U.S Code last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025
§ 2286d.
Board recommendations
Submission of recommendations
Subject to subsections (h) and (i), not later than 30 days before the date on which the Board transmits a recommendation to the Secretary of Energy under section 2286a of this title, the Board shall transmit to the Secretary in writing a draft of such recommendation and any related findings, supporting data, and analyses to ensure the Secretary is adequately informed of a formal recommendation and to provide the Secretary an opportunity to provide input to the Board before such recommendation is finalized.
The Secretary may provide to the Board comments on a draft recommendation transmitted by the Board under paragraph (1) by not later than 30 days after the date on which the Secretary receives the draft recommendation. The Board may grant, upon request by the Secretary, additional time for the Secretary to transmit comments to the Board.
After the period of time in which the Secretary may provide comments under paragraph (2) elapses, the Board may transmit a final recommendation to the Secretary.
Public availability and comment
Subject to subsections (h) and (i), after the Secretary of Energy receives a recommendation from the Board under subsection (a)(3), the Board shall promptly make available to the public such recommendation and any related correspondence from the Secretary by—
providing such recommendation and correspondence to the public in the regional public reading rooms of the Department of Energy; and
publishing in the Federal Register—
such recommendation and correspondence; and
a request for the submission to the Board of public comments on such recommendation that provides interested persons with 30 days after the date of the publication in which to submit comments, data, views, or arguments to the Board concerning the recommendation.
Response by Secretary
The Secretary of Energy shall transmit to the Board, in writing, a statement on whether the Secretary accepts or rejects, in whole or in part, the recommendations submitted to him by the Board under section 2286a of this title, a description of the actions to be taken in response to the recommendations, and his views on such recommendations. The Secretary of Energy shall transmit his response to the Board within 45 days after the date of the publication, under subsection (b), of the notice with respect to such recommendations or within such additional period, not to exceed 45 days, as the Board may grant.
At the same time as the Secretary of Energy transmits his response to the Board under paragraph (1), the Secretary, subject to subsection (i), shall publish such response, together with a request for public comment on his response, in the Federal Register.
Interested persons shall have 30 days after the date of the publication of the Secretary of Energy’s response in which to submit comments, data, views, or arguments to the Board concerning the Secretary’s response.
The Board may hold hearings for the purpose of obtaining public comments on its recommendations and the Secretary of Energy’s response.
Provision of information to Secretary
Final decision
Implementation plan
Subject to paragraph (2), not later than one year after the date on which the Secretary of Energy transmits an implementation plan with respect to a recommendation (or part thereof) under subsection (f), the Secretary shall carry out and complete the implementation plan. If complete implementation of the plan takes more than 1 year, the Secretary of Energy shall submit a report to the Committees on Armed Services, Appropriations, and Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committees on Armed Services, Appropriations, and Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate setting forth the reasons for the delay and when implementation will be completed.
If the Secretary of Energy determines that the implementation of a Board recommendation (or part thereof) is impracticable because of budgetary considerations, or that the implementation would affect the Secretary’s ability to meet the annual nuclear weapons stockpile requirements established pursuant to
In any case in which the Board determines that a recommendation submitted to the Secretary of Energy under section 2286a of this title relates to an imminent or severe threat to public health and safety, the Board and the Secretary of Energy shall proceed under this subsection in lieu of subsections (a) through (e).
At the same time that the Board transmits a recommendation relating to an imminent or severe threat to the Secretary of Energy, the Board shall also transmit the recommendation to the President and for information purposes to the Secretary of Defense. The Secretary of Energy shall submit his recommendation to the President. The President shall review the Secretary of Energy’s recommendation and shall make the decision concerning acceptance or rejection of the Board’s recommendation.
After receipt by the President of the recommendation from the Board under this subsection, the Board promptly shall make such recommendation available to the public and shall transmit such recommendation to the Committees on Armed Services, Appropriations, and Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives and the Committees on Armed Services, Appropriations, and Energy and Natural Resources of the Senate. The President shall promptly notify such committees of his decision and the reasons for that decision.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, the requirements to make information available to the public under this section—
shall not apply in the case of information that is classified; and
shall be subject to the orders and regulations issued by the Secretary of Energy under sections 2167 and 2168 of this title to prohibit dissemination of certain information.
(Aug. 1, 1946, ch. 724, title I, § 315, as added Pub. L. 100–456, div. A, title XIV, § 1441(a)(1), Sept. 29, 1988, 102 Stat. 2080; renumbered title I, Pub. L. 102–486, title IX, § 902(a)(8), Oct. 24, 1992, 106 Stat. 2944; amended Pub. L. 112–239, div. C, title XXXII, § 3202(c), Jan. 2, 2013, 126 Stat. 2218.)
cite as: 42 USC 2286d