U.S Code last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024
§ 9628.
State response programs
Assistance to States
In general
The Administrator may award a grant to a State or Indian tribe that—
has a response program that includes each of the elements, or is taking reasonable steps to include each of the elements, listed in paragraph (2); or
is a party to a memorandum of agreement with the Administrator for voluntary response programs.
Use of grants by States
In general
Additional uses
In addition to the uses under clause (i), a State or Indian tribe may use a grant under this subsection to—
capitalize a revolving loan fund for brownfield remediation under section 9604(k)(3) of this title;
purchase insurance or develop a risk sharing pool, an indemnity pool, or insurance mechanism to provide financing for response actions under a State response program; or
assist small communities, Indian tribes, rural areas, or disadvantaged areas in carrying out activities described in section 9604(k)(7)(A) of this title with respect to brownfield sites.
Small communities, Indian tribes, rural areas, and disadvantaged areas
In general
Inclusion in other grants
In this subparagraph:
Disadvantaged area
Small community
The elements of a State or Indian tribe response program referred to in paragraph (1)(A)(i) are the following:
Timely survey and inventory of brownfield sites in the State.
Oversight and enforcement authorities or other mechanisms, and resources, that are adequate to ensure that—
a response action will—
protect human health and the environment; and
be conducted in accordance with applicable Federal and State law; and
if the person conducting the response action fails to complete the necessary response activities, including operation and maintenance or long-term monitoring activities, the necessary response activities are completed.
Mechanisms and resources to provide meaningful opportunities for public participation, including—
public access to documents that the State, Indian tribe, or party conducting the cleanup is relying on or developing in making cleanup decisions or conducting site activities;
prior notice and opportunity for comment on proposed cleanup plans and site activities; and
a mechanism by which—
a person that is or may be affected by a release or threatened release of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant at a brownfield site located in the community in which the person works or resides may request the conduct of a site assessment; and
an appropriate State official shall consider and appropriately respond to a request under subclause (I).
Mechanisms for approval of a cleanup plan, and a requirement for verification by and certification or similar documentation from the State, an Indian tribe, or a licensed site professional to the person conducting a response action indicating that the response is complete.
Enforcement in cases of a release subject to State program
In general
Except as provided in subparagraph (B) and subject to subparagraph (C), in the case of an eligible response site at which—
there is a release or threatened release of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant; and
a person is conducting or has completed a response action regarding the specific release that is addressed by the response action that is in compliance with the State program that specifically governs response actions for the protection of public health and the environment,
the President may not use authority under this chapter to take an administrative or judicial enforcement action under section 9606(a) of this title or to take a judicial enforcement action to recover response costs under section 9607(a) of this title against the person regarding the specific release that is addressed by the response action.
The President may bring an administrative or judicial enforcement action under this chapter during or after completion of a response action described in subparagraph (A) with respect to a release or threatened release at an eligible response site described in that subparagraph if—
the State requests that the President provide assistance in the performance of a response action;
the Administrator determines that contamination has migrated or will migrate across a State line, resulting in the need for further response action to protect human health or the environment, or the President determines that contamination has migrated or is likely to migrate onto property subject to the jurisdiction, custody, or control of a department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States and may impact the authorized purposes of the Federal property;
after taking into consideration the response activities already taken, the Administrator determines that—
a release or threatened release may present an imminent and substantial endangerment to public health or welfare or the environment; and
additional response actions are likely to be necessary to address, prevent, limit, or mitigate the release or threatened release; or
the Administrator, after consultation with the State, determines that information, that on the earlier of the date on which cleanup was approved or completed, was not known by the State, as recorded in documents prepared or relied on in selecting or conducting the cleanup, has been discovered regarding the contamination or conditions at a facility such that the contamination or conditions at the facility present a threat requiring further remediation to protect public health or welfare or the environment. Consultation with the State shall not limit the ability of the Administrator to make this determination.
Public record
EPA notification
In general
In the case of an eligible response site at which there is a release or threatened release of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant and for which the Administrator intends to carry out an action that may be barred under subparagraph (A), the Administrator shall—
notify the State of the action the Administrator intends to take; and
wait 48 hours for a reply from the State under clause (ii); or
if the State fails to reply to the notification or if the Administrator makes a determination under clause (iii), take immediate action under that clause.
State reply
Not later than 48 hours after a State receives notice from the Administrator under clause (i), the State shall notify the Administrator if—
the release at the eligible response site is or has been subject to a cleanup conducted under a State program; and
the State is planning to abate the release or threatened release, any actions that are planned.
Immediate Federal action
Report to Congress
Savings provision
Costs incurred prior to limitations
Effect on agreements between States and EPA
Nothing in paragraph (1)—
modifies or otherwise affects a memorandum of agreement, memorandum of understanding, or any similar agreement relating to this chapter between a State agency or an Indian tribe and the Administrator that is in effect on or before January 11, 2002 (which agreement shall remain in effect, subject to the terms of the agreement); or
limits the discretionary authority of the President to enter into or modify an agreement with a State, an Indian tribe, or any other person relating to the implementation by the President of statutory authorities.
Effective date
Effect on Federal laws
Nothing in this section affects any liability or response authority under any Federal law, including—
this chapter, except as provided in subsection (b);
the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6901 et seq.);
the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.);
the Toxic Substances Control Act (15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.); and
the Safe Drinking Water Act (42 U.S.C. 300f et seq.).
(Pub. L. 96–510, title I, § 128, as added Pub. L. 107–118, title II, § 231(b), Jan. 11, 2002, 115 Stat. 2375; amended
cite as: 42 USC 9628