Portions of the McElmo Creek unit, Colorado, as components of the Dolores participating project, Colorado River Storage project, authorized by
[Public Law 90–537] [
43 U.S.C. 1501 et seq.] and
[Public Law 84–485] [
43 U.S.C. 620 et seq.], consisting of all measures and all necessary appurtenant and associated works to reduce seepage only from the Towaoc-Highline combined canal, Rocky Ford laterals, Lone Pine lateral, and Upper Hermana lateral, and consisting of measures to replace incidental fish and wildlife values foregone. The Dolores participating project shall have salinity control as a project purpose insofar as these specific facilities are concerned:
Provided, That the costs of construction and replacement of these specific facilities shall be allocated by the Secretary to salinity control and irrigation only after consultation with the State of Colorado, the Montezuma Valley Irrigation District, Colorado, and the Dolores Water Conservancy District, Colorado:
And provided further, That such allocation of costs to salinity control will include only the separable and specific costs of these specific facilities and will not include any joint costs of any other facilities of the Dolores participating project. Repayment of costs allocated to salinity control shall be subject to this chapter. Repayment of costs allocated to irrigation shall be subject to the Acts which authorized the Dolores participating project, the Reclamation Act of 1902, and Acts amendatory and supplementary thereto. Prior to initiation of construction of these specific facilities, or a portion thereof, the Secretary shall enter into contracts through which the non-Federal entities owning, operating, and maintaining the water distribution systems, or portions thereof, in the Montezuma Valley, singly or in concert, will assume the obligations specified in subsection (b)(2) relating to the continued operation and maintenance of the unit’s facilities.