There are authorized to be appropriated for each fiscal year commencing after
June 30, 1965, and ending prior to
July 1, 1969, not to exceed (1) $200,000,000 (or $350,000,000 in the case of the fiscal year commencing
July 1, 1968) for grants under
section 3102 of this title, (2) $50,000,000 for grants under
section 3103 of this title, and (3) $25,000,000 for grants under
section 3104 of this title. In addition, there is authorized to be appropriated for grants under
section 3102 of this title not to exceed $115,000,000 for the fiscal year commencing
July 1, 1969, and not to exceed $100,000,000 for the fiscal year commencing
July 1, 1970. In addition, upon the enactment of the Emergency Community Facilities Act of 1970, there is authorized to be appropriated for grants under
section 3102 of this title not to exceed $1,000,000,000 for the fiscal year commencing
July 1, 1970. In addition, there is authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year commencing
July 1, 1971, not to exceed $50,000,000 for grants under
section 3103 of this title. In addition, there are authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year commencing
July 1, 1973, not to exceed $40,000,000 for grants under
section 3103 of this title.