U.S Code last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024
§ 543.
Regulation of rates
Competition preference; local and Federal regulation
In general
Preference for competition
If the Commission finds that a cable system is subject to effective competition, the rates for the provision of cable service by such system shall not be subject to regulation by the Commission or by a State or franchising authority under this section. If the Commission finds that a cable system is not subject to effective competition—
the rates for the provision of basic cable service shall be subject to regulation by a franchising authority, or by the Commission if the Commission exercises jurisdiction pursuant to paragraph (6), in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the Commission under subsection (b); and
the rates for cable programming services shall be subject to regulation by the Commission under subsection (c).
Qualification of franchising authority
A franchising authority that seeks to exercise the regulatory jurisdiction permitted under paragraph (2)(A) shall file with the Commission a written certification that—
the franchising authority will adopt and administer regulations with respect to the rates subject to regulation under this section that are consistent with the regulations prescribed by the Commission under subsection (b);
the franchising authority has the legal authority to adopt, and the personnel to administer, such regulations; and
procedural laws and regulations applicable to rate regulation proceedings by such authority provide a reasonable opportunity for consideration of the views of interested parties.
Approval by Commission
A certification filed by a franchising authority under paragraph (3) shall be effective 30 days after the date on which it is filed unless the Commission finds, after notice to the authority and a reasonable opportunity for the authority to comment, that—
the franchising authority has adopted or is administering regulations with respect to the rates subject to regulation under this section that are not consistent with the regulations prescribed by the Commission under subsection (b);
the franchising authority does not have the legal authority to adopt, or the personnel to administer, such regulations; or
procedural laws and regulations applicable to rate regulation proceedings by such authority do not provide a reasonable opportunity for consideration of the views of interested parties.
If the Commission disapproves a franchising authority’s certification, the Commission shall notify the franchising authority of any revisions or modifications necessary to obtain approval.
Revocation of jurisdiction
Exercise of jurisdiction by Commission
Aggregation of equipment costs
In general
Revision to Commission rules; forms
Establishment of basic service tier rate regulations
Commission obligation to subscribers
Commission regulations
Within 180 days after October 5, 1992, the Commission shall prescribe, and periodically thereafter revise, regulations to carry out its obligations under paragraph (1). In prescribing such regulations, the Commission—
shall seek to reduce the administrative burdens on subscribers, cable operators, franchising authorities, and the Commission;
may adopt formulas or other mechanisms and procedures in complying with the requirements of subparagraph (A); and
shall take into account the following factors:
the rates for cable systems, if any, that are subject to effective competition;
the direct costs (if any) of obtaining, transmitting, and otherwise providing signals carried on the basic service tier, including signals and services carried on the basic service tier pursuant to paragraph (7)(B), and changes in such costs;
only such portion of the joint and common costs (if any) of obtaining, transmitting, and otherwise providing such signals as is determined, in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Commission, to be reasonably and properly allocable to the basic service tier, and changes in such costs;
the revenues (if any) received by a cable operator from advertising from programming that is carried as part of the basic service tier or from other consideration obtained in connection with the basic service tier;
the reasonably and properly allocable portion of any amount assessed as a franchise fee, tax, or charge of any kind imposed by any State or local authority on the transactions between cable operators and cable subscribers or any other fee, tax, or assessment of general applicability imposed by a governmental entity applied against cable operators or cable subscribers;
any amount required, in accordance with paragraph (4), to satisfy franchise requirements to support public, educational, or governmental channels or the use of such channels or any other services required under the franchise; and
a reasonable profit, as defined by the Commission consistent with the Commission’s obligations to subscribers under paragraph (1).
The regulations prescribed by the Commission under this subsection shall include standards to establish, on the basis of actual cost, the price or rate for—
installation and lease of the equipment used by subscribers to receive the basic service tier, including a converter box and a remote control unit and, if requested by the subscriber, such addressable converter box or other equipment as is required to access programming described in paragraph (8); and
installation and monthly use of connections for additional television receivers.
Costs of franchise requirements
Implementation and enforcement
The regulations prescribed by the Commission under this subsection shall include additional standards, guidelines, and procedures concerning the implementation and enforcement of such regulations, which shall include—
procedures by which cable operators may implement and franchising authorities may enforce the regulations prescribed by the Commission under this subsection;
procedures for the expeditious resolution of disputes between cable operators and franchising authorities concerning the administration of such regulations;
standards and procedures to prevent unreasonable charges for changes in the subscriber’s selection of services or equipment subject to regulation under this section, which standards shall require that charges for changing the service tier selected shall be based on the cost of such change and shall not exceed nominal amounts when the system’s configuration permits changes in service tier selection to be effected solely by coded entry on a computer terminal or by other similarly simple method; and
standards and procedures to assure that subscribers receive notice of the availability of the basic service tier required under this section.
Components of basic tier subject to rate regulation
Minimum contents
Each cable operator of a cable system shall provide its subscribers a separately available basic service tier to which subscription is required for access to any other tier of service. Such basic service tier shall, at a minimum, consist of the following:
All signals carried in fulfillment of the requirements of sections 534 and 535 of this title.
Any public, educational, and governmental access programming required by the franchise of the cable system to be provided to subscribers.
Any signal of any television broadcast station that is provided by the cable operator to any subscriber, except a signal which is secondarily transmitted by a satellite carrier beyond the local service area of such station.
Permitted additions to basic tier
Buy-through of other tiers prohibited
Exception; limitation
The prohibition in subparagraph (A) shall not apply to a cable system that, by reason of the lack of addressable converter boxes or other technological limitations, does not permit the operator to offer programming on a per channel or per program basis in the same manner required by subparagraph (A). This subparagraph shall not be available to any cable operator after—
the technology utilized by the cable system is modified or improved in a way that eliminates such technological limitation; or
10 years after October 5, 1992, subject to subparagraph (C).
Regulation of unreasonable rates
Commission regulations
Within 180 days after October 5, 1992, the Commission shall, by regulation, establish the following:
criteria prescribed in accordance with paragraph (2) for identifying, in individual cases, rates for cable programming services that are unreasonable;
fair and expeditious procedures for the receipt, consideration, and resolution of complaints from any franchising authority (in accordance with paragraph (3)) alleging that a rate for cable programming services charged by a cable operator violates the criteria prescribed under subparagraph (A), which procedures shall include the minimum showing that shall be required for a complaint to obtain Commission consideration and resolution of whether the rate in question is unreasonable; and
the procedures to be used to reduce rates for cable programming services that are determined by the Commission to be unreasonable and to refund such portion of the rates or charges that were paid by subscribers after the filing of the first complaint filed with the franchising authority under paragraph (3) and that are determined to be unreasonable.
Factors to be considered
In establishing the criteria for determining in individual cases whether rates for cable programming services are unreasonable under paragraph (1)(A), the Commission shall consider, among other factors—
the rates for similarly situated cable systems offering comparable cable programming services, taking into account similarities in facilities, regulatory and governmental costs, the number of subscribers, and other relevant factors;
the rates for cable systems, if any, that are subject to effective competition;
the history of the rates for cable programming services of the system, including the relationship of such rates to changes in general consumer prices;
the rates, as a whole, for all the cable programming, cable equipment, and cable services provided by the system, other than programming provided on a per channel or per program basis;
capital and operating costs of the cable system, including the quality and costs of the customer service provided by the cable system; and
the revenues (if any) received by a cable operator from advertising from programming that is carried as part of the service for which a rate is being established, and changes in such revenues, or from other consideration obtained in connection with the cable programming services concerned.
Review of rate changes
Sunset of upper tier rate regulation
Uniform rate structure required
Discrimination; services for the hearing impaired
Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed as prohibiting any Federal agency, State, or a franchising authority from—
prohibiting discrimination among subscribers and potential subscribers to cable service, except that no Federal agency, State, or franchising authority may prohibit a cable operator from offering reasonable discounts to senior citizens or other economically disadvantaged group discounts; or
requiring and regulating the installation or rental of equipment which facilitates the reception of cable service by hearing impaired individuals.
Negative option billing prohibited
Collection of information
Prevention of evasions
Small system burdens
Rate regulation agreements
Reports on average prices
In general
Inclusion in report
In general
As used in this section—
The term “effective competition” means that—
fewer than 30 percent of the households in the franchise area subscribe to the cable service of a cable system;
the franchise area is—
served by at least two unaffiliated multichannel video programming distributors each of which offers comparable video programming to at least 50 percent of the households in the franchise area; and
the number of households subscribing to programming services offered by multichannel video programming distributors other than the largest multichannel video programming distributor exceeds 15 percent of the households in the franchise area;
a multichannel video programming distributor operated by the franchising authority for that franchise area offers video programming to at least 50 percent of the households in that franchise area; or
a local exchange carrier or its affiliate (or any multichannel video programming distributor using the facilities of such carrier or its affiliate) offers video programming services directly to subscribers by any means (other than direct-to-home satellite services) in the franchise area of an unaffiliated cable operator which is providing cable service in that franchise area, but only if the video programming services so offered in that area are comparable to the video programming services provided by the unaffiliated cable operator in that area.
The term “cable programming service” means any video programming provided over a cable system, regardless of service tier, including installation or rental of equipment used for the receipt of such video programming, other than (A) video programming carried on the basic service tier, and (B) video programming offered on a per channel or per program basis.
Special rules for small companies
In general
Subsections (a), (b), and (c) do not apply to a small cable operator with respect to—
cable programming services, or
a basic service tier that was the only service tier subject to regulation as of December 31, 1994,
in any franchise area in which that operator services 50,000 or fewer subscribers.
“Small cable operator” defined
Treatment of prior year losses
Streamlined petition process for small cable operators
In general
Definition of small cable operator
(June 19, 1934, ch. 652, title VI, § 623, as added Pub. L. 98–549, § 2, Oct. 30, 1984, 98 Stat. 2788; amended Pub. L. 102–385, § 3(a), Oct. 5, 1992, 106 Stat. 1464; Pub. L. 104–104, title III, § 301(b), (c), (j), (k)(1), Feb. 8, 1996, 110 Stat. 114, 116, 118; Pub. L. 113–200, title I, §§ 110, 111, Dec. 4, 2014, 128 Stat. 2065, 2066; Pub. L. 115–141, div. P, title IV, § 402(e), Mar. 23, 2018, 132 Stat. 1089.)
cite as: 47 USC 543