance with such requirements.
The Secretary may continue payments under this subchapter with respect to a home health agency not in compliance with the requirements specified in or pursuant to section 1395x(o) of this title or subsection (a) over a period of not longer than 6 months, if—
the State or local survey agency finds that it is more appropriate to take alternative action to assure compliance of the agency with the requirements than to terminate the certification of the agency,
the agency has submitted a plan and timetable for corrective action to the Secretary for approval and the Secretary approves the plan of corrective action, and
the agency agrees to repay to the Federal Government payments received under this subparagraph if the corrective action is not taken in accordance with the approved plan and timetable.
The Secretary shall establish guidelines for approval of corrective actions requested by home health agencies under this subparagraph.
([Aug. 14, 1935, ch. 531], title XVIII, § 1891, as added and amended [Pub. L. 100–203, title IV], §§ 4021(b), 4022(a), 4023(a), Dec. 22, 1987, [101 Stat. 1330–67], 1330–69, 1330–71; [Pub. L. 100–360, title IV, § 411(d)(1)(A)], (2)–(3)(B), July 1, 1988, [102 Stat. 773], 774; [Pub. L. 100–485, title VI, § 608(d)(20)(A)], Oct. 13, 1988, [102 Stat. 2419]; [Pub. L. 101–508, title IV], §§ 4206(d)(2), 4207(i)(1), formerly 4027(i)(1), Nov. 5, 1990, [104 Stat. 1388–116], 1388–123, renumbered [Pub. L. 103–432, title I, § 160(d)(4)], Oct. 31, 1994, [108 Stat. 4444]; [Pub. L. 104–134, title I, § 101(d) [title V, § 516(a)]], Apr. 26, 1996, [110 Stat. 1321–211], 1321–246; renumbered title I, [Pub. L. 104–140, § 1(a)], May 2, 1996, [110 Stat. 1327]; [Pub. L. 105–33, title IV, § 4604(a)], Aug. 5, 1997, [111 Stat. 472]; [Pub. L. 108–173, title VII, § 736(c)(3)], Dec. 8, 2003, [117 Stat. 2356].)