U.S Code last checked for updates: Mar 09, 2025
§ 7513a.
Plan provisions and schedules for plan submissions
Moderate Areas
Plan provisions
Each State in which all or part of a Moderate Area is located shall submit, according to the applicable schedule under paragraph (2), an implementation plan that includes each of the following:
For the purpose of meeting the requirements of section 7502(c)(5) of this title, a permit program providing that permits meeting the requirements of section 7503 of this title are required for the construction and operation of new and modified major stationary sources of PM–10.
Either (i) a demonstration (including air quality modeling) that the plan will provide for attainment by the applicable attainment date; or (ii) a demonstration that attainment by such date is impracticable.
Provisions to assure that reasonably available control measures for the control of PM–10 shall be implemented no later than December 10, 1993, or 4 years after designation in the case of an area classified as moderate after November 15, 1990.
Schedule for plan submissions
A State shall submit the plan required under subparagraph (1) no later than the following:
Within 1 year of November 15, 1990, for areas designated nonattainment under section 7407(d)(4) of this title, except that the provision required under subparagraph (1)(A) shall be submitted no later than June 30, 1992.
18 months after the designation as nonattainment, for those areas designated nonattainment after the designations prescribed under section 7407(d)(4) of this title.
Serious Areas
Plan provisions
In addition to the provisions submitted to meet the requirements of paragraph 1
 So in original. Probably should be “subsection”.
(a)(1) (relating to Moderate Areas), each State in which all or part of a Serious Area is located shall submit an implementation plan for such area that includes each of the following:
A demonstration (including air quality modeling)—
that the plan provides for attainment of the PM–10 national ambient air quality standard by the applicable attainment date, or
for any area for which the State is seeking, pursuant to section 7513(e) of this title, an extension of the attainment date beyond the date set forth in section 7513(c) of this title, that attainment by that date would be impracticable, and that the plan provides for attainment by the most expeditious alternative date practicable.
Provisions to assure that the best available control measures for the control of PM–10 shall be implemented no later than 4 years after the date the area is classified (or reclassified) as a Serious Area.
Schedule for plan submissions
Major sources
Plan revisions demonstrating attainment submitted to the Administrator for approval under this subpart shall contain quantitative milestones which are to be achieved every 3 years until the area is redesignated attainment and which demonstrate reasonable further progress, as defined in section 7501(1) of this title, toward attainment by the applicable date.
Not later than 90 days after the date on which a milestone applicable to the area occurs, each State in which all or part of such area is located shall submit to the Administrator a demonstration that all measures in the plan approved under this section have been implemented and that the milestone has been met. A demonstration under this subsection shall be submitted in such form and manner, and shall contain such information and analysis, as the Administrator shall require. The Administrator shall determine whether or not a State’s demonstration under this subsection is adequate within 90 days after the Administrator’s receipt of a demonstration which contains the information and analysis required by the Administrator.
If a State fails to submit a demonstration under paragraph (2) with respect to a milestone within the required period or if the Administrator determines that the area has not met any applicable milestone, the Administrator shall require the State, within 9 months after such failure or determination to submit a plan revision that assures that the State will achieve the next milestone (or attain the national ambient air quality standard for PM–10, if there is no next milestone) by the applicable date.
Failure to attain
PM–10 precursors
(July 14, 1955, ch. 360, title I, § 189, as added Pub. L. 101–549, title I, § 105(a), Nov. 15, 1990, 104 Stat. 2460.)
cite as: 42 USC 7513a