U.S Code last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024
§ 1472.
Loans for housing and buildings on adequate farms
Terms of loan
If the Secretary determines that an applicant is eligible for assistance as provided in section 1471 of this title and that the applicant has the ability to repay in full the sum to be loaned, with interest, giving due consideration to the income and earning capacity of the applicant and his family from the farm and other sources, and the maintenance of a reasonable standard of living for the owner and the occupants of said farm, a loan may be made by the Secretary to said applicant for a period of not to exceed thirty-three years from the making of the loan with interest. The Secretary may accept the personal liability of any person with adequate repayment ability who will cosign the applicant’s note to compensate for any deficiency in the applicant’s repayment ability. At the borrower’s option, the borrower may prepay to the Secretary as escrow agent, on terms and conditions prescribed by him, such taxes, insurance, and other expenses as the Secretary may require in accordance with section 1471(e) of this title.
The Secretary may extend the period of any loan made under this section if the Secretary determines that such extension is necessary to permit the making of such loan to any person whose income does not exceed 60 per centum of the median income for the area and who would otherwise be denied such loan because the payments required under a shorter period would exceed the financial capacity of such person. The aggregate period for which any loan may be extended under this paragraph may not exceed 5 years.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter, a loan may be made under this section for the purchase of a dwelling located on land owned by a community land trust, if the borrower and the loan otherwise meet the requirements applicable to loans under this section.
For purposes of this paragraph, the term “community land trust” means a community housing development organization as such term is defined in section 12704 of this title (except that the requirements under section 12704(6)(C) of this title and section 12704(6)(D) of this title shall not apply for purposes of this paragraph)—
that is not sponsored by a for-profit organization;
that is established to carry out the activities under clause (iii);
acquires parcels of land, held in perpetuity, primarily for conveyance under long-term ground leases;
transfers ownership of any structural improvements located on such leased parcels to the lessees; and
retains a preemptive option to purchase any such structural improvement at a price determined by formula that is designed to ensure that the improvement remains affordable to low- and moderate-income families in perpetuity; and
that has its corporate membership open to any adult resident of a particular geographic area specified in the bylaws of the organization.
Provisions of loan instrument
The instruments under which the loan is made and the security given shall—
provide for security upon the applicant’s equity in the farm or such other security or collateral, if any, as may be found necessary by the Secretary reasonably to assure repayment of the indebtedness;
provide for the repayment of principal and interest in accordance with schedules and repayment plans prescribed by the Secretary, except that any prepayment of a loan made or insured under section 1484 or 1485 of this title shall be subject to the provisions of subsection (c);
except for guaranteed loans, contain the agreement of the borrower that he will, at the request of the Secretary, proceed with diligence to refinance the balance of the indebtedness through cooperative or other responsible private credit sources whenever the Secretary determines, in the light of the borrower’s circumstances, including his earning capacity and the income from the farm, that he is able to do so upon reasonable terms and conditions;
be in such form and contain such covenants as the Secretary shall prescribe to secure the payment of the loan with interest, protect the security, and assure that the farm will be maintained in repair and that waste and exhaustion of the farm will be prevented.
Prepayment and refinancing provisions
The Secretary may not accept an offer to prepay, or request refinancing in accordance with subsection (b)(3) of, any loan made or insured under section 1484 or 1485 of this title pursuant to a contract entered into after December 21, 1979, but before December 15, 1989, unless the Secretary takes appropriate action which will obligate the borrower (and successors in interest thereof) to utilize the assisted housing and related facilities for the purposes specified in section 1484 or 1485 of this title, as the case may be, for a period of—
fifteen years from the date on which the loan was made in the case of a loan made or insured pursuant to a contract entered into after December 21, 1979, but before December 15, 1989, and utilized for housing and related facilities which have not received assistance under section 1490a(a)(1)(B), (a)(2), or (5) of this title or section 1437f of this title; or
twenty years from the date on which the loan was made in the case of any other such loan;
or until the Secretary determines (prior to the end of such period) that there is no longer a need for such housing and related facilities to be so utilized or that Federal or other financial assistance provided to the residents of such housing will no longer be provided.
The Secretary may not accept an offer to prepay, or request refinancing in accordance with subsection (b)(3) of, any initial loan made or insured under section 1485 of this title pursuant to a contract entered into on or after December 15, 1989.
If any loan which was made or insured under section 1484 or 1485 of this title pursuant to a contract entered into prior to December 15, 1989, is prepaid or refinanced on or after October 8, 1980, and tenants of the housing and related facilities financed with such loan are displaced due to a change in the use of the housing, or to an increase in rental or other charges, as a result of such prepayment or refinancing, the Secretary shall provide such tenants a priority for relocation in alternative housing assisted pursuant to this subchapter.
Notice of offer to prepay.—
Not less than 30 days after receiving an offer to prepay any loan made or insured under section 1484 or 1485 of this title, the Secretary shall provide written notice of the offer or request to the tenants of the housing and related facilities involved, to interested nonprofit organizations, and to any appropriate State and local agencies.
Agreement by borrower to extend low income use.—
Before accepting any offer to prepay, or requesting refinancing in accordance with subsection (b)(3) of, any loan made or insured under section 1484 or 1485 of this title pursuant to a contract entered into prior to December 15, 1989, the Secretary shall make reasonable efforts to enter into an agreement with the borrower under which the borrower will make a binding commitment to extend the low income use of the assisted housing and related facilities involved for not less than the 20-year period beginning on the date on which the agreement is executed.
Assistance available to borrower to extend low income use.—
To the extent of amounts provided in appropriation Acts, the agreement under subparagraph (A) may provide for 1 or more of the following forms of assistance that the Secretary, after taking into account local market conditions, determines to be necessary to extend the low income use of the housing and related facilities involved:
Increase in the rate of return on investment.
Reduction of the interest rate on the loan through the provision of interest credits under section 1490a(a)(1)(B) of this title, or additional assistance or an increase in assistance provided under section 1490a(a)(5) of this title.
Additional rental assistance, or an increase in assistance provided under existing contracts, under section 1490a(a)(2) or 1490a(a)(5) of this title or under section 1437f of this title.
An equity loan to the borrower under paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 1485(c) of this title or under paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 1484(j) 1
 See References in Text note below.
of this title, except that an equity loan referred to in this clause may not be made available after August 6, 1996, unless the Secretary determines that the other incentives available under this subparagraph are not adequate to provide a fair return on the investment of the borrower, to prevent prepayment of the loan insured under section 1484 or 1485 of this title, or to prevent the displacement of tenants of the housing for which the loan was made.
Incremental rental assistance in connection with loans under clauses (ii) and (iv) to the extent necessary to avoid increases in the rental payments of current tenants not receiving rental assistance under section 1490a(a)(2) of this title or under section 1437f of this title
, or current tenants of projects not assisted under
In the case of a project that has received rental assistance under section 1437f of this title, permitting the owner to receive rent in excess of the amount determined necessary by the Secretary to defray the cost of long-term repair or maintenance of such a project.
Approval of assistance.—
The Secretary may approve assistance under subparagraph (B) for assisted housing only if the restrictive period has expired for any loan for the housing made or insured under section 1484 or 1485 of this title pursuant to a contract entered into after December 21, 1979, but before December 15, 1989, and the Secretary determines that the combination of assistance provided—
is necessary to provide a fair return on the investment of the borrower; and
is the least costly alternative for the Federal Government that is consistent with carrying out the purposes of this subsection.
Offer to sell to nonprofit organizations and public agencies.—
In general.—
If the Secretary determines after a reasonable period that an agreement will not be entered into with a borrower under paragraph (4), the Secretary shall require the borrower (except as provided in subparagraph (G)) to offer to sell the assisted housing and related facilities involved to any qualified nonprofit organization or public agency at a fair market value determined by 2 independent appraisers, one of whom shall be selected by the Secretary and one of whom shall be selected by the borrower. If the 2 appraisers fail to agree on the fair market value, the Secretary and the borrower shall jointly select a third appraiser, whose appraisal shall be binding on the Secretary and the borrower.
Period for which requirement applicable.—
If, upon the expiration of 180 days after an offer is made to sell housing and related facilities under clause (i), no qualified nonprofit organization or public agency has made a bona fide offer to purchase, the Secretary may accept the offer to prepay, or may request refinancing in accordance with subsection (b)(3) of, the loan. This clause shall apply only when funds are available for purposes of carrying out a transfer under this paragraph.
Qualified nonprofit organizations and public agencies.—
Local nonprofit organization or public agency.—
A local nonprofit organization or public agency may purchase housing and related facilities under this paragraph only if—
the organization or agency is determined by the Secretary to be capable of managing the housing and related facilities (either directly or through a contract) for the remaining useful life of the housing and related facilities; and
the organization or agency has entered into an agreement that obligates it (and successors in interest thereof) to maintain the housing and related facilities as affordable for very low-income families or persons and low income families or persons for the remaining useful life of the housing and related facilities.
National or regional nonprofit organization.—
If the Secretary determines that there is no local nonprofit organization or public agency qualified to purchase the housing and related facilities involved, the Secretary shall require the borrower to offer to sell the assisted housing and related facilities to an existing qualified national or regional nonprofit organization.
Selection of qualified purchaser.—
The Secretary shall promulgate regulations that establish criteria for selecting a qualified nonprofit organization or public agency to purchase housing and related facilities when more than 1 such organization or agency has made a bona fide offer. Such regulations shall give a priority to those organizations or agencies with the greatest experience in developing or managing low income housing or community development projects and with the longest record of service to the community.
Financing of sale.—
To facilitate the sale described in subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall—
to the extent provided in appropriation Acts, make an advance to the nonprofit organization or public agency whose offer to purchase is accepted under this paragraph to cover any direct costs (other than the purchase price) incurred by the organization or agency in purchasing and assuming responsibility for the housing and related facilities involved;
approve the assumption, by the nonprofit organization or public agency involved, of the loan made or insured under section 1484 or 1485 of this title;
to the extent provided in appropriation Acts, transfer any rental assistance payments that are received under section 1490a(a)(2)(A) of this title or under section 1437f of this title, or any assistance payments received under section 1490a(a)(5) of this title, with respect to the housing and related facilities involved; and
to the extent provided in appropriation Acts, provide a loan under section 1485(c)(3) of this title to the nonprofit organization or public agency whose offer to purchase is accepted under this paragraph to enable the organization or agency to purchase the housing and related facilities involved.
Rent limitation and assistance.—
The Secretary shall, to the extent provided in appropriation Acts, provide to each nonprofit organization or public agency purchasing housing and related facilities under this paragraph financial assistance (in the form of monthly payments or forgiveness of debt) in an amount necessary to ensure that the monthly rent payment made by each low income family or person residing in the housing does not exceed the maximum rent permitted under section 1490a(a)(2)(A) of this title or, in the case of housing assisted under section 1490a(a)(5) of this title, does not exceed the rents established for the project under such section.
Restriction on subsequent transfers.—
Except as provided in subparagraph (B)(ii), the Secretary may not approve the transfer of any housing and related facilities purchased under this paragraph during the remaining useful life of the housing and related facilities, unless the Secretary determines that—
the transfer will further the provision of housing and related facilities for low income families or persons; or
there is no longer a need for such housing and related facilities by low income families or persons.
General restriction on prepayments and refinancings.—
Following the transfer of the maximum number of dwelling units set forth in subparagraph (H)(i) in any fiscal year or the maximum number of dwelling units for which budget authority is available in any fiscal year, the Secretary may not accept in such fiscal year any offer to prepay, or request refinancing in accordance with subsection (b)(3) of, any loan made or insured under section 1484 or 1485 of this title pursuant to a contract entered into prior to December 15, 1989, except in accordance with subparagraph (G). The limitation established in this subparagraph shall not apply to an offer to prepay, or request to refinance, if, following the date on which such offer or request is made (or following February 5, 1988, whichever occurs later) a 15-month period expires during which no budget authority is available to carry out this paragraph. For purposes of this subparagraph, the Secretary shall allocate budget authority under this paragraph in the order in which offers to prepay, or request to refinance, are made.
This paragraph shall not apply to any offer to prepay, or any request to refinance in accordance with subsection (b)(3), any loan made or insured under section 1484 or 1485 of this title pursuant to a contract entered into prior to December 15, 1989, if—
the borrower enters into an agreement with the Secretary that obligates the borrower (and successors in interest thereof)—
to utilize the assisted housing and related facilities for the purposes specified in section 1484 or 1485 of this title, as the case may be, for a period determined by the Secretary (but not less than the period described in paragraph (1)(B) calculated from the date on which the loan is made or insured); and
upon termination of the period described in paragraph (1)(B), to offer to sell the assisted housing and related facilities to a qualified nonprofit organization or public agency in accordance with this paragraph; or
the Secretary determines that housing opportunities of minorities will not be materially affected as a result of the prepayment or refinancing, and that—
the borrower (and any successor in interest thereof) are obligated to ensure that tenants of the housing and related facilities financed with the loan will not be displaced due to a change in the use of the housing, or to an increase in rental or other charges, as a result of the prepayment or refinancing; or
there is an adequate supply of safe, decent, and affordable rental housing within the market area of the housing and related facilities and sufficient actions have been taken to ensure that the rental housing will be made available to each tenant upon displacement.
Budget limitation.—
Not more than 5,000 dwelling units may be transferred under this paragraph in any fiscal year, and the budget authority that may be provided under this paragraph for any fiscal year may not exceed the amounts required to carry out this paragraph with respect to such number.
Reimbursement of rural housing insurance fund.—
There are authorized to be appropriated to the Rural Housing Insurance Fund such sums as may be necessary to reimburse the Fund for financial assistance provided under this paragraph, paragraph (4), and section 1487(j)(7) of this title.
For purposes of this paragraph:
Local nonprofit organization.—
The term “local nonprofit organization” means a nonprofit organization that—
has a broad based board reflecting various interests in the community or trade area; and
is a not-for-profit charitable organization whose principal purposes include developing or managing low income housing or community development projects.
Nonprofit organization.—
The term “nonprofit organization” means any private organization—
no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any member, founder, contributor, or individual;
that is approved by the Secretary as to financial responsibility; and
that does not have among its officers or directorate persons or parties with a material interest (or persons or parties related to any person or party with such an interest) in loans financed under section 1485 of this title that have been prepaid.
Notwithstanding section 1490n of this title, the Secretary shall issue final regulations to carry out this paragraph not later than 60 days after February 5, 1988. The Secretary shall provide for the regulations to take effect not later than 45 days after the date on which the regulations are issued.
Dwelling units available to very low-income families or persons
On and after November 30, 1983
not less than 40 percent of the funds approved in appropriation Acts for use under this section shall be set aside and made available only for very low-income families or persons; and
not less than 30 percent of the funds allocated to each State under this section shall be available only for very low-income families or persons.
Manufactured homes; qualifications for loans made or insured; energy conservation requirements
A loan which may be made or insured under this section with respect to housing shall be made or insured with respect to a manufactured home or with respect to a manufactured home and lot, whether such home or such home and lot is real property, personal property, or mixed real and personal property, if—
the manufactured home meets the standards prescribed pursuant to title VI of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 [42 U.S.C. 5401 et seq.];
the manufactured home, or the manufactured home and lot, meets the installation, structural, and site requirements which would apply under title II of the National Housing Act [12 U.S.C. 1707 et seq.]; and
the manufactured home meets the energy conserving requirements established under paragraph (2), or until the energy conserving requirements are established under paragraph (2), the manufactured home meets the energy conserving requirements applicable to housing other than manufactured housing financed under this subchapter.
Energy conserving requirements established by the Secretary for the purpose of paragraph (1)(C) shall—
reduce the operating costs for a borrower by maximizing the energy savings and be cost-effective over the life of the manufactured home or the term of the loan, whichever is shorter, taking into account variations in climate, types of energy used, the cost to modify the home to meet such requirements, and the estimated value of the energy saved over the term of the mortgage; and
be established so that the increase in the annual loan payment resulting from the added energy conserving requirements in excess of those required by the standards prescribed under title VI of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 [42 U.S.C. 5401 et seq.] shall not exceed the projected savings in annual energy costs.
A loan that may be made or insured under this section with respect to a manufactured home on a permanent foundation, or a manufactured home on a permanent foundation and a lot, shall be repayable over the same period as would be applicable under section 203(b) of the National Housing Act [12 U.S.C. 1709(b)].
Remote rural areas
Loan supplements
Deferred mortgage demonstration
Doug Bereuter section 502 single family housing loan guarantee program
Short title
Eligible borrowers
Eligible housing
Loans may be guaranteed pursuant to this subsection only if the loan is used to acquire or construct a single-family residence that is—
to be used as the principal residence of the borrower;
eligible for assistance under this section, section 203(b) of the National Housing Act [12 U.S.C. 1709(b)], or chapter 37 of title 38; and
located in a rural area.
Priority and counseling for first-time homebuyers
In providing guaranteed loans under this subsection, the Secretary shall give priority to first-time homebuyers (as defined in paragraph (17)).
The Secretary may require that, as a condition of receiving a guaranteed loan pursuant to this subsection, a borrower who is a first-time homebuyer successfully complete a program of homeownership counseling under section 1701x(a)(1)(iii) of title 12 and obtain certification from the provider of the program that the borrower is adequately prepared for the obligations of homeownership.
Eligible lenders
Loan terms
Loans guaranteed pursuant to this subsection shall—
be made for a term not to exceed 30 years;
involve a rate of interest that is fixed over the term of the loan and does not exceed the rate for loans guaranteed under chapter 37 of title 38 or comparable loans in the area that are not guaranteed; and
involve a principal obligation (including initial service charges, appraisal, inspection, and other fees as the Secretary may approve)—
for a first-time homebuyer, in any amount not in excess of 100 percent of the appraised value of the property as of the date the loan is accepted or the acquisition cost of the property, whichever is less, plus the guarantee fee as authorized by subsection (h)(7); 2
 So in original. Probably should be subsection “(h)(8)”.
for any borrower other than a first-time homebuyer, in an amount not in excess of the percentage of the property or the acquisition cost of the property that the Secretary shall determine, such percentage or cost in any event not to exceed 100 percent of the appraised value of the property as of the date the loan is accepted or the acquisition cost of the property, whichever is less, plus the guarantee fee as authorized by subsection (h)(7).2
Notwithstanding paragraph (14)(D), with respect to a guaranteed loan issued or modified under this subsection, the Secretary may collect from the lender—
at the time of issuance of the guarantee or modification, a fee not to exceed 3.5 percent of the principal obligation of the loan; and
an annual fee not to exceed 0.5 percent of the outstanding principal balance of the loan for the life of the loan.
Geographical targeting
Loss mitigation
Payment of partial claims and mortgage modifications
The Secretary may authorize the modification of mortgages, and establish a program for payment of a partial claim to a mortgagee that agrees to apply the claim amount to payment of a mortgage on a 1- to 4-family residence, for mortgages that are in default or face imminent default, as defined by the Secretary. Any payment under such program directed to the mortgagee shall be made at the sole discretion of the Secretary and on terms and conditions acceptable to the Secretary, except that—
the amount of the partial claim payment shall be in an amount determined by the Secretary, and shall not exceed an amount equivalent to 30 percent of the unpaid principal balance of the mortgage and any costs that are approved by the Secretary;
the amount of the partial claim payment shall be applied first to any outstanding indebtedness on the mortgage, including any arrearage, but may also include principal reduction;
the mortgagor shall agree to repay the amount of the partial claim to the Secretary upon terms and conditions acceptable to the Secretary;
expenses related to a partial claim or modification are not to be charged to the borrower;
the Secretary may authorize compensation to the mortgagee for lost income on monthly mortgage payments due to interest rate reduction;
the Secretary may reimburse the mortgagee from the appropriate guaranty fund in connection with any activities that the mortgagee is required to undertake concerning repayment by the mortgagor of the amount owed to the Secretary;
the Secretary may authorize payments to the mortgagee on behalf of the borrower, under such terms and conditions as are defined by the Secretary, based on successful performance under the terms of the mortgage modification, which shall be used to reduce the principal obligation under the modified mortgage; and
the Secretary may authorize the modification of mortgages with terms extended up to 40 years from the date of modification.
Program authority
Program requirements
In general
Acceptance of assignment
The Secretary may accept assignment of a mortgage under a program under this subsection only if—
the mortgage is in default or facing imminent default;
the mortgagee has modified the mortgage or qualified the mortgage for modification sufficient to cure the default and provide for mortgage payments the mortgagor is reasonably able to pay, at interest rates not exceeding current market interest rates; and
the Secretary arranges for servicing of the assigned mortgage by a mortgagee (which may include the assigning mortgagee) through procedures that the Secretary has determined to be in the best interests of the appropriate guaranty fund.
Payment of guaranty
After modification of a mortgage pursuant to this paragraph, and assignment of the mortgage, the Secretary may provide guarantees under this subsection for the mortgage. The Secretary may subsequently—
re-assign the mortgage to the mortgagee under terms and conditions as are agreed to by the mortgagee and the Secretary;
act as a Government National Mortgage Association issuer, or contract with an entity for such purpose, in order to pool the mortgage into a Government National Mortgage Association security; or
re-sell the mortgage in accordance with any program that has been established for purchase by the Federal Government of mortgages insured under this subchapter, and the Secretary may coordinate standards for interest rate reductions available for loan modification with interest rates established for such purchase.
Loan servicing
For purposes of this subsection:
The term “displaced homemaker” means an individual who—
is an adult;
has not worked full-time full-year in the labor force for a number of years but has, during such years, worked primarily without remuneration to care for the home and family; and
is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment.
The term “first-time homebuyer” means any individual who (and whose spouse) has had no present ownership in a principal residence during the 3-year period ending on the date of purchase of the property acquired with a guaranteed loan under this subsection except that—
any individual who is a displaced homemaker may not be excluded from consideration as a first-time homebuyer under this subparagraph on the basis that the individual, while a homemaker, owned a home with his or her spouse or resided in a home owned by the spouse; and
any individual who is a single parent may not be excluded from consideration as a first-time homebuyer under this subparagraph on the basis that the individual, while married, owned a home with his or her spouse or resided in a home owned by the spouse.
The term “single parent” means an individual who—
is unmarried or legally separated from a spouse; and
has 1 or more minor children for whom the individual has custody or joint custody; or
is pregnant.
The term “State” means the States of the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Trust Territories of the Pacific, and any other possession of the United States.
Guarantees for refinancing loans
In general
Interest rate
Other requirements
Authority to establish limitation
Delegation of approval
Guaranteed underwriting user fee
Authority; maximum amount
Crediting; availability
(July 15, 1949, ch. 338, title V, § 502, 63 Stat. 433; Pub. L. 87–70, title VIII, § 801(b), June 30, 1961, 75 Stat. 186; Pub. L. 87–723, § 4(a)(2), Sept. 28, 1962, 76 Stat. 671; Pub. L. 89–117, title X, § 1002, Aug. 10, 1965, 79 Stat. 497; Pub. L. 89–754, title VIII, § 802, Nov. 3, 1966, 80 Stat. 1282; Pub. L. 93–383, title V, § 505(b), Aug. 22, 1974, 88 Stat. 693; Pub. L. 95–128, title V, § 502(a), Oct. 12, 1977, 91 Stat. 1139; Pub. L. 96–153, title V, § 503, Dec. 21, 1979, 93 Stat. 1134; Pub. L. 96–399, title V, § 514(a), Oct. 8, 1980, 94 Stat. 1671; Pub. L. 98–181, title I [title V, § 503(a), (d)], Nov. 30, 1983, 97 Stat. 1240, 1241; Pub. L. 98–479, title I, § 105(b)(1), Oct. 17, 1984, 98 Stat. 2226; Pub. L. 100–242, title II, § 241, title III, § 314, Feb. 5, 1988, 101 Stat. 1886, 1897; Pub. L. 100–628, title X, § 1028, Nov. 7, 1988, 102 Stat. 3271; Pub. L. 101–235, title II, § 206, Dec. 15, 1989, 103 Stat. 2041; Pub. L. 101–625, title VII, §§ 704(a), 705(a), 706(b), 719(b), Nov. 28, 1990, 104 Stat. 4283, 4284, 4297; Pub. L. 102–142, title VII, § 743(b), Oct. 28, 1991, 105 Stat. 915; Pub. L. 102–550, title VII, §§ 701(g), 702(a), 703, 704, 712(a), (b), Oct. 28, 1992, 106 Stat. 3834, 3835, 3841; Pub. L. 104–180, title VII, § 734(c)(3)(A), (B), Aug. 6, 1996, 110 Stat. 1602; Pub. L. 105–276, title V, § 599C(e)(2)(A), (f), Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2662, 2663; Pub. L. 106–569, title VII, § 701, Dec. 27, 2000,
cite as: 42 USC 1472