1970—Par. First, (a). Pub. L. 91–234, § 1, substituted “thirty-four members, seventeen of whom shall be selected by the carriers and seventeen” for “thirty-six members, eighteen of whom shall be selected by the carriers and eighteen”.
Par. First, (b). Pub. L. 91–234, § 2, provided that no carrier or system of carriers have more than one voting representative on any division of the National Railroad Adjustment Board.
Par. First, (c). Pub. L. 91–234, § 3, inserted “Except as provided in the second paragraph of subsection (h) of this section” before “the national labor organizations”, and provided that no labor organization have more than one voting representative on any division of the National Railroad Adjustment Board.
Par. First, (h). Pub. L. 91–234, § 4, decreased number of members on First division of Board from ten to eight members, with an accompanying decrease of five to four as number of members of such Board elected respectively by the carriers and by the national labor organizations satisfying the enumerated requirements, and set forth provisos which limited voting by each labor organization or carrier member in any proceedings of the division or in adoption of any award.
Par. First, (k). Pub. L. 91–234, § 5, inserted “except as provided in paragraph (h) of this section” after proviso.
Par. First, (n). Pub. L. 91–234, § 6, inserted “eligible to vote” after “Adjustment Board”.
1966—Par. First, (m). Pub. L. 89–456, § 2(a), struck out “, except insofar as they shall contain a money award” from second sentence.
Par. First, (o). Pub. L. 89–456, § 2(b), inserted provision for a division to make an order to the petitioner stating that an award favorable to the petitioner should not be made in any dispute referred to it.
Par. First, (p). Pub. L. 89–456, § 2(c), (d), substituted in second sentence “conclusive on the parties” for “prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated” and inserted in last sentence reasons for setting aside orders of a division of the Adjustment Board, respectively.
Par. First, (q) to (x). Pub. L. 89–456, § 2(e), added par. (q) and redesignated former pars. (q) to (w) as (r) to (x), respectively.
Par. Second. Pub. L. 89–456, § 1, provided for establishment of special adjustment boards upon request of employees or carriers to resolve disputes otherwise referable to the Adjustment Board and made awards of such boards final.