§ 355.
Findings, hearings, investigations, etc., by Board
Hearing and review of decisions on claims
Each qualified employee whose claim for benefits has been denied in whole or in part upon an initial determination with respect thereto upon a basis other than one which is reviewable pursuant to one of the succeeding paragraphs of this subsection, shall be granted an opportunity for a fair hearing thereon before a referee or such other reviewing body as the Board may establish or assign thereto. In any such case the Board or the person or reviewing body so established or assigned shall, by publication or otherwise, notify all parties properly interested of their right to participate in the hearing and of the time and place of the hearing.
Any claimant whose claim for benefits has been denied in an initial determination with respect thereto upon the basis of his not being a qualified employee, and any claimant who contends that under an initial determination of his claim he has been awarded benefits at less than the proper rate, may appeal to the Board for the review of such determination. Thereupon the Board shall review the determination and for such review may designate one of its officers or employees to receive evidence and to report to the Board thereon together with recommendations. In any such case the Board or the person so designated shall, by publication or otherwise, notify all parties properly interested of their right to participate in the proceeding and, if a hearing is to be held, of the time and place of the hearing. At the request of any party properly interested the Board shall provide for a hearing, and may provide for a hearing on its own motion. The Board shall prescribe regulations governing the appeals provided for in this paragraph and for decisions upon such appeal.
Any base-year employer of a claimant whose claim for benefits has been granted in whole or in part, either in an initial determination with respect thereto or in a determination after a hearing pursuant to paragraph (1), and who contends that the determination is erroneous for a reason or reasons other than a reason that is reviewable under paragraph (4), may appeal to the Board for review
of such determination. Despite such an appeal, the benefits awarded shall be paid to such claimant, subject to recovery by the Board if and to the extent found on the appeal to have been erroneously awarded. The Board shall take such action as is appropriate to recover the amount of such benefits including if feasible adjustment in subsequent payments pursuant to the first two paragraphs of
In any case in which benefits are awarded to a claimant in whole or in part upon the basis of pay earned in the service of a person or company found by the Board to be an employer as defined in this chapter but which denies that it is such an employer, such benefits awarded on such basis shall be paid to such claimant subject to a right of recovery of such benefits. The Board shall thereupon designate one of its officers or employees to receive evidence and to report to the Board on whether such benefits should be repaid. The Board may also designate one of its officers or employees to receive evidence and report to the Board whether or not any person or company is entitled to a refund of contributions or should be required to pay contributions under this chapter, regardless of whether or not any claims for benefits will have been filed upon the basis of service in the employ of such person or company, and shall follow such procedure if contributions are assessed and payment is refused or payment is made and a refund claimed upon the basis that such person or company is or will not have been liable for such contributions. In any such case the Board or the person so designated shall, by publication or otherwise, notify all parties properly interested of their right to participate in the proceeding and, if a hearing is to be held, of the time and place of the hearing. At the request of any party properly interested the Board shall provide for a hearing, and may provide for a hearing on its own motion. The Board shall prescribe regulations governing the proceedings provided for in this paragraph and for decisions upon such proceedings.
Final decision of the Board in the cases provided for in the preceding three paragraphs shall be communicated to the claimant and to the other interested parties within fifteen days after it is made. Any properly interested party notified, as hereinabove provided, of his right to participate in the proceedings may obtain a review of any such decision by which he claims to be aggrieved or the determination of any issue therein in the manner provided in subsection (f) of this section with respect to the review of the Board’s decisions upon claims for benefits and subject to all provisions of law applicable to the review of such decisions. Subject only to such review, the decision of the Board upon all issues determined in such decision shall be final and conclusive for all purposes and shall conclusively establish all rights and obligations, arising under this chapter, of every party notified as hereinabove provided of his right to participate in the proceedings.
For purposes of this subsection and subsections (d) and (f), any base-year employer of the claimant is a properly interested party.
Any issue determinable pursuant to this subsection and subsection (f) of this section shall not be determined in any manner other than pursuant to this subsection and subsection (f).
([June 25, 1938, ch. 680, § 5], [52 Stat. 1099]; [Oct. 10, 1940, ch. 842], §§ 19, 20, [54 Stat. 1098]; [July 31, 1946, ch. 709], §§ 311–316, [60 Stat. 738]; [June 25, 1948, ch. 646], §§ 1, 32(a), [62 Stat. 870], 991; [May 24, 1949, ch. 139, § 127], [63 Stat. 107]; [Pub. L. 85–791, § 23], Aug. 28, 1958, [72 Stat. 948]; [Pub. L. 97–35, title XI, § 1128(a)], Aug. 13, 1981, [95 Stat. 641]; [Pub. L. 98–620, title IV, § 402(47)], Nov. 8, 1984, [98 Stat. 3360]; [Pub. L. 100–647, title VII, § 7104(a)]–(c), Nov. 10, 1988, [102 Stat. 3771].)