References in Text
The Central Intelligence Agency Retirement Act of 1964 for Certain Employees, referred to in text, is [Pub. L. 88–643], Oct. 13, 1964, [78 Stat. 1043], which was formerly set out as a note under section 403 of this title. [Pub. L. 88–643] was revised generally by [Pub. L. 102–496, title VIII, § 802], Oct. 24, 1992, [106 Stat. 3196], and is now known as the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement Act. As so revised, title II of [Pub. L. 88–643] is classified generally to this subchapter.
Prior Provisions
A prior [section 202 of Pub. L. 88–643], title II, Oct. 13, 1964, [78 Stat. 1043], related to establishment and maintenance of the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability Fund and was set out as a note under section 403 of this title prior to the general amendment of [Pub. L. 88–643] by [section 802 of Pub. L. 102–496].
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
Effective Date
Section effective on first day of fourth month beginning after Oct. 24, 1992, see [section 805 of Pub. L. 102–496], set out as a note under section 2001 of this title.