§ 9611.
Uses of Fund
In general
For the purposes specified in this section there is authorized to be appropriated from the Hazardous Substance Superfund established under subchapter A of chapter 98 of title 26 not more than $8,500,000,000 for the 5-year period beginning on October 17, 1986, and not more than $5,100,000,000 for the period commencing October 1, 1991, and ending September 30, 1994, and such sums shall remain available until expended. The preceding sentence constitutes a specific authorization for the funds appropriated under title II of Public Law 99-160 (relating to payment to the Hazardous Substances Trust Fund). The President shall use the money in the Fund for the following purposes:
Payment of any claim for necessary response costs incurred by any other person as a result of carrying out the national contingency plan established under section 1321(c)
See References in Text note below.
of title 33 and amended by
section 9605 of this title:
Provided, however, That such costs must be approved under said plan and certified by the responsible Federal official.
Payment of costs specified under subsection (c) of this section.
Grants for technical assistance.—
The cost of grants under
section 9617(e) of this title (relating to public participation grants for technical assistance).
Lead contaminated soil.—
Payment of not to exceed $15,000,000 for the costs of a pilot program for removal, decontamination, or other action with respect to lead-contaminated soil in one to three different metropolitan areas.
The President shall not pay for any administrative costs or expenses out of the Fund unless such costs and expenses are reasonably necessary for and incidental to the implementation of this subchapter.
Additional authorized purposes
Limitation on payment of natural resource claims
Peripheral matters and limitations
Uses of the Fund under subsection (a) of this section include—
The costs of assessing both short-term and long-term injury to, destruction of, or loss of any natural resources resulting from a release of a hazardous substance.
The costs of Federal or State or Indian tribe efforts in the restoration, rehabilitation, or replacement or acquiring the equivalent of any natural resources injured, destroyed, or lost as a result of a release of a hazardous substance.
Subject to such amounts as are provided in appropriation Acts, the costs of a program to identify, investigate, and take enforcement and abatement action against releases of hazardous substances.
Any costs incurred in accordance with subsection (m) of this section (relating to ATSDR) and
section 9604(i) of this title, including the costs of epidemiologic and laboratory studies, health assessments, preparation of toxicologic profiles, development and maintenance of a registry of persons exposed to hazardous substances to allow long-term health effect studies, and diagnostic services not otherwise available to determine whether persons in populations exposed to hazardous substances in connection with a release or a suspected release are suffering from long-latency diseases.
Subject to such amounts as are provided in appropriation Acts, the costs of providing equipment and similar overhead, related to the purposes of this chapter and
section 1321 of title 33, and needed to supplement equipment and services available through contractors or other non-Federal entities, and of establishing and maintaining damage assessment capability, for any Federal agency involved in strike forces, emergency task forces, or other response teams under the national contingency plan.
Subject to such amounts as are provided in appropriation Acts, the costs of a program to protect the health and safety of employees involved in response to hazardous substance releases. Such program shall be developed jointly by the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and shall include, but not be limited to, measures for identifying and assessing hazards to which persons engaged in removal, remedy, or other response to hazardous substances may be exposed, methods to protect workers from such hazards, and necessary regulatory and enforcement measures to assure adequate protection of such employees.
Evaluation costs under petition provisions of section 9605(d).—
Costs incurred by the President in evaluating facilities pursuant to petitions under
section 9605(d) of this title (relating to petitions for assessment of release).
Contract costs under section 9604(a)(1).—
The costs of contracts or arrangements entered into under
section 9604(a)(1) of this title to oversee and review the conduct of remedial investigations and feasibility studies undertaken by persons other than the President and the costs of appropriate Federal and State oversight of remedial activities at National Priorities List sites resulting from consent orders or settlement agreements.
Acquisition costs under section 9604(j).—
The costs incurred by the President in acquiring real estate or interests in real estate under
section 9604(j) of this title (relating to acquisition of property).
Research, development, and demonstration costs under section 9660.—
The cost of carrying out
section 9660 of this title (relating to research, development, and demonstration), except that the amounts available for such purposes shall not exceed the amounts specified in subsection (n) of this section.
Local government reimbursement.—
Reimbursements to local governments under
section 9623 of this title, except that during the 8-fiscal year period beginning
October 1, 1986, not more than 0.1 percent of the total amount appropriated from the Fund may be used for such reimbursements.
Worker training and education grants.—
The costs of grants under
section 9660a of this title for training and education of workers to the extent that such costs do not exceed $20,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994.
Lead poisoning study.—
The cost of carrying out the study under subsection (f) of section 118 of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (relating to lead poisoning in children).
Additional limitations
No money in the Fund may be used under subsection (c)(1) and (2) of this section, nor for the payment of any claim under subsection (b) of this section, where the injury, destruction, or loss of natural resources and the release of a hazardous substance from which such damages resulted have occurred wholly before December 11, 1980.
No money in the Fund may be used for the payment of any claim under subsection (b) of this section where such expenses are associated with injury or loss resulting from long-term exposure to ambient concentrations of air pollutants from multiple or diffuse sources.
Funding requirements respecting moneys in Fund; limitation on certain claims; Fund use outside Federal property boundaries
Claims against or presented to the Fund shall not be valid or paid in excess of the total money in the Fund at any one time. Such claims become valid only when additional money is collected, appropriated, or otherwise added to the Fund. Should the total claims outstanding at any time exceed the current balance of the Fund, the President shall pay such claims, to the extent authorized under this section, in full in the order in which they were finally determined.
In any fiscal year, 85 percent of the money credited to the Fund under subchapter II 1 of this chapter shall be available only for the purposes specified in paragraphs (1), (2), and (4) of subsection (a) of this section. No money in the Fund may be used for the payment of any claim under subsection (a)(3) or subsection (b) of this section in any fiscal year for which the President determines that all of the Fund is needed for response to threats to public health from releases or threatened releases of hazardous substances.
No money in the Fund shall be available for remedial action, other than actions specified in subsection (c) of this section, with respect to federally owned facilities; except that money in the Fund shall be available for the provision of alternative water supplies (including the reimbursement of costs incurred by a municipality) in any case involving groundwater contamination outside the boundaries of a federally owned facility in which the federally owned facility is not the only potentially responsible party.
Paragraphs (1) and (4) of subsection (a) of this section shall in the aggregate be subject to such amounts as are provided in appropriation Acts.
Obligation of moneys by Federal officials; obligation of moneys or settlement of claims by State officials or Indian tribe
Notice to potential injured parties by owner and operator of vessel or facility causing release of substance; rules and regulations
Repealed. [Pub. L. 99–499, title I, § 111(c)(2)], Oct. 17, 1986, [100 Stat. 1643]
Restoration, etc., of natural resources
Use of Post-closure Liability Fund
Foreign claimants
To the extent that the provisions of this chapter permit, a foreign claimant may assert a claim to the same extent that a United States claimant may assert a claim if—
the release of a hazardous substance occurred (A) in the navigable waters or (B) in or on the territorial sea or adjacent shoreline of a foreign country of which the claimant is a resident;
the claimant is not otherwise compensated for his loss;
the hazardous substance was released from a facility or from a vessel located adjacent to or within the navigable waters or was discharged in connection with activities conducted under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, as amended (
43 U.S.C. 1331 et seq.) or the Deepwater Port Act of 1974, as amended (
33 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.); and
recovery is authorized by a treaty or an executive agreement between the United States and foreign country involved, or if the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Attorney General and other appropriate officials, certifies that such country provides a comparable remedy for United States claimants.
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
Limitations on research, development, and demonstration program
Section 9660(a)
From the amounts available in the Fund, not more than the following amounts may be used for the purposes of
section 9660(a) of this title (relating to hazardous substance research, demonstration, and training activities):
For the fiscal year 1987, $3,000,000.
For the fiscal year 1988, $10,000,000.
For the fiscal year 1989, $20,000,000.
For the fiscal year 1990, $30,000,000.
For each of the fiscal years 1991, 1992, 1993, and 1994, $35,000,000.
Notification procedures for limitations on certain payments
General revenue share of Superfund
In general
The following sums are authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the Hazardous Substance Superfund:
For fiscal year 1987, $212,500,000.
For fiscal year 1988, $212,500,000.
For fiscal year 1989, $212,500,000.
For fiscal year 1990, $212,500,000.
For fiscal year 1991, $212,500,000.
For fiscal year 1992, $212,500,000.
For fiscal year 1993, $212,500,000.
For fiscal year 1994, $212,500,000.
In addition there is authorized to be appropriated to the Hazardous Substance Superfund for each fiscal year an amount equal to so much of the aggregate amount authorized to be appropriated under this subsection (and paragraph (2) of section 9631(b) 1 of this title) as has not been appropriated before the beginning of the fiscal year involved.
([Pub. L. 96–510, title I, § 111], Dec. 11, 1980, [94 Stat. 2788]; [Pub. L. 99–499, title I, § 111], title II, § 207(d), Oct. 17, 1986, [100 Stat. 1642], 1706; [Pub. L. 101–144, title III], Nov. 9, 1989, [103 Stat. 857]; [Pub. L. 101–508, title VI, § 6301], Nov. 5, 1990, [104 Stat. 1388–319].)