Historical and Revision Notes



Source (U.S. Code)

Source (Statutes at Large)


46 App.:354.

R.S. § 4309; Apr. 5, 1906, ch. 1366, § 3, 34 Stat. 100.


46 App.:355.

R.S. § 4310; Apr. 5, 1906, ch. 1366, § 3, 34 Stat. 100.

In this section, the words “certificate of documentation” are substituted for “register” and “papers” for consistency with chapter 121 of title 46. The words “sea-letter, and Mediterranean passport” in R.S. § 4309 are omitted because the use of those documents was discontinued by Presidential proclamation on April 10, 1815. The words “consular officer” are substituted for “consul or vice consul” for consistency with 22 U.S.C. 4205. The words “commercial agent, or vice commercial agent” in R.S. §§ 4309 and 4310 are omitted because of the abolition of the grade of commercial agent by the Act of Apr. 5, 1906 (ch. 1366, 34 Stat. 99).

In subsection (b), the words “or commander” are omitted as unnecessary and for consistency in the section.

In subsection (c), the word “failing” is substituted for “refuses or neglects” to eliminate unnecessary words. The words “liable to the United States Government for a civil penalty” are substituted for “liable to a penalty” for clarity and for consistency in the revised title.