National STEM Teacher Corps pilot2
So in original. Probably should be “reward”.
them for their accomplishments, elevates 3
So in original. Probably should be “elevate”.
their public profile, and creates 4
So in original. Probably should be “create”.
rewarding career paths to which all STEM teachers can aspire, both to prepare future STEM researchers and to create a scientifically literate public.5
So in original. Probably should be “cross-sector”.
STEM organization.6
So in original. Probably should not be capitalized.
has the meaning given the term in 7
So in original. Probably should be “include”.
Section is comprised of [section 10311 of div. B of Pub. L. 117–167]. Subsec. (b) of [section 10311 of div. B of Pub. L. 117–167] amended section 1862q of this title.