Historical and Revision Notes

Section 16 of the bill [H.R. 1442, which became Pub. L. 109–304] moves the definitions relating to the recreational boating safety program from section 2102(a)(1) and (3) to chapter 131 because the terms only appear in chapter 131.

Section 16 of the bill also eliminates the special definitions of “State” and “United States” in section 2102(a)(2) as including the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands because the Trust Territory has been terminated. See the definitions of “State” and “United States” in section 2101, which are being moved to chapter 1 and being made applicable title-wide. Those definitions already include the Northern Mariana Islands, the only component of the former Trust Territory still under United States sovereignty.

Editorial Notes
Prior Provisions

A prior section 13101 was renumbered section 13102 of this title.