U.S Code last checked for updates: Oct 16, 2024
§ 3535.
Administrative provisions
Transfer of personnel, assets, etc.
Repealed. Pub. L. 90–448, title VIII, § 807(d), Aug. 1, 1968, 82 Stat. 544
Employment, compensation, authority, and duties of personnel
Delegation of authority; rules and regulations
Temporary employment of experts or consultants; compensation
Working capital fund; establishment; uses; appropriations; capitalization; reimbursement
Financial transactions, finality; checking accounts for funds in Treasury; availability of funds for administrative expenses; consolidation of cash for banking and checking purposes
Foreclosure of property; actions for protection and enforcement of rights; purchase of property; dealing with property after such acquisition; deprivation of State court civil and criminal jurisdiction; impairment of civil rights under State laws; application of section 6101 of title 41; annual payments in lieu of local property taxes; sale and exchanges of property; insurance; modification of interest, time for installment payment, and other terms; other covenants, conditions, and provisions
Except as such authority is otherwise expressly provided in any other Act administered by the Secretary, the Secretary is authorized to—
foreclose on any property or commence any action to protect or enforce any right conferred upon him by any law, contract, or other agreement, and bid for and purchase at any foreclosure or any other sale any property in connection with which he has made a loan or grant. In the event of any such acquisition, the Secretary may, notwithstanding any other provision of law relating to the acquisition, handling, or disposal of real property by the United States, complete, administer, remodel and convert, dispose of, lease, and otherwise deal with, such property: Provided, That any such acquisition of real property shall not deprive any State or political subdivision thereof of its civil or criminal jurisdiction in and over such property or impair the civil rights under the State or local laws of the inhabitants on such property: Provided further, That section 6101 of title 41 shall not apply to any contract for services or supplies on account of any property so acquired or owned if the amount of such contract does not exceed $2,500;
enter into agreements to pay annual sums in lieu of taxes to any State or local taxing authority with respect to any real property so acquired or owned;
sell or exchange at public or private sale, or lease, real or personal property, and sell or exchange any securities or obligations, upon such terms as he may fix;
obtain insurance against loss in connection with property and other assets held;
consent to the modification, with respect to the rate of interest, time of payment of any installment of principal or interest, security, or any other term of any contract or agreement to which he is a party or which has been transferred to him; and
include in any contract or instrument such other covenants, conditions, or provisions as he may deem necessary, including any provisions relating to the authority or requirements under paragraph (5).
Fees and charges
Gifts and services, acceptance; taxable status of property; investments; disbursements
The Secretary is authorized to accept and utilize voluntary and uncompensated services and accept, hold, administer, and utilize gifts and bequests of property, both real and personal, for the purpose of aiding or facilitating the work of the Department. Gifts and bequests of money and the proceeds from sales of other property received as gifts or bequests shall be deposited in the Treasury in a separate fund and shall be disbursed upon order of the Secretary. Property accepted pursuant to this paragraph, and the proceeds thereof, shall be used as nearly as possible in accordance with the terms of the gift or bequest.
For the purpose of Federal income, estate, and gift taxes, property accepted under paragraph (1) shall be considered as a gift or bequest to or for use of the United States.
Upon the request of the Secretary, the Secretary of the Treasury may invest and reinvest in securities of the United States or in securities guaranteed as to principal and interest by the United States any moneys contained in the fund provided for in paragraph (1). Income accruing from such securities and from any other property held by the Secretary pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be deposited to the credit of the fund and shall be disbursed upon order of the Secretary.
Consultants; appointment of advisory committees; compensation and travel expenses
Occupancy preference in rental housing for military personnel
Day care center for children of employees of Department; establishment; fees and charges
Agenda of rules or regulations under development or review; transmittal to Congress
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall transmit to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate and the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs of the House of Representatives an agenda of all rules or regulations which are under development or review by the Department. Such an agenda shall be transmitted to such Committees within 30 days of October 31, 1978, and at least semi-annually thereafter.
Any rule or regulation which is on any agenda submitted under paragraph (1) may not be published for comment prior to or during the 15-calendar day period beginning on the day after the date on which such agenda was transmitted. If within such period, either Committee notifies the Secretary in writing that it intends to review any rule or regulation or portion thereof which appears on the agenda, the Secretary shall submit to both Committees a copy of any such rule or regulation, in the form it is intended to be proposed, at least 15 calendar days prior to its being published for comment in the Federal Register.
Any rule or regulation which has not been published for comment before October 31, 1978, and which does not appear on an agenda submitted under paragraph (1) shall be submitted to both such Committees at least 15 calendar days prior to its being published for comment.
No rule or regulation may become effective until after the expiration of the 30-calendar day period beginning on the day after the day on which such rule or regulation is published as final. Any regulation implementing any provision of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989 that authorizes the imposition of a civil money penalty may not become effective until after the expiration of a public comment period of not less than 60 days.
The provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) may be waived upon the written request of the Secretary, if agreed to by the Chairmen and Ranking Minority Members of both Committees.
, (6) Repealed. Pub. L. 101–235, title I, § 123(4), Dec. 15, 1989, 103 Stat. 2021.
The Secretary shall include with each rule or regulation required to be transmitted to the Committees under this subsection a detailed summary of all changes required by the Office of Management and Budget that prohibit, modify, postpone, or disapprove such rule or regulation in whole or part.
Cost-benefit analysis of field reorganizations; requirements, contents, etc.
A plan for the reorganization of any regional, area, insuring, or other field office of the Department of Housing and Urban Development may take effect only upon the expiration of 90 days after publication in the Federal Register of a cost-benefit analysis of the effect of the plan on each office involved. Such cost-benefit analysis shall include, but not be limited to—
an estimate of cost savings supported by background information detailing the source and substantiating the amount of the savings;
an estimate of the additional cost which will result from the reorganization;
a study of the impact on the local economy; and
an estimate of the effect of the reorganization on the availability, accessibility, and quality of services provided for recipients of those services,
where any of the above factors cannot be quantified, the Secretary shall provide a statement on the nature and extent of those factors in the cost-benefit analysis.
Waiver of regulations
Any waiver of regulations of the Department shall be in writing and shall specify the grounds for approving the waiver.
The Secretary may delegate authority to approve a waiver of a regulation only to an individual of Assistant Secretary rank or equivalent rank, who is authorized to issue the regulation to be waived.
The Secretary shall notify the public of all waivers of regulations approved by the Department. The notification shall be included in a notice in the Federal Register published not less than quarterly. Each notification shall cover the period beginning on the day after the last date covered by the prior notification, and shall—
identify the project, activity, or undertaking involved;
describe the nature of the requirement that has been waived and specify the provision involved;
specify the name and title of the official who granted the waiver request;
include a brief description of the grounds for approval of the waiver; and
state how more information about the waiver and a copy of the request and the approval may be obtained.
Any waiver of a provision of a handbook of the Department shall—
be in writing;
specify the grounds for approving the waiver; and
be maintained in indexed form and made available for public inspection for not less than the 3-year period beginning on the date of the waiver.
Program evaluation and monitoring
For the programs listed in paragraph (2), amounts appropriated under this subsection shall be available to the Secretary for evaluating and monitoring of all such programs (including all aspects of the public housing and section 202 programs) and collecting and maintaining data for such purposes. The Secretary shall expend amounts made available under this subsection in accordance with the need and complexity of evaluating and monitoring each such program and collecting and maintaining data for such purposes.
The programs subject to this subsection shall be the programs authorized under—
titles I [42 U.S.C. 1437 et seq.] and II 1
 See References in Text note below.
of the United States Housing Act of 1937;
section 202 of the Housing Act of 1959 [12 U.S.C. 1701q];
section 106 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 [12 U.S.C. 1701x];
the Fair Housing Act [42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq.];
title I [42 U.S.C. 5301 et seq.] and section 810 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974;
section 201 of the Housing and Community Development Amendments of 1978 [12 U.S.C. 1715z–1a];
the Congregate Housing Services Act of 1978 [42 U.S.C. 8001 et seq.];
section 222 of the Housing and Urban-Rural Recovery Act of 1983;
title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act [42 U.S.C. 11360 et seq.]; and
titles II [42 U.S.C. 12721 et seq.], III, and IV and section 811 [42 U.S.C. 8013] of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act.
In conducting evaluations and monitoring pursuant to the authority under this subsection, and collecting and maintaining data pursuant to the authority under this subsection, the Secretary shall determine any need for additional staff and funding relating to evaluating and monitoring the programs under paragraph (2) and collecting and maintaining data for such purposes.
The Secretary may provide for evaluation and monitoring under this subsection and collecting and maintaining data for such purposes directly or by grants, contracts, or interagency agreements. Not more than 50 percent of the amounts made available under paragraph (1) may be used for grants, contracts, or interagency agreements.
Any amounts not used for grants, contracts, or interagency agreements under subparagraph (A) shall be used in a manner that increases and strengthens the ability of the Department to monitor and evaluate the programs under paragraph (2) and to collect and maintain data for such purposes through officers and employees of the Department.
There are authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subsection such sums as may be necessary for fiscal year 1993 and fiscal year 1994. Such amounts shall remain available until expended.
Authorization of appropriations; allocations for staff and training
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, there is authorized to be appropriated for salaries and expenses to carry out the purposes of this section $988,000,000 for fiscal year 1993 and $1,029,496,000 for fiscal year 1994.
Of the amounts authorized to be appropriated by this section, $96,000,000 shall be available for each of the fiscal years 1993 and 1994, which amounts shall be used to provide staff in regional, field, or zone offices of the Department of Housing and Urban Development to review, process, approve, and service applications for mortgage insurance under title II of the National Housing Act [12 U.S.C. 1707 et seq.] for housing consisting of 5 or more dwelling units.
Of the amounts authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section, not less than $5,000,000 of such amount shall be available for each fiscal year exclusively for the purposes of providing ongoing training and capacity building for Department personnel.
Training regarding issues relating to grandparent-headed and relative-headed families
(Pub. L. 89–174, § 7, Sept. 9, 1965, 79 Stat. 669; Pub. L. 90–284, title VIII, § 808(b)(2), Apr. 11, 1968, 82 Stat. 84; Pub. L. 90–448, title VIII, § 807(d), Aug. 1, 1968, 82 Stat. 544; Pub. L. 91–609, title I, § 120(c), title IX, §§ 905, 906, Dec. 31, 1970, 84 Stat. 1775, 1809, 1811; Pub. L. 94–375, §§ 17(d), 21, Aug. 3, 1976, 90 Stat. 1077; Pub. L. 95–557, title III, §§ 316, 324, title IX, § 908, Oct. 31, 1978, 92 Stat. 2099, 2103, 2129; Pub. L. 96–399, title III, § 334(a), Oct. 8, 1980, 94 Stat. 1653; Pub. L. 98–479, title I, § 104(b), Oct. 17, 1984, 98 Stat. 2225; Pub. L. 100–242, title V, § 563(a), Feb. 5, 1988, 101 Stat. 1944; Pub. L. 101–235, title I, §§ 106, 123, 124, 141, Dec. 15, 1989, 103 Stat. 2000, 2021, 2022, 2030; Pub. L. 101–625, title IX, § 954(a), Nov. 28, 1990, 104 Stat. 4420; Pub. L. 102–550, title IX, §§ 902(b), (c), 929, Oct. 28, 1992, 106 Stat. 3867, 3887; Pub. L. 103–233, title I, § 104, Apr. 11, 1994, 108 Stat. 363; Pub. L. 105–362, title VII, § 701(a), Nov. 10, 1998, 112 Stat. 3287; Pub. L. 106–400, § 2, Oct. 30, 2000, 114 Stat. 1675; Pub. L. 108–186, title II, § 204, Dec. 16, 2003, 117 Stat. 2691.)
cite as: 42 USC 3535